WWW9 Workshops

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WWW9 workshops provide an opportunity to explore current research issues in small, focused group settings. All workshops will be full-day in duration and will take place on Monday, May 15, 2000.

Participation in a workshop in general requires approval of the workshop organizers. Details are provided below for each workshop, with current program information available on the indicated workshop website.


Learning Online


The Web and Mobility


Web Engineering


Multimedia on the Web


Universal Accessibility to the Web


Making Best Use of XML Within the Enterprise


Web Measurement, Metrics and Mathematical Models

W1. Learning Online

This workshop will bring together practitioners from both the academic and the commercial worlds to discuss the issues surrounding learning with the Web. Subject to the position papers received, the workshop will focus on:

  • business/learning hoals
  • audience characteristics/needs
  • social, cultural and ethical Issues
  • development process/team and institutional issues
  • technology issues and tracking effectiveness

Anyone wishing to attend the workshop is asked to submit a position paper. We will use these papers to ensure that the workshop is targeted to attendee needs, and to ensure that attendees have an appropriate level of understanding of web-based learning issues before entering the workshop.

To participate, send inquiries/submissions to d.whittington@elec.gla.ac.uk .

Workshop website: http://cvu.strath.ac.uk/dave/www9workshop/

Organizers: Dave Whittington and Karen Goeller

Dave Whittington is the technical director of Clyde Virtual University (cvu.strath.ac.uk). He is also a lecturer at the University of Glasgow's Robert Clark Centre for Technological Education. He has been working in the field of computer assisted learning for over ten years and has helped chair the last three IW3C2 online learning workshops.

Karen Goeller is Director of Internet Learning Solutions for Telcordia Learning Services. She has worked on developing and refining methods of delivering learning and information products using the Internet since 1985. In her current position, she is responsible for web strategy for Telcordia Learning Services and leads a group of web-based learning developers and consultants.

W2. The Web and Mobility

This workshop will concentrate on the design of the information set which will be presented to the user on the mobile device. The restrictions of the mobile device are very different from what web users and authors are used to. However, new services, for instance those based on position-dependent information, also become possible. We need to investigate the new rules that the restrictions and possibilities of the mobile environment imposes on us.

This means that experiences from both the existing WAP and pre-WAP services, as well as experimental systems implementing mobile web and information access, are of interest. Issues of information scalability, i.e. formatting aspects such as style sheets, cross-presentation such as aural and visual, and content management such as reformulation, personalization, and conditional access, are of interest.

Subject to the position papers received, the following topics will be covered:

  • information design for mobile web services
  • future technologies and technology directions
  • context negotiated services
  • position relevant/location-dependent information services based on the Web
  • results from research projects implementing services
  • service implementations and experiences from service trials and real services
  • design for universal access

To participate, send email to hjelm@w3c.org.

Workshop website: http://www9.org/w2-mobileweb.html

Organizer: Johan Hjelm

Johan Hjelm, Ericsson, is a visiting engineer to the W3C. Additional organizational assistance will be provided by the W3C Team. Johan can be reached on email, hjelm@w3c.org. If needed, a program committee will be organized by members from the WAP Forum and W3C Mobile Access Interest Group.

W3. Web Engineering

Web Engineering is an emerging new discipline focusing on successful development of large, complex Web-based systems and applications. It is concerned with the establishment and use of sound scientific, engineering and management principles and disciplined and systematic approaches to Web-based systems development.

This is the third workshop in a successful series on Web Engineering at the World Wide Web conferences. Unlike other workshops that concentrate on one or more specific Web technologies, languages or standards, it focuses on development processes and methodologies, system design, lifecycle and management of large Web-based systems.

The Workshop brings together a mix of Web-developers, development managers, academics and researchers to assess the problems of large Web-based system development, identify key Web Engineering activities and propose approaches and methods for systematic development of Web-based applications. It also provides a forum to review current work in this area, discuss case studies and best practices, and prepare an agenda for further work.

To participate, send email expressing your interest to: s.murugesan@uws.edu.au.

