Refereed Track: Hypermedia and MultimediaThe media is not the only message. How media is composed, be it with video edits, display layouts or hyperlinks, also conveys important information, both for the end-user in final presentations, and for the author in selecting raw media for incorporation into presentations. Since its beginning, such composition has been a fundamental component of the World Wide Web. The Hypermedia and Multimedia Track of WWW2006 brings together the latest research in this field, showing how the Web continues to connect media, ideas and people. Hypermedia and multimedia research investigates how media is composed and how best to exploit this compositional structure. Primary compositional components include space, time and navigation. Here, media is both final presentations and raw source media that can end up in final presentations. Media processing starts with its capture and creation by different people with different tools. We expect it then to connect media in different formats from different locations. Finally, good cutting-edge hypermedia and multimedia should make all media available to anyone, anywhere at any time, in the means best suited for them. Potential topics for contribution to this year's track include:
Accepted PapersCristina Hava Muntean Jennifer McManis Chairs
PC Members
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