WWW9 Call for Participation

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Call for Poster Presentations

Important dates:

     Proposal submission deadline:     February 16, 2000
     Author notification:     February 23, 2000
     Abstracts due:     March 1, 2000

The poster session will provide an opportunity for conference attendees to learn about innovative work in progress and to preview late-breaking research results.  A two-page abstract of accepted posters will appear in a poster proceedings distributed to conference attendees.  Topics of interest include: user interfaces; graphics on the web; browsers and tools; searching, querying, and indexing; hypertext and hypermedia; electronic commerce and security; practice and experience; social issues; and next generation web tools.


Researchers interested in presenting a poster should prepare an overview of their proposed poster in the form of a single web page no more than 1000 words in length.  A URL for the web page, along with the poster title, and the names and affiliations of its authors (including email address), should be sent to the address below.  The web page will be referenced by the review committee during the review period, February 16 to 23, 2000.  It is the author's responsibility to ensure that the web page is reasonably accessible and is not substantially modified during this period.  It is also the author's responsibility to ensure that the web page is viewable with all commonly used browsers. The web page may include links to other material, such as a project home page or an on-line demo.  However, examination and consideration of this additional material will be strictly at the committee's discretion.

Please send your poster proposal, consisting of a URL for the poster overview, the poster's title, and the names, email addresses and affiliations of its authors, to: posters@www9.org.  Within one week of notification of acceptance, authors should send a two-page abstract for inclusion in the poster proceedings.

Questions regarding the poster session may be sent to:
Frans C. Heeman
WWW9 Posters Chair
Elsevier Science B.V.

Updated: January 20, 2000