WWW9 Panels

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Six Panel sessions will provide an interactive forum for lively discussion of important and often controversial issues. Experts from academia, industry and government will present opposing viewpoints and argue these among themselves and with the audience.

Tuesday May 16, 10:30-12:00

The Role of Informational Property Rights in Digital Architecture

  • Organizer: Brian Fitzgerald, Southern Cross University
  • Moderator: Brian Fitzgerald, Southern Cross University
    • Bernt Hugenholtz, Institutue for Information Law, University of Amsterdam
    • Leif Gamertsfelder, Deacons Lawyers, Australia

Description: The panel will consider the legal basis and desired role of informational (including intellectual) property rights in digital architecture. It will explain the legal process of propertizing (creating property rights) in information and assess the social and cultural implications of such a process. The panelists will consider whether we should have property in information - and if so to what extent? These will raise issues of free speech and of course the proper ambit of informational property law. In particular the panel will examine issues concerning copyright and patenting of software; database protection and contractual licensing of software.

Tuesday May 16, 16:00-17:30

W3C and Web Standards

  • Organizer: Eric Meyer
  • Moderator: Eric Meyer
    • Sue Sims, Opera Software
    • Sally Khudairi, ZOT Group
    • Chris Wilson, Microsoft
    • Scott Vesey, Boeing
    • Chris Lilley, W3C

Description: The W3C standards process results in the many Recommendations which create the infrastructure of the Web, and thus is the foundation of interoperability. We must therefore be sure that the foundation is as strong as possible. In light of the slow and inconsistent adoption of many standards-- for example, CSS, PICS, and PNG, among others-- there have been claims that the W3C standards process is inherently flawed. Others have claimed that the flaw lies with implementors, and that the W3C process is fine. This panel will seek to present the conflicting views on this subject, and attempt to identify root causes and solutions of the current problems in standards support.

Wednesday May 17, 8:00-10:30

Towards a WAP-Wide-Web?

  • Organizer: Rohit Khare, 4K Associates
  • Moderator: Dan Kohn, Teledesic
    • Rohit Khare, 4K Associates
    • Larry Masinter, AT&T Labs
    • Josh Cohen, Microsoft
    • Gabriel Montenegro, Sun Microsystems
    • Dave Raggett, W3C/HP Labs
    • Johan Hjelm, W3C/Ericsson
    • Bruce Martin, Phone.com

Description: Will adapting the Web for wireless access require brand-new solutions to succeed? Will developers need to adopt wireless-specific protocols at several layers, reinventing TCP, HTTP, and HTML? or will the handset rapidly evolve into a "normal" Internet host that could obviate the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) suite of custom wireless transport, security, 'push' transfer, binary XML, and user interface markup standards? And what are prospects for entirely new application standards, such as geographic-location URLs?

This panel brings together a suite of experts from several sides of the issue to debate the long-term future of Web access standards for mobile, handheld, and/or wireless devices.

Wednesday May 17, 10:30-12:00

XML Protocols Shakedown

  • Organizer: Janet Daly, W3C
  • Moderator: Dan Connolly, W3C
    • Michael Condry, Sun Microsystems
    • Larry Masinter, AT&T
    • Noah Mendelsohn, IBM/Lotus Corporation
    • Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, Microsoft Corporation
    • Henry Thompson, W3C/University of Edinburgh
    • Dave Winer, Userland

Description:The Internet and Web communities are bubbling over with proposals for the use of XML in network protocols and distributed applications - XML-RPC, SOAP, XMI, WebDAV, ICE and IOTP are only a few examples. The goals of this panel are to review these and other proposals and identify their common threads, while taking into account (1) the wishes of developers for lean, lightweight protocols, and (2) the commercial needs for robust technologies that will support the full weight and demands of business-to-business ecommerce systems The panelists hope to engage the audience in the evaluation of a range of proposals, and continue discussion that separates out the needs for common, interrelated standards. The panelists will also be available to continue discussion through lunch.

Wednesday May 17, 16:00-17:30

Graphics Shootout on the Web

  • Organizer: Bob Hopgood, W3C INRIA
  • Moderator: Bob Hopgood, W3C INRIA
    • Chris Lilley, W3C
    • David Duce, Oxford Brooks University
    • Don Brutzman, Naval Postgraduate School
    • Dieter Fellner, Technical University, Braunschweig
    • Jacco van Ossenbruggen, CWI

Description: In the last year there have been considerable changes in the ability to efficiently present graphics on the web. There is a new version of PNG. The CGM Web Profile is now supported by several companies, SVG is due to be launched this Spring, Web3D's new offering X3D will replace VRML. SMIL 2.0 is under development including the SMIL Animation module. The question is do we now have too much of a good thing or are we still missing some essential ingredients? Given SVG, is CGM really needed? Both SMIL and Web3D will support animation as does SVG. Do we need all three? Will Web3D's X3D provide the facilities that the the modelling community wants?

Thursday May 18, 10:30-12:00

The Multilingual Web: Anything Missing?

  • Organizer: M.T. Carrasco Benitez, EMEA
  • Moderator: M.T. Carrasco Benitez, EMEA
    • Josep Bonet Heras, Translation Service, European Commission
    • Martin Dürst, W3C
    • Koen Holtman, Caltech
    • Patrice Husson, MLIS, European Commission

Description: Internationalization (I18N) is concerned with the basic mechanisms for languages; for example, large character repertoire. Multilingualism is concerned with processing several languages; for example, facilities for multilingual sites, translation or multilingual parallel texts. I18N could be considered a layer below multilingualism. The I18N is well advanced. But, what is the situation for multilingual? For further information http://dragoman.org/www9

Thursday May 18, 14:00-15:30

Can "Cool" be Accessible?: Can Accessible be "Cool"?

  • Organizer: William Loughborough, Smith-Kettlewell Institute of San Francisco
  • Moderator: William Loughborough, Smith-Kettlewell Institute of San Francisco
    • Bert Bos, W3C
    • Keith Ciampa, Answerthink
    • Steve Mendelsohn, Attorney
    • Rob Neff, U.S. Mint
    • Gregory Rosmaita,VICUG-NYC

Description: The panel will discuss the possibility of having "cutting-edge" technologies used in the design of Web sites be unhampered by the growing sentiment for making all materials posted to the Web accessible for everyone - particularly persons with disabilities.


Updated: April 20, 2000