Morning |
Architecture: |
- HTTP "Next Generation''
- Mike Spreitzer, Bill Janssen
- Customized Internet Radio
- Venky Krishnan, S. Grace Chang
- Running the Web Backwards: Appliance Data Services
- Andrew C. Huang, Benjamin C. Ling, John J. Barton, Armando Fox
Caching: |
- Latency-Sensitive Hashing for Collaborative Web Caching
- Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu
- Proactive Web Caching with Cumulative Prefetching for Large Multimedia Data
- Jaeyeon Jung, Dongman Lee, Kilnam Chon
- Protocol Considerations for a Prefix-Caching Proxy for Multimedia Streams
- Stephane Gruber, Jennifer Rexford, Andrea Basso
Data Mining: |
- Archiving and mining community Web browsing experience using Memex
- Soumen Chakrabarti, Sandeep K. Srivastava, Mallela Subramanyam, Mitul Tiwari
- Web-Collaborative Filtering: Recommending Music By Spidering the Web
- William W. Cohen, Wei Fan
- Mining the Web for Relations
- Neel Sundaresan, Jeonghee Yi
Afternoon |
XML Session-2: |
- Presenting tailored resource descriptions: Will XSLT do the job?
- Alison Cawsey
- SilkRoute: Trading between Relations and XML
- Mary Fernandez, Dan Suciu, Wang-Chiew Tan
- Millau: an encoding format for efficient representation and exchange of XML over the WWW
- Marc Girardot, Neel Sundaresan
E-Commerce: |
- An Entropy Approach to Unintrusive Targeted Advertising on the Web
- John A. Tomlin
- A Web marketing sysstem with automatic pricing
- Naoki Abe, Tomonari Kamba
- MicroISPs: Providing Convenient and Low-Cost High-Bandwidth Internet Access
- Jose' Brustoloni, Juan Garay
Content and Control: |
- Object browsing using the Internet Imaging Protocol
- K. Martinez, Steve Perry, John Cupitt
- Discovering the Gap Between Web Site Designers' Expectations and Users' Behavior
- Takehiro Nakayama, Hiroki Kato, Yohei Yamane
- What is this Page Known for? Computing Web Page Reputations
- Davood Rafiei, Alberto Mendelzon