WWW9 Tutorials

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WWW9 tutorials are designed to cover a wide range of interests on current Web topics, ranging from hands-on learning of how to use XML and its related standards to the latest developments in graphics for the Web and the evolving TV-Web symbiosis. Attendees can choose to attend either a full-day tutorial or two half-day tutorials. All tutorials will take place on Monday May 15, 2000.


XML Boot Camp
Web Protocols, Workloads, Measurement and Caching
Introduction to XSLT and XPath



Web Security
Crafting and Reformulating HTML as XHTML
Digital Payment Systems
RDF, XML and Metadata
Wireless Access Protocol (WAP)
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Practical CSS
WebDAV: Collaborative Web Authoring


TV and the Web
XML Schemas
Event-based Notification on the Web
Internet Privacy and P3P
Solving Java Applet Development Issues
3D Graphics and the Web
Designing Accessible Web Sites for Multifaceted Media
Legal Issues for Doing Business Online


XML Boot Camp

Doug Tidwell

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is currently being touted as a technical innovation comparable in scope to sliced bread and the wheel. In this hands-on tutorial, we'll cut through the hype to show how XML is being used today to create revolutionary e-business applications. You'll learn how to create your own XML document types, how to use XML to exchange data with business partners and suppliers, how to deliver XML-tagged data to any client on any platform, and how to integrate XML technology with your existing systems. By the end of the tutorial, you'll be ready to deploy your own XML-based applications. Attendees should be familiar with HTML; familiarity with programming concepts will be helpful.

Doug Tidwell is a Senior Programmer at IBM. He has over thirteen years of development experience, and has been working with XML-like applications for several years. He is currently occupied as a Cyber Evangelist, helping people evaluate and implement XML and other technologies.

Web Protocols, Workloads, Measurement and Caching

Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jennifer Rexford

This four-part tutorial provides an overview of the various facets of the Web, focusing on the HTTP protocol (HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1), TCP details as they relate to HTTP, and various measurement studies undertaken at the protocol and server level. The first part of the tutorial focuses on HTTP/1.0, Web clients, proxies, servers, and proxy/server logs. The second part describes the interplay between HTTP and TCP, and TCP's impact on Web performance. The third part covers the differences between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1, and provides an overview of Web caching. The last part discusses various techniques for measuring and characterizing Web traffic. Prior knowledge of HTTP and TCP is not required.

Balachander Krishnamurthy is at AT&T Labs-Research. He has published numerous papers related to the HTTP protocol, Web Caching, and Web measurements, is a co-author of an Internet Draft on adding delta encoding and compression to HTTP/1.1, and is a member of the W3C Web Characterization group. Jennifer Rexford is also at AT&T Labs-Research, and is a co-author of several papers on Web traffic characterization, network measurement, and Internet routing. Her research interests include proxy services for multimedia streaming based on the Real-Time Streaming Protocol.

An Introduction to XSLT and XPath

Ken Holman

This tutorial introduces the concepts of the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) and the XML Path Language (XPath). The tutorial overviews the processing model and the basic principles behind the languages as described in the W3C recommendations. Approaches to using XSLT and XPath for each of the display, formatting and arbitrary semantics are reviewed, and the relationship of XSLT to XSL is explained. The objectives are to understand the role and utility of the recommendations, introduce the models upon which the recommendations are built, and identify available documentation and resources. Attendees are expected to have knowledge of XML concepts and syntax.

Mr. G. Ken Holman is the Chief Technology Officer for Crane Softwrights Ltd. He is the current Canadian chair of the ISO subcommittee responsible for the SGML family of standards, an invited expert to the W3C, the author of "Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath", and has often been a speaker at related conferences. Prior to establishing Crane, he spent over 13 years in a software development and consulting services company working in the NAPLPS and the SGML industries.

Half-Day - AM

Web Security

Avi Rubin

This tutorial will focus on the important aspects of security and privacy on the web. What are the threats? What are the key technologies for protecting resources and personal privacy? The first part of the talk will focus on the client. Careless design, implementation and deployment of browsers has led to some interesting and subtle vulnerabilities. The client host is further at risk because of active content such as Java applets and ActiveX controls. Several strategies for protecting resources from these programs will be presented. We then look at some tradeoffs in the protection of web servers. Finally, we explore the growing loss of privacy on the web and the technologies that can be used as countermeasures.

