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Reagan Moore

Speaker Photograph of Reagan Moore

Dr Reagan Moore is Director of Data Intensive Computing Environments at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). He coordinates research efforts in development of data grids, digital libraries, and persistent archives. Moore is the principal investigator for the development of the storage resource broker data grid technology, which is used to support internationally shared collections.

Collaborations using the technology include the NARA research prototype persistent archive, the NHPRC Persistent Archive Testbed, the NSF National Science Digital Library persistent archive, and the California Digital Library - Digital Preservation Repository. Data grids using the technology include the BaBar high energy physics data grid, the Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing, the UK e-Science Data Grid, and the WorldWide Universities Network.

Moore has been at SDSC since its inception, initially being responsible for operating system development. Prior to that he worked as a computational plasma physicist at General Atomics on equilibrium and stability of toroidal fusion devices. He has a PhD in plasma physics from the University of California, San Diego (1978) and a BSc in physics from the California Institute of Technology (1967).


Building Shared Collections using the Storage Resource Broker

The Storage Resource Broker is data grid middleware that is used to organize distributed data into shared collections. The shared collections are accessible by applications (through C library calls, Java class libraries, Python/Perl load libraries), interactive browsers (Web, Perl, PHP, Windows), and digital libraries (DSpace, Fedora). The properties of the shared collection are designed to support preservation environments, digital libraries, real-time sensor systems, and secure data management environments. The types of data management applications that build upon SRB collections will be demonstrated by examining the collections currently supported at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. Descriptions of internationally shared collections will also be presented.

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