WWW9 Devday: Mobile Web Track

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Organizer: Gábor Paller, Nokia

9:00-10:30: Wireless Web Market Opportunity and Strategy

Third Generation Internet Development: New Zealand's Formulafor Propelling Mobile E-commerce -- Howard H. Frederick, New Zealand Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, New Zealand

Continuing reduction in the size of computing devices combinedwith advances in cellular telephony are making the mobile Web a reality. Thistrack will explore Web applications in areas such as personalorganizers, mobile phones, Web cams, etc.

  • Market potential - an overview
  • What is mobile e-commerce?
  • New Zealand as 3G Testbed
  • Wellington's WAP business cluster
  • How to overcome "resistance"

Choosing a Wireless Standard Strategy -- Mark Baker, Sun Microsystems

This presentation is based on a detailed technical reading of the WirelessApplication Protocol Forum suite, compared with the 'control hypothesis' ofadapting current and near-future 'web standards', including XHTML and XSLstyle sheets. Perhaps the best sense of it can be found in an unrefereedcolumn authored by the originally-scheduled presenter, Rohit Khare, forIEEE Internet Computing, "W* Effect Considered Harmful" (http://www.4K-Associates.com/IEEE-L7-WAP.html)

There was considerable informal interest in these findings at WWW8, but anytalk next year (at WWW9) will have to be extensively updated to account forindustry developments by then. It is precisely because these choices facingcontent developers are so chaotic, though, that it may be appropriate tokick off a wireless DevDay track with this sort of debate.

10:30-11:00: Break

11:00AM-12:30: Wireless Web Content Adaptation

Repurposing Content for the Mobile Web -- Rakesh Mohan, Chung-Sheng Li and Brad Topol, IBM

The authors will detail the use of systems we have developed(which is freely available), and their use at both web sites and atproxies serving the mobile devices.

We will also summarize our proposals to the W3C and MPEG-7standards bodies related to multimedia content for mobile devices. For eachsuch page, an example is chosen and it relevant content is authored in WML(or SpeechML), giving examples of same content in the different markups. Thena translator generator is used to generate a translator between the HTMLpage and the WML (or SpeechML) page. This translator generator is freelyavailable. We will discuss our experience in using this approach to repurposenews web sites for speech based browser for cars and WML browsers for mobilephones.

Designing the user experience for a mobile web application -- Dena Tepper and Mark Fletcher, Sapient

The objective of this presentation is to discuss an approach todesigning the user experience for a mobile phone web application.The presentation will be in two parts. With the goal ofcreating an application that is both useful and usable the first sectionwill focus on determining which features and functions of an existing HTMLportal Website should be included in the mobile version of theapplication. Emphasis will be placed on identifying which features andfunctions would be useful to users in a mobile environment and, givenboth the hardware and software limitations of mobile phones, whichfunctionalities can be made usable.

The Second section of the presentation will focus on aparticular feature/function describing and illustrating a proposedinterface design. The presentation would include mobile phone browser screendisplays of the functionality.

12:30-14:00: lunch with Tim Berners-Lee

14:00-15:30: Mobile content generation techniques

Adaptive Personalization for the Mobile Web -- Michael J. Pazzani and Daniel Billsus, University of California

The DailyLearner is a personalized agent that allows users toaccess news that interests them from handheld PDAs (such as the Palm VII orother Palm with a cellular modem using the Proxiweb browser), Windows CEwith wireless or other Internet Connection, Qualcomm pdQ smart phones, orother "wireless internet" cell phones. The DailyLearner is intended to saveusers time and transmission costs by providing access to personalized news ofWorld Events, Business, Sports, Politics, Entertainment, etc. The systemcreates a statistical profile of the user interests, enabling it todetermine which headlines to send to the handheld. Several versions forhandhelds are available.

The DailyLearner has a client-server architecture. Newsarticles are storied in a database. When the user requests to read news,articles are sorted by predicted interestingness to the user. The originalDailyLearner was WWW service in HTML with tables and Java for Web browsers http://dailylearner.ics.uci.edu/. A complete redesign of theinterface and user interaction was performed for the HDML (http://hdml.ics.uci.edu/)and WML (http://wml.ics.uci.edu/) versions.

Generating Mobile Content Using XSLT and CC/PP -- Johan Hjelm, Ericsson and W3C

XSLT is a general transformation technology for XML, and giventhat CC/PP will enable a higher degree of parametrization than UA-headers,it will also be possible to select style sheets that represent thepreferences of the user and the device capabilities to a much higher degreethan today.

In the presentation, I look briefly into the layout of a coupleof XSLT style sheets that can be used to generate content withradically different design (not just presentation, but also content-wise), and howthe parametrization of the request can be used to select betweendifferent style sheets. I will also discuss matching metainformation fromCC/PP and the document profile.I also talk about how this technology can be applied to contentgeneration from a database, and how it can be used to distribute contentgeneration, using proxies (e.g. in conjunction with the WAP gateways).

15:30-16:00: Break

16:00-17:30: Advanced Mobile Web Content

Embedded Web Devices - a Java perspective -- Chris Laffra, Object TechnologyInternational

This presentation will discuss:
  • what Java solutions are currently available for embedded
  • how to handle special embedded requirements (e.g. realtime)
  • optimizing Java for embedded
  • eCommerce with Java on embedded devices
  • compressing Java applications
  • communication protocols: JNI, WAP, etc.
  • examples

Summary of the W3C Voice Browser Group Activity -- Dave Ragget, W3C-Hewlett-Packard Labs

Many people are getting interested in the use of mobile phonesfor accessing web services using speech recognition and synthesis.I am the W3C staff contact for voice browsers and would be veryhappy to summarise the work being done on this at the W3C and to add myown comments based upon work at HP Labs.

Updated: May 8, 2000