Workshop website: http://fistserv.macarthur.uws.edu.au/WebE2000.

Organizers: San Murugesan, Yogesh Deshpande and Kenneth Norton

San Murugesan, University of Western Sydney Macarthur, Australia. San has over 25 years of experience in industry, academia and research institutions and his current areas of interest include Web Engineering, intelligent agent, electronic business and enterprise information management. He is a co-guest editor of a forthcoming special issue on Web Engineering of IEEE Multimedia and Chair of the ACM SIGWEB Working Group on Web Engineering. He is a Chapter Tutorial Speaker of the IEEE Computer Society. He has served as Program Chair/Co-Chair of many international workshops/symposia.

Yogesh Deshpande, University of Western Sydney Macarthur, Australia. Yogesh has worked in industry, government and academia for over 30 years and has active research interests in Web Engineering, Web-based Information Systems and Methodologies, Decision Support Systems and Simulation Modeling. He has been working and teaching in the area of Web Engineering and Web-based system development, and has developed a new Masters Program in Web Engineering and Design, which he currently coordinates at the University of Western Sydney Macarthur. He holds Master's qualifications in Statistics and Computer Science from the Indian Statistical Institute, and Master's degree and a doctorate in Operations Research from the London University.

Kenneth Norton recently joined Twelve Entrepreneuring in San Francisco, USA. Previously, he was Chief Technology Officer at NBC Internet, Inc., USA, from May 1999 until March 2000. He served as Vice President of Technology at Snap.com from August 1998 until the formation of NBCi. From July 1996 to August 1998, Mr. Norton was Director of Software Engineering at CNET: The Computer Network. He sat on the Advisory Committee of the W3C at all three companies and is a member of ACM and the IEEE. Mr. Norton has a BA with honors from Boston University and a certificate in project management from the University of California, Berkeley. He is also certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute.

W4. Multimedia on the Web

Text documents containing images have long been commonplace on the Web infrastructure. Multimedia documents, on the other hand, are intrinsically more complex and are only beginning to make an entrance into the Web world - SMIL 1.0 was released as a recommendation in June 1998 and SMIL Boston, the public draft for the next release of SMIL, is currently being worked on.

Web-based multimedia, however, covers broader issues than a single document language. The goals of this workshop are to explore the open issues for web-based multimedia, to gain insights into the potential directions web-based multimedia could go and to obtain a feel for the most fruitful directions.

Among topics to be considered are:

  • (temporal) modeling issues for web-based multimedia;
  • adding temporal relations to existing formats (e.g. (X)HTML, SVG, XML);
  • generation of multimedia;
  • dynamic multimedia;
  • problems of streaming media over the Web;
  • (spatial) Layout issues for multimedia;
  • multimedia style sheets.

To participate, send a short position statement to Lynda.Hardman@cwi.nl.

Workshop website: http://www.cwi.nl/~lynda/www9/.

Organizers: Lynda Hardman and Jacco van Ossenbruggen

Lynda Hardman and Jacco van Ossenbruggen are researchers in the field of hypermedia and multimedia at CWI, The Netherlands, and are members of the W3C SYMM working group.

W5. Universal Accessibility to the Web

This workshop will discuss approaches to web design to ensure universal accessibility: access to all users (regardless of their particular input/output requirements which may relate to their disability or situation), in all situations (at the office, on the road), from all devices (large screen, small screen, no screen at all). We expect the topics to be explored to include:

  • browser design for non-visual or small screen access
  • use of synthetic speech and non-speech sound output for non-visual interaction
  • developments in HTML, CSS, XML, PDF and Java which assist in designing for universal access
  • tools to support design for non-visual access: the WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, the Bobby validator, the TOM text-only maker etc
  • evaluations of the Guidelines, accessible web pages, tools for universal access
  • understanding the information structure of web sites, semiotic and other approaches
  • use of intelligent proxies for document transformation

We hope to create a synergy between people with an interest in access to the web for users with disabilities and people with an interest in access to the web via new devices such as mobile phones, organizers and in-car systems.

