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Peggy Miles

Speaker Photograph of Peggy Miles

Long considered one of the most influential people in streaming and digital media, Peggy Miles is a renowned author, consultant, and speaker. She is founder and chairman of the International Webcasting Association, the largest non-profit trade organisation dedicated to the growth and development of webcasting and founder and president of Intervox Communications, a Washington-based digital broadcasting company.

Peggy is the author of numerous books, including Internet World's Guide to Webcasting and Broadcasting on the Net. She sits on several industry boards and associations including the International Academy of TV Arts and Sciences, Digital Media Executives VIP and the Advisory Council ETV World.

Peggy produced the first live webcasts for CBS for the All Stars Game in 1996 and has testified before the U.S. Congress and the Copyright Office on digital rights and digital media subjects. She has been honoured by many companies and industry publications and has a personal mission to foster open communications of information around the world.


The future of emerging media... how it affects you and I, and all communities around the world. From user contributed content... on mobile phones, citizen journalism to multi-lingual communications, and the businesses supporting audio and video around the world, from sponsorship, advertising to future trends and technologies. The future isn't what it used to be. How does podcasting and video blogging fit into media on the net and devices? What kind of content is being distributed around the world on what portals and syndication systems? Does video search work on all devices from pc, tv, to portables? Hear different examples of what's around from the unusual to the mainstream, and what we can possibly expect to see in the next 10 years.

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