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Hans-Peter Schnurr

Speaker Photograph of Hans-Peter Schnurr

Hans-Peter Schnurr, managing director of Ontoprise GmbH, founded the company in 1999. Prior to this he worked at McKinsey & Company focusing on strategic consultancy within the telecommunications, IT and media industry. In 1998, he began his PhD studies at the University of Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB, where he managed a European research project on semantic technologies.

His current research interests include the semantic Web, ontology-based applications and technical aspects of knowledge management. He has published several papers as books, conference and journal contributions, and co-organized the first German knowledge management conference, wm2001, with about 300 participants.

Hans-Peter is co-founder of the German Association for Knowledge Management (GfWM) and board member of several associations and projects in the area of semantic technologies and knowledge management.

Hans-Peter Schnurr has a diploma in industrial engineering and business economics from the University of Karlsruhe.

Talk Title: ontoprise semantic technologies @ KUKA Robot group

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