To participate, send email to: h.l.petrie@herts.ac.uk.

Organizers: Helen Petrie, Simon Polovina, Chetz Colwell, Michael Paciello, Daniel Dardailler, Jan J. Engelen and Filip Evenepoel

Helen Petrie is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit and the National Centre for Tactile Diagrams at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. Her research interests include web usability, the evaluation of wearable and mobile systems such as mobile phones and access to computer technology, especially the web, for visually impaired users.

Simon Polovina is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire, UK and a Consultant to the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit and the National Centre for Tactile Diagrams. He has interests in Accessible Web Design, Ecommerce, Distributed Multimedia for Multifaceted Devices, Usability, Intelligent Business Systems, and Financial Decision-making.

Chetz Colwell is a PhD student at the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit. Her PhD research includes investigations of the usability of the WAI Content Accessibility Guidelines and the accessibility of web sites constructed following the Guidelines. She also trains visually impaired people in the use of assistive technology and the Web, including web page design.

Michael Paciello is President and Chief Accessibility Officer of WebABLE! Solutions. He is co-founder of the International Committee for Accessible Document Design (ICADD) and former Director of the Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation (YRIF). He is a professional lecturer who has delivered speeches and conducted seminars for 15 years. Mike received recognition in 1997 from The White House and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for launching the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

Daniel Dardailler is the technical lead and project manager of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at W3C. He will address the latest issues in the design of recent Web technologies, such as XML, SVG, Xlink, DOM, XHTML, etc, and how the WAI is working toward making sure that they all enable accessibility. Daniel will also present the work going on in the area of evaluation and repair tools development in the WAI.

Jan J. Engelen is Director of the Research Group on Document Architectures within the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). Since 1979, his research has been oriented towards rehabilitation engineering, especially in software and hardware solutions for blind and visually impaired persons.

Filip Evenepoel specializes in document architectures (structured document models such as SGML and XML), in particular the design and implementation of document models (DTDs), the use and application of metadata and document management systems. Filip was the overall and technical leader of the ARTNet Project (Telematics Application Programme, Project SU 9111) for the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. In this project, he invented and designed the metadata search utility (WWW application) to increase performance and user satisfaction.

W6. Making Best Use of XML Within the Enterprise

It is now generally accepted that XML will become established as a key enabler for Internet-based enterprise information exchange and distributed computing. However it is often difficult for organisations to know how best to introduce XML, given that it can play a role in so many aspects of an enterprise's information and IT architecture, including:

  • information delivery - enabling information to be assembled from multiple sources to meet individual requirements
  • inter-application messaging - enabling data transfer within and between organizations to facilitate EDI and system interoperability
  • intra-application messaging - to supplement or replace such protocols as CORBA, COM/DCOM and Enterprise Java Beans in the development of distributed computing applications.

This Workshop will bring together leading figures from the XML world representing user organisations, software vendors, consultancies and standards bodies. This group will seek to identify the technical and cultural issues involved in introducing XML to the enterprise and the options that are open to organisations in addressing these issues.

The proceedings of the day will be used as input towards the development of a set of materials which will aim to support organisations setting out to establish clear strategies for the adoption of XML. These materials will be made publicly available and presented for discussion and further refinement at the XML Europe 2000 conference.

During the day there will be a mixture of keynote presentations, discussion within the whole group and work within smaller topic groups.

To participate, send email to: Adrian Rivers@rivcom.com.

Workshop website: www.rivcom.com/www9workshop.

The Workshop is being organised as a joint initiative between RivCom, OASIS,and the W3C Office at RAL.

Organizers: Adrian Rivers, Pam Gennusa and Brian Matthews

Adrian Rivers has been a Director for ten years at RivCom, an XML consultancy that has been contributing to the development of the standard through its membership of W3C and OASIS. He has extensive experience in designing and running training workshops. In addition to acting as facilitator on the day, Adrian will be responsible for co-ordinating preparations for the workshop and dissemination after the event.