Avi D. Rubin is a Principal Technical Staff Member at AT&T Labs-Research in the secure systems research department, and an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at New York University, where he teaches cryptography and computer security. He is the co-author of the "Web Security Sourcebook". He has served on several program committees for major security conferences and as the program chair for USENIX Security '98, USENIX Technical '99, and ISOC NDSS 2000.

Crafting and Reformulating HTML Pages as XHTML

Kynn Bartlett, Frank Boumphrey, Ann Navarro, and Dave Raggett

This tutorial will show how XHTML can be used to create one set of pages which are truly accessible and suitable for viewing on different media types. There will be a presentation of how to use current XML tools and the DOM, CSS, and XSTL to carry out server side transformations of XHTML to forms suitable for different platform types, and how current tools can be used to convert HTML into XHTML. The tutorial emphasizes how XHTML can be used to create pages that meet all the current accessibility guidelines.

Kynn Bartlett is President of the HTML Writers Guild and Director of the Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education Center. Frank Boumphrey is Vice President of the HTML Writers Guild, a member of the W3C XHTML Working Group, and author of "XML Applications" and "Beginning XHTML". Ann Navarro is Vice President of the HTML Writers guild, a member of the XHTML Working Group, and author of "Mastering XML". Dave Raggett is staff lead of the XHTML Working Group at W3C, and is author of "Raggett on HTML" and "Beginning XHTML".

Digital Payment Systems

Ricarda Weber

This tutorial will cover the current state of the art in digital payment systems, including what the systems of today actually achieve in their support of ecommerce and the problems remaining to be addressed. Different existing and proposed digital payment systems will be explored and compared, taking a detailed look at selected systems such as SET, Ecash, German Geldkarte and IBM-MP. In addition to their system concepts, selected systems will be illustrated with demonstrations and an analysis of actual implementations where possible. A special focus of the tutorial will be on micropayment systems that allow for economical transfer of small payment amounts, since such payment facilities can enable innovative types of electronic businesses over the Web. Different application scenarios, such as catalogue-based shopping for physical goods and fee-based digital libraries, will be examined along with typical problems arising in these contexts.

Ricarda Weber is a computer scientist at the Institut fuer Informatik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen. She has over four years practical project experience in fee-based digital libraries and digital payment systems, and for the last two years has managed the research project Chablis, which deals with integration of digital payment facilities into digital libraries. She regularly gives introductory talks and teaches classes about digital payment systems and their applications.

RDF, XML and Metadata

Neel Sundaresan

Resource Description Framework (RDF) is the language of metadata for the Web. Metadata is data about data, and RDF and its XML serialization provide a mechanism to describe metadata and to convert it into a form that machines and programs can understand. This is what Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, calls the "Semantic Web". In this tutorial you will learn about the RDF model, syntax, schema, and query efforts, and W3C standard specifications. We will describe the relationship between RDF and XML, processors, tools and applications using this technology, case studies, and possible future uses of this technology. Familiarity with XML and some programming language (preferably Java) is required.

Neel Sundaresan is a co-founder of a new venture. Until recently he was a research manager of the eMerging Internet Technologies department at the IBM Almaden Research Center where he pioneered several research projects in the areas of XML and use of XML in novel ways in internet applications. He was a chief architect of IBM's XML/RDF based search engine project called Grand Central Station. He holds a PhD in CS and is the author of over 35 research publications. His areas of interest include Programming Languages and Compilers, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Information Theory, Web Mining, Markup Languages and Systems, and Internet Technologies.

Wireless Access Protocol (WAP)

Don Schuerholz

WAP is an emerging de facto standard for providing Internet access to digital mobile phones, pagers, PDAs and other wireless terminals. The tutorial will begin with an architectural overview of WAP from an application developer's perspective and then focus on the Wireless Markup Language (WML), WMLScript, and the WAP Application Environment (WAE). You will learn how to extend the reach of your Web site to wireless subscribers by developing powerful Web applications and information services for WAP-enabled wireless devices using WML. The tutorial will include a live demonstration of developing a WML application from the ground up, using a phone simulator (PC-based WAP browser) connected to a remote WAP gateway.

