WWW7 Program WWW7 Conference 
The objective of the conference is to 
foster development of the World Wide 
Web by providing a forum for discussing 
the evolution and interoperability of 
the WWW as its impact on the technical and 
social globalisation of the world
The aim is to promote the evolution and interoperability of the web at three levels; hardware and software architecture, user interfaces, and business, social and technological policies. The conference is intended for those exploring the leading edge of this technology, including researchers, developers, content providers, and users. 

The conference will focus on substantial contributions in the form of original research results and ideas, striking new software, innovative applications, and scholarly critique and/or analysis.  

The WWW7 Awards Committee will be giving awards for : 

  • the Best Paper,
  • the Best Poster,
  • the IBM Java Brainwave Prize
While the Best Paper and Java Brainwave Awards are determined by the Committee, the Best poster award is decided by *you* the delegate. 

Because posters are inherently a presentation medium, we want you to vote which one you think is the best presented, using the voting slips we will provide. 

The awards will all be announced in the closing ceremony of the conference, just before we hand over the baton to WWW8! 
The following Keynote Speakers (in alphabetical order) have confirmed for WWW7: 
Bullet Frans De Bruine, 
Director of Information Market Policies, European Commission 
Keynote title :Europe's way to the Information Society 
BulletTim Berners-Lee
Director, W3C
Keynote Title : Evolvability: a dream which the community committed to and desperately needs. 
BulletJames Gosling
Vice President, Sun Microsystems
Keynote Title :The Future of Web Development and Java 
BulletBarry Jones,  
National President of the Australian Labor Party
Keynote Title : Technology and the Future of Work
BulletXing Li
Deputy Director, China Education and Research Network
Keynote Title :The Web in China: Past, Present and Future. 
BulletCathy Marshall
Principal Engineer, Xerox Parc
Keynote Title : A reader's-eye view of the Web: hypertext, annotation, collaboration, and the real world. 
BulletJohn Patrick
VP of Internet Technology, IBM
Keynote Title :Unleashing e-business....Defining the Potential 
BulletPaul Saffo
Director, Institute for the Future 
Keynote Title : Disinter-remediation: The surprising nature of business on the web   
 8-4-98 Your conference and programme chairs are happy 
to announce that we will be holding a very special 
Birds of a Feather session at WWW7. This will be the World Wide Web Winetasting BOF ! 
Bring a bottle of wine and a ticket ($20 for food) to 
join this internationally- flavoured BOF session! See 
the BOF page for details.
 6-4-98 Media & Press Accreditation
 6-4-98 Tutorials Day room allocation
 3-4-98 James Gosling's keynote title & abstract
 2-4-98 Brisbane Weather
 1-4-98 Official hire car company 
 1-4-98 The WWW7 Awards Committee will be giving awards for : 
  • the Best Paper,
  • the Best Poster,
  • the IBM Java Brainwave Prize
While the Best Paper and Java Brainwave Awards are determined by the Committee, the Best poster award is decided by *you* the delegate. 

Because posters are inherently a presentation medium, we want you to vote which one you think is the best presented, using the voting slips we will provide. 

The awards will all be announced in the closing ceremony of the conference, just before we hand over the baton to WWW8!

31-3-98 Frans De Bruine - Business Day Opening Keynote Speaker 
27-3-98 Sponsors - Queensland Government 
27-3-98 Business Day Programme 
27-3-98 Papers are now online! 
25-3-98 Developers Day-tracks 
23-3-98 Volunteers
19-3-98 ACS members offer 
18-3-98 SIGS
16-3-98 Birds of a Feather session
11-3-98 The WWW7 Awards Subcommittee have secured the 
following award for the best  Java-related idea at 
The IBM Java Brainwave Prize 
A trip to California for lunch and advice from Ted 
Schlein, the partner who runs the Java Fund at  Silicon 
Valley's leading Ventrue Capital Firm, Kleiner Perkins 
Caulfield & Byers
11-3-98 Birds of a Feather session
  9-3-98 Volunteers
  5-3-98 John Patrick's keynote title & abstract
  5-3-98 SIG Session 2
  4-3-98 Paul Saffo's keynote title & abstract
  3-3-98 Full programme
  3-3-98 Xing Li's keynote title & abstract
  3-3-98 Tim Berners-Lee's keynote title & abstract
  2-3-98 Birds of a Feather Session
27-2-98 Detailed programme
20-2-98 Outline Programme
20-2-98 Sponsors - The Austrlian Computer Society
19-2-98 Tutorial Selection
19-2-98 Some W3C Tracks finalised
19-2-98 Workshop Selection
18-2-98 Culture Track
17-2-98 LAW SIG
12-2-98 The International Program Office for Web Accessibility 
(http://www.w3.org/wai/) has released new guidelines for 
web authors.WWW7 is a major event at which many of 
those concerned with the development of these guidelines 
will be present. How to use them, the advantages of 
complying and the disadvantages of not complying, 
both from a personal and a commercial prespective will 
be presented at WWW7.  Look for tutorial sessions, 
papers and presentations from W3C (/program.html)
10-2-98 Workshop
30-1-98 W3C Track
30-1-98 Doctoral Consortium
30-1-98 Developers Day
29-1-98 Tutorials Day
29-1-98 Workshop
19-1-98 Draft Developers Day Program
14-1-98 Draft Program Timetable
Business Stream 

Designed for business people, the program will be tailored around the topics and issues which Australian chief executive officers and chief financial officers recently identified as their most important business objectives. 

For more information, email: businessday@www7.conf.au  

Last updated on 8 April 1998. Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /program.html 
Copyright WWW7 Consortium and IW3C2, 1997-98, All Rights Reserved