Pam Gennusa represents OASIS in Europe from her offices in London. OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, is a nonprofit, international consortium dedicated to accelerating the adoption of product-independent formats based on public standards, including SGML, XML, HTML, CGM and others. Pam is perhaps best known for her continuing role as the conference chair of XML Europe and as the former director of Database Publishing Systems Ltd. (DPSL). Pam was instrumental in the founding of OASIS and served as president of the first Board of Directors for the Consortium. She works now to increase visibility for OASIS in Europe and facilitates the contributions of European members to the technical work of the Consortium.

Brian Mathews has a background in mathematics and formal modelling. He now works at RAL as a consultant and software engineer with the W3C Office at RAL, which is hosted by the IT department of the CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (www.itd.clrc.ac.uk), the largest interdisciplinary government research centre in the UK. Brian has extensive experience in the application of XML, DOM, XSL and RDF in science and industry.

W7. Web Measurement, Metrics and Mathematical Models

It is vital for current effective use and future growth that we understand what the Web is, how it is growing, who uses it and how it is changing. Despite recent efforts, measuring, characterizing, and modeling the Web remains a difficult task. Much of this trouble results from the distributed nature of information on the Web, while other sources include the dynamic nature of Web information, the sheer size of the Web, the ever increasing international user base, and the difficulty in being able to claim representativeness.

This workshop is intended to bring together the diverse set of researchers, stake holders, and interested parties in Web measurement, metrics, and models. The first half of the workshop will focus on the state-of-the-art in each of these areas. This will be followed by a discussion of the current set of limitations and necessary elements to make rapid progress.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • graphical and mathematical models of the web
  • appropriate web metrics
  • measurement methods for metrics 
  • statistical sampling of web characteristics
  • static versus temporal data
  • tools for web analysis
  • availability and archiving of web data

The workshop will consist of invited talks and solicited refereed presentations plus a panel to discuss past and future directions. 

Invited Speakers:

  • A. Barabasi, U. of Notre Dame, "19 Degrees of Separation: the Topological Stucture of the WWW"
  • A. Broder, AltaVista, "Web Measurements via Random Queries"
  • B. Huberman, Xerox Parc, "Rules of the Web"
  • J. Kleinberg, Cornell U., "Modeling the Web: Random Graphs, Navigation Strategies, and the Small-World Phenomenon"
  • E. O'Neill, OCLC, "Characteristics of the Web"

To participate, please send a one page abstract to giles@research.nj.nec.com.

Workshop website: http://www.neci.nec.com/~giles/schedule.html.

Organizers: C. Lee Giles, Jim Pitkow and Steve Lawrence

C. Lee Giles is a senior research scientist in Computer Science at NEC Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey. His research interests are in web information retrieval and novel applications of artificial intelligence and statistics applied to the Web and Web search. Recently, he co-authored with Steve Lawrence papers published Science and Nature on the accessibility and distribution of information on the web that that received wide press coverage. He recently taught graduate classes in Computer Science Departments at the U. of Pennsylvania and Columbia U. on "Information Retrieval, Digital Libraries and the Web". He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of AAAI, ACM, AAAS, the U. of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), and the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University.

Jim Pitkow is a member of the Research Staff, Xerox PARC. Jim's expertise centers on understanding empirical regularities in Web ecologies and systems. He received his Doctorate from Georgia Tech, where in 1994 he developed GVU's WWW User Surveys. In addition to an extensive publication and patenting record, Jim is a frequent speaker at academic and industry conferences and has received coverage from USA Today, WSJ, CNN, and PBS. Jim is Chair of the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Characterization Activity.

Steve Lawrence is a Research Scientist at NEC Research Institute, Princeton, NJ. His research interests include information retrieval, web characterization, and machine learning. Dr. Lawrence has published over 50 papers in these areas, including articles in Science, Nature, CACM, and IEEE Computer. Dr. Lawrence has been interviewed by over 50 news organizations including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and NPR. Hundreds of articles about his research have appeared worldwide in over 10 languages.


Updated: May 9, 2000