Don Schuerholz is Manager of Developer Services for Phone.com, Inc. Since joining Phone.com in 1996 he has provided training to thousands of wireless application developers, and is widely recognized as a leading expert in the WAP development community. He previously worked at Silicon Graphics, creating applications for interactive TV and game consoles, and at GO Corp., where he helped pioneer the PDA market.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Chris Lilley

This tutorial will describe Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), the new W3C specification for mixed vector and raster graphics on the Web. The facilities provided by SVG will be described and demonstrated, and best practices for SVG authoring will also be covered. Since SVG is written in XML and uses other specifications such as XML namespaces, XLink, SMIL Animation, and CSS, the tutorial is also useful as an overview of W3C work in this area, with SVG being seen as an extended case study. Attendees would benefit from prior exposure to XML and some knowledge of graphics, but these are not requirements.

Chris Lilley has been working in Computer Graphics since 1990 and Web Graphics since 1993. He is a member of W3C technical staff, chairs both the SVG and CSS Working Groups, and is W3C Activity Lead for Graphics. He has also contributed to the HTML 2.0, HTML 4.0, CSS1, CSS2, PNG, XSL, and XLink specifications, and is a member of the W3C XML Plenary and the Hypertext Coordination Group.

Practical CSS

Eric Meyer

This tutorial will begin with a brief but comprehensive exploration of the way CSS operates, how it handles content rendering, and where it's heading. This will be followed by an introduction to currently supported CSS properties, how they are used, and ways to use them creatively. The tutorial will wrap up with an assessment of the present and future of CSS support in Web browsers. Throughout, the emphasis will be on techniques which can be used with current Web browsers, and the need to consider content display in older browsers. Audience questions and participation will be strongly encouraged.

Eric Meyer is currently Hypermedia Systems Manager for Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, a regular columnist with "Web Review," an Invited Expert with the W3C CSS&FP Working Group, and coordinator of the W3C's CSS Test Suite. His site documenting CSS support in current browsers is considered one of the best available. He is also author of "CSS: The Definitive Guide," to be published by O'Reilly and Associates in spring 2000.

WebDAV: Collaborative Web Authoring

Rohit Khare and Jim Whitehead

At present, the Web is primarily a read-only medium, providing excellent support for browsing content but limited support for authoring new content. WebDAV, for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning, is a standard nearing completion within the IETF for extending the Web with collaborative authoring capability. By using WebDAV operations, both existing HTML authoring applications and more traditional word processing and spreadsheet applications can be enabled for collaborative authoring, allowing remote collaborative editing of a wide variety of data. This tutorial will give an overview of the WebDAV protocol and the related DAV Searching and Locating (DASL) effort. Some knowledge of HTTP is assumed, although a brief overview of this protocol will be included.

Rohit Khare and Jim Whitehead are principals at 4K Associates, Inc, an Internet standards strategy consultancy, and are also PhD candidates at the University of California Irvine. Rohit Khare was previously on the technical staff of the W3C at MIT, where he focused on security and electronic commerce issues, and was editor of the World Wide Web Journal published by O'Reilly & Associates. Jim Whitehead is the Chair of the IETF WebDAV working group, and has led several student teams developing prototype WebDAV implementations, including the WebDAV Explorer client and an automated compliance test suite.

Half-Day - PM

TV and the Web

Instructor tbd

The convergence between the PC and the TV receiver is leading to opportunities both for the inclusion of Internet delivered content on TV displays combined with TV programming, and for TV content to be carried over the Internet for display in locations way beyond the normal service area of television transmissions. However, the essential differences between traditional broadcasting and Web-based services need to be borne in mind by those considering the introduction of such services. This applies both to the type of service for which they are suited and to the technical quality that can be expected. This tutorial will consider the ways in which the two delivery media can be used to enhance the richness of the service delivered by conventional means, and will explain the underlying technology behind the streaming of video over the Internet. The tutorial will be illustrated with examples.

