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Refereed Track: Pervasive Web & Mobility

Within a few years, most of the devices accessing the Web will be mobile. This big switch is raising significant issues that will affect the rest of the Web. The Pervasive Web and Mobility track of seeks papers in this broad and growing area encompassing networking, systems, and applications issues involved in realizing mobile and pervasive access to the Web. Pervasive Web includes technical issues in extending the reach of the Web to emerging regions. We are interested in a broad range of topics in context of mobile and pervasive Web access, including but not limited to:

  • Implementations and experimental mobile systems
  • Usage evaluations of mobile and wireless systems
  • Web proxies and content adaptation
  • Mobile agents
  • Performance and reliability of mobile systems
  • Infrastructure support for mobility and pervasive Web
  • Data management for mobile and wireless applications
  • Applications and services for mobile users
  • Location and context-aware applications and services
  • Wearable and handheld devices
  • Middleware and service architectures for mobile applications
  • Disconnected and intermittently connected operation
  • System-level energy management for mobile and wireless devices
  • Algorithms and protocols for power management and control
  • Service creation and management environments for mobile/wireless systems
  • Low-cost web access devices and networking for emerging regions

Accepted Papers

Shumeet Baluja
Takuya Maekawa
Takahiro Hara
Shojiro Nishio


PC Members

  • Nina Bhatti, (HP Labs, USA)
  • Jason Flinn, (U Michigan, USA)
  • Ravi Jain, (DoCoMo Labs, USA)
  • Gail Kaiser, (Columbia University, USA)
  • Reiner Ludwig, (Ericsson Research, Germany)
  • Amy Murphy, (U Lugnao, Switzerland)
  • Chandra Narayanaswami, (IBM Research, USA)
  • Chiara Petrioli, (U Roma, Italy)
  • Bhaskaran Raman, (IIT Kanpur, India)
  • Pablo Rodriguez, (Microsoft Research, UK)
  • Bill Schilit, (Intel Research, USA)
  • Thomas Woo (Bell Labs, USA)

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