WWW9 Culture Track

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The WWW9 Culture Track offers a comprehensive scenario on emerging technologies and trends in "networked arts", with specific reference to virtual museums. Each presentation will provide valuable insights for the developer, the content provider/institution, and the user. This track will explore how multimedia technology could re-engineer the way visitors presently perceive their visiting a museum or art gallery, the added value associated with ICT applications, and real issues of museums and archives.

The Culture track is organized by MEDICI, a European Commission initiative on ICT and new technologies for Cultural Heritage.


  • Alfredo Ronchi, EC MEDICI Framework Secretariat, Italy
  • Judith Gradwhol, Smithsonian Institution, USA

Tuesday May 16, 10:30-12:00

Session A.1 -- Networked Arts: Basic Issues and Achievements

  • Chair: Alfredo M. Ronchi, EC MEDICI Framework Secretariat, Italy
Katsuya Makiuchi,
Former director of New Visual Industry and High Definition
MITI, Japan
New technology for Culture: MITI approach
Shinji Matsumoto,
Director of New Technology for Culture, UNESCO
UNESCO Approach in New Technology for Culture
Georges Mihaies,
Director - Oslo-Platform.Com,
Oslo Research Park, Norway
International Center of Competence for Market Place for Image Banks
Daniel Therond,
Executive Director,
European Foundation for Heritage Skills
Council Of Europe and European Foundation for Heritage Skills
Mario Verdese
Directorate General
European Commission
MEDICI Framework of co-operation: the new European Commissionapproach for economic promotion of cultural heritage

Tuesday May 16, 16:00-18:00

Session A-2: Museums on the Web: Case Study

  • Chair: Liddy Nevile, University of Melbourne, Australia
Dimos Dimotriou,
Responsible for the net-section projects of "Fournos"
Artworks After Net-Comunication : New Concepts of the Space
Wolfgang Kippes,
Schloss Schoenbrunn Kultur und Betriebsges m.b.H, Austria
ICT - Revenues and Cultural Heritage Case Study Schoenbrunn Palace
Carey-Ann Jackson,
CSIR's Information and Communications Technology Division, South Africa
South African: Cultureware
M. Luisa Polichetti,
Ministero per i Beni Culturali - ICCD, Italy
Museums on the Web: ICCD Approach
Lloyd Rutledge
CWI and Vrije Universiteit
Digital mock ups of Amsterdam and Rijksmuseum
Jos Taekema
Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland (Digital Heritage Netherland)
The actual level of access to digital cultural information in the Netherlands
John Tolva
Senior Producer
International Business Machines Corp.
The Hermitage Museum web project
Dimitris P. Tsakiris
Institute of Computer Science Foundation for Research and Technology
TOURBOT - Interactive Museum Tele-presence Through Robotic Avatars:Project Presentation and Prospects
Dimitris K. Tsolis
High Performance Information Systems Lab.
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department
University of Patras
Integrated Environment for the management, protection and exploitation of digitized material of the Hellenic Cultural Heritage

Wednesday May 17, 10:30-12:00

Session B.1: IPR Protection

  • Chair: Vito Cappellini, Università di Firenze, Italy
Alessandro Piva,
Universita' di Firenze Dip. Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Italy
Digital Watermarking: a Solution to Electronic Copyright Management Systems Requirements
Pier Paolo Saporito,
UNESCO OCCAM Coordinatore Generale, Italy
Copy Left UNESCO OCCAM Point of View
Jian Zhao,
Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics (CRCG), USA
Digital Watermarking of 3D Models
Christiaan A. Alberdingk Thijm,
Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam
Copyright Limitations for Art On-line

Wednesday May 17, 16:00-18:00

Session B.2: Interoperability and Metadata

  • Chair: Frederic Andres, NACSIS - National Center for Science Information Systems, Japan
Eric Miller,
OCLC - Online Computer Library Center Inc., USA
Stuart L. Weibel,
OCLC - Online Computer Library Center Inc., USA
Walter Koch,
Cultural Service Centre, Austria
Ernesto Damiani,
DSI - Universita' Statale di Milano Sede Crema, Italy
Paul Miller,
UKOLN UK Office for Library and Information Networking, University of Bath, UK
Liddy Nevile
MelbourneIT - University of Melbourne
John Perkins
CIMI Consortium
Frank Boumphrey
HTML Writers Guild, USA

Thursday May 18, 10:30-12:00

Session C.1 - Education & Training in Cultural Heritage

  • Chair: Valentine Herman, ICL Corporate Affairs, Belgium
Guillaume Waline,
ODA Multimedia (France Telecom), France
Louvre.edu: A Successful Experiment Linking Multimedia and Education
Kim Veltman,
Maastricht Mc Luhan Insitute, Maastricht - The Netherlands
MEMECS Metadonnées et Mémoire Collective
David Vaughan,
History Museum London, UK
Education and Training in Cultural Heritage
Panel: "Education and Training in Cultural Heritage: Issues and Perspectives for the New Millenium"

  • Louis Rosello, European Commission, Information Society DG, Luxembourg
  • Arturo Colorado Castellary, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
  • Roger Broadie, Managing Director, European Educational Partnership, UK

  • Thursday May 18, 14:00-15:30

    Session C.2 - Advanced User Interface

    • Chair: Judith Gradwohl, Smithsonian Institution
    Frederic Andres,
    NACSIS - National Center for Science Information Systems, Japan
    Advanced Interfaces for Heterogeneous Data Sets
    Rene' Berger,
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
    Towards a Mobile Paradigm
    Ingela Bruce,
    Viktoriainstitutet, Sweden
    The Effects of Intranet--Sharing of Knowledge of Just a Bulletin Board?
    Cèsar Carreras Monfort,
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
    Virtual exhibitions: extending Museum potential
    Ranjit Makkuni,
    The Crossing
    Alfredo M. Ronchi,
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    Advanced Interaction Models for Cultural Content
    Avi Rosen,
    Technion I.I.T., Israel
    Parallel Space
    Paul Wernick,
    University of Hertfordshire, UK
    Shared Meanings Design Framework' for Developing Museum Websites

    Friday May 19, 9:00-17:30 Developers' Day
    (requires Friday registration)

    Session D: On line Cultural Application: The New Paradigma

    • Chair: Fabrizio Davide, Telecomitalia, Italy
    Mario Bucolo
    Multimedialand Ltd. London UK
    Museumland.com : the worldwide portal to museums and cultural heritage
    Abby A. Goodrum,
    Drexel University, USA
    Historical Fashion on the Web: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Defining Data Structures
    Enrico Esposito,
    Università di Ancona, Italy
    LASERART Project
    Marco Gaiani,
    Politecnico di Milano - DITECH, Italy
    The Tombs on the Appian Way - Representing Architectural Worlds with VR and the Internet
    Jane Hunter
    DSTC Pty Ltd - Distributed Systems Technology CRC
    From Lunchroom to Boardroom - An MP3 Online Oral History Archive
    Yukihiro ItoigawaCreative communication on the Internet and static Japanese social systems
    Maurizio Molinari
    Administrator of ONDE
    Culture and Community - Nets: The experience of ONDE
    Rogelio Valencia Rivera,
    Caja Rural de Navarra, Spain
    Providing Information Services to Non-technical Specialized Communities


    Updated: April 27, 2000