XML Schemas

Murray Maloney, Henry Thompson and C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen

This tutorial presents the XML Schema Language facilities for describing the structure and constraining the contents of XML documents. The tutorial begins with a review of the most recent XML Schema specification (Parts 1 and 2) -- elements, attributes, types, namespaces, processing rules, nulls, and more -- followed by an exploration of some schema design considerations in example schemas for e-commerce and e-publishing. In the process, discover some tools that simplify design, creation and maintenance. Basic knowledge of XML (or HTML) is suggested.

Murray Maloney has been involved in Web development since 1993. A founding member of the HTML and XML Working Groups, he was co-author of the XML Schema Requirements Document, and a co-editor of XML Schema (Part 1). He has previously presented tutorials on XML, HTML, e-commerce, and print publishing.

Event-based Notification on the Web

Heinz Schweppe, Annika Hinze and Daniel Faensen

This tutorial presents concepts, techniques and applications of Internet-based event notification services. Well known as a system level communication mechanism, event notification, or 'alerting', is an emerging paradigm for interaction of loosely coupled systems. Clients specify the events they are interested in, and providers generate events according to some kind of condition. The event notification service filters these events and distributes notifications to the clients affected. Application areas include Ecommerce, remote monitoring, CSCW, and dissemination of information such as stock quotes or digital libraries. The tutorial covers base technologies, existing systems and applications of event notification. Participants should have a working knowledge of standard Internet technology, but no specific pre-requisites are assumed.

Heinz Schweppe is Professor for Computer Science at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. His research interests are database management in distributed systems, document management, web-based application and geo-spatial data. Annika Hinze is a Research Assistant at the Freie Universität Berlin, where she is preparing her PhD thesis on large scale event notification services. Daniel Faensen is a Senior Researcher at the Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany. In the group of H. Schweppe, he is responsible for Hermes, a research project on alerting services in Digital Libraries, funded by the German Ministry of Research and Technology.

Internet Privacy and P3P

Lorrie Faith Cranor

The first half of this tutorial will include an overview of online privacy issues, providing attendees with the necessary background to understand the social, legal, and policy context in which these issues exist. We will compare and contrast online and offline privacy concerns, discuss technical mechanisms that raise privacy concerns, review the results of privacy surveys, and discuss laws, regulations, and self-regulatory initiatives that address online privacy concerns. The second half of this tutorial will include a discussion of specific online privacy tools, including anonymizers, infomediaries, and the W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P). We will discuss the P3P specification in detail and describe current implementation and deployment efforts.

Lorrie Faith Cranor is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the Secure Systems Research Department at AT&T Labs-Research Shannon Laboratory in Florham Park, New Jersey. She is chair of the Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) Specification Working Group and co-chair of the P3P Interest Group at the World Wide Web Consortium. Her research has focussed on a variety of areas where technology and policy issues interact, including online privacy, electronic voting, and spam.

Solving Java Applet Development Issues

John Zukowski

Java applets hit the world by storm with the release of Netscape Navigator 2.0 in late 1995. Then came incompatibilities between browser vendor releases, lawsuits, and serious lag time between Sun version releases and browser support. With all these problems and more, the desire for Java applets began to fall off. The purpose of this tutorial is to show solutions to many of the problems related to developing applets for the public Internet. We'll examine how you can successfully deploy Java applets in a multi-platform, multi-browser world.

John Zukowski is a Java Guru with jGuru.com as well as the Focus on Java guide at About.com. He is the author of several Java books and numerous Java-related technical articles. He serves on the Senior Advisory Board of JavaWorld magazine and is the vice-chairman of ACM's WebTech user group.

3D Graphics and the Web

Hans-Peter Seidel, Dieter Fellner, Leif Kobbelt, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Sven Havemann

This tutorial introduces current concepts and technologies for making 3D graphics available and manageable over the Web, based on two main approaches: 3D geometry approximated by triangles/polygonal meshes, and 3D geometry represented by the generative modeling paradigm. The tutorial will address the key issues in handling both present and future demand: compression, transmission and real-time interaction with complex textured 3D objects over the Internet. A basic knowledge of 3D graphics would be helpful but is not a prerequisite.

