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Shawn Burns

Speaker Photograph of Shawn Burns

As managing director of Wunderman Interactive in France, Shawn Burns brings a strong sense of adventure and accountability to his work that translates to stellar results for blue-chip clients including IBM, Sony, Unilever, Motorola, Ford Motor Company and Club Med.

Shawn established Wunderman's first interactive services group in Mexico in 1999. Today, that group manages the e-commerce Web site for Ford Motor Company, selling more vehicles than any other dealership in its network. Most recently, Shawn led the development of an online sales incentive program for IBM in Europe, spanning 30 markets and hundreds of value-added resellers.

Shawn is a recognized expert in the marketing community. He is a frequent speaker on direct marketing at conferences organized by AMA, LIMRA, and LUA, and is often quoted in the industry press. In 2004, Shawn and his interactive team received top honors in the company's Lester Wunderman Award for Marketing Innovation for work on Unilever's variable coupon initiative and web factory initiative.


Next Generation Marketing

The year is 2006 and Marketing is anything but easy. It's getting harder and harder to differentiate brands as time poor consumers are bombarded by a dizzying array of new products and line extensions. Advertising clutter is at an all time high as manufactures, facing the downturn of a 30-second spot, scramble to put messaging on any and all possible vehicles. In the midst of this, technology and the digital ecosystem are the great unknown, proving that change is the only constant and pace can only be accelerated.

For any growing business this begs the question "What is the next generation of marketing?"

Tune in as Wunderman shows how we answer this question for our global clients and lay out the key drivers and considerations for any company planning to do marketing in the next generation.

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