Hans-Peter Seidel is a scientific director at the Max-Planck-Institut Informatik and a professor of computer science at the University of Saarbruecken, Germany, where his research interests include graphics and the Web, 3D compression, and multiresolution modeling and hardware accelerated rendering.. Leif Kobbelt is a senior researcher at MPI Informatik, where he directs a group working on the efficient processing of triangle meshes and geometry coding. Wolfgang Heidrich is a researcher at MPI Informatik, where he directs a group working on image-based rendering and hardware-accelerated graphics. Dieter Fellner is the director of the Institute of Computer Graphics and professor of computer science at the Braunschweig University of Technology, where his current research interests include computer graphics, rendering, generative modeling, and Web-aware graphics. Sven Havemann is a researcher at the Institute of Computer Graphics at the Braunschweig University of Technology, where he directs a group working on generative modeling.

Designing Accessible Web Sites for Multifaceted Media

Helen Petrie and Simon Polovina

This tutorial will introduce and discuss the concepts of non-visual interaction used by visually disabled users, the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) accessibility guidelines, and the general design of web pages for accessibility and usability, whether for disabled users or new media users. The Web Accessibility Initiative has developed guidelines to assist in the development of web pages accessible and usable by people with a variety of disabilities, particularly those who interact with the web non-visually. In addition, the web is now seeing the emergence of a number of innovative media for which the usual graphic principles of page design no longer apply -- increasingly, people want to interact rapidly with web sites using convenient devices with small screens such as palmtop computers, mobile phone screens or straightforward speech-only access such as the telephone or in-car navigation systems. This tutorial will examine ways in which the design of web content for these new multi-faceted media can be informed by experiences of designing for accessibility.

Helen Petrie is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit and the National Centre for Tactile Diagrams at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. Her research interests include web usability, the evaluation of wearable and mobile systems such as mobile phones and access to computer technology, especially the web, for visually impaired users. Simon Polovina is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire and a Consultant to the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit. His research interests include accessible Web design, ecommerce, and distributed Multimedia for Multifaceted Devices.

Legal Issues for Doing Business Online

Brian Fitzgerald, Serge Gijrath, Leif Gamertsfelder and Paul Kelly

This tutorial will examine key legal issues that act to structure business in the digital environment. The tutorial will focus on the notion of setting up and operating a Web site for online business. It will consider key issues relating to the selling of informational products, including analysis of relevant principles of intellectual property marketing and unfair competition law, and examination of the legal issues concerning distribution of informational products through contractual licenses. We will also look at transactional issues such as electronic contracting, payment mechanisms and security. Emerging business models, content regulation and privacy issues will be considered in brief.

Brian Fitzgerald is Professor and Dean of the School of Law and Justice at Southern Cross University in Australia. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of law and the Internet (cyberlaw), constitutional law, international law and restitution. Serge Gijrath is a partner in the IP/ICT practice of Caron & Stevens/Baker & McKenzie, where his practice focuses on all aspects of ICT and telecommunications law. He is member of the Dutch Association of Computer Lawyers (VIRA) and co-editor of Law and Information Technology. Leif Gamertsfelder is a lawyer with the firm Deacons in Sydney, Australia. His core area of legal practice is Internet law, a topic on which he has published widely both in Europe and Australia in legal and trade journals. Paul Kelly, Southern Cross University Law School, is currently researching issues of jurisdiction, cross border data flow and digital entertainment law as a Visiting Scholar at John Marshall Law School in Chicago.


Lloyd Rutledge

SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) is the W3C recommendation approved in June 1998 and quickly gaining popularity for vendor-independent, XML-defined hypermedia presentations on the Web. The goal of this tutorial is to explain the concepts that form the basis of the SMIL language, and to provide sufficient detail on the language itself so that participants can create their own simple presentations. Participants will also understand the underlying issues of temporal and spatial layout and the complexity of creating links within multimedia. This tutorial will also bring attendees up-to-date with SMIL Boston, the new W3C public working draft for the next version of SMIL which introduces more powerful navigation facilities, animation, support for broadcasting, and the division of constructs into modules for use in other XML formats.

Lloyd Rutledge is a researcher at the CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica), the Dutch national research center for Mathematics and Computer Science. He is a member of the working group that created SMIL and has been actively involved in its development since the effort began. His research group has developed and is distributing, through the spinoff company Oratrix, the GRiNS SMIL browser and authoring system.


Updated: April 24, 2000