Programme Overview Full Programme Programme Committee Developers Day Workshop Tutorials W3C Track SIGS Culture Track Register Location Accommodation Travel Exhibition Internet Cafe Contact Us Sponsors Media Consortium Volunteers Newsletter Brochure Other Events Past WWW's Feedback About This Site Catalan Chinese (GB) Chinese (BIG5) French Spanish
1-4-98 Official hire car company 1-4-98 The WWW7 Awards Committee will be giving awards for : While the Best Paper and Java Brainwave Awards are determined by the Committee, the Best poster award is decided by *you* the delegate.
- the Best Paper,
- the Best Poster,
- the IBM Java Brainwave Prize
Because posters are inherently a presentation medium, we want you to vote which one you think is the best presented, using the voting slips we will provide.
The awards will all be announced in the closing ceremony of the conference, just before we hand over the baton to WWW8!
31-3-98 Frans De Brune - Business Day Opening Keynote Speaker 27-3-98 Sponsors - Queensland Government 27-3-98 Business Day Programme 27-3-98 Papers are now online! 25-3-98 Developers Day-tracks 23-3-98 Volunteers 19-3-98 ACS members offer 18-3-98 SIGS 16-3-98 Birds of a Feather session 13-3-98 Programme Committee 11-3-98 The WWW7 Awards Subcommittee have secured the following award for the best Java-related idea at WWW7:
The IBM Java Brainwave Prize
A trip to California for lunch and advice from Ted Schlein, the partner
who runs the Java Fund at Silicon Valley's leading Venture Capital Firm,
Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers11-3-98 Birds of a Feather session 9-3-98 Volunteers 5-3-98 John Patrick's keynote title & abstract 5-3-98 SIG Session 2 4-3-98 Paul Saffo's keynote title & abstract 3-3-98 Full programme 3-3-98 Xing Li's keynote title & abstract 3-3-98 Tim Berners-Lee's keynote title & abstract 2-3-98 Birds of a Feather Session 27-2-98 Detailed programme 27-2-98 Slow response times. Our apologies to delegates who
registered today. Our secure server pages came under
considerable load particularly in the late afternoon
(our initial official close of Early Bird rates - now
extended to March 13th) We hope this extended
date and some changes to the local setup will
make for a smooth flow of registartions over
the coming weeks.20-2-98 Outline programme 20-2-98 Sponsors - The Australian Computer Society 19-2-98 Tutorial Selection 19-2-98 Some W3C tracks finalised 19-2-98 Workshop Selection 18-2-98 Cathy Marshall's keynote title & abstract 18-2-98 Culture track, contact 17-2-98 LAW SIG 12-2-98 The International Program Office for Web Accessibility
( has released new guidelines for web authors.WWW7
is a major event at which many of those concerned with the development of
these guidelines will be present. How to use them, the advantages of
complying and the disadvantages of not complying, both from a personal and
a commercial prespective will be presented at WWW7. Look for tutorial
sessions, papers and presentations from W3C
(/program.html)12-2-98 French version of the home page 30-1-98 W3C Track 10-2-98 Workshop 4-2-98 Volunteers newsletter 4-2-98 Doctoral Consortium & Developers Day submission closed today! 29-1-98 Tutorials Day 29-1-98 Workshop 23-1-98 Culture Multimedia Tracks - 3 special days for those interested in
culture & multimedia on the web including**International Museum Day**
Thursday April 16 and **International Metadata Day** Friday April 17.
For further details, please email www7culture@www7.conf.au22-1-98 Doctoral Consortium 22-1-98 New Sponsors - Microsoft 20-1-98 No frame version of home page 19-1-98 Draft Developers Day Program 18-1-98 Barry Jones, new keynote speaker 18-1-98 Spanish version of the home page 18-1-98 Catalan version of the home page 17-1-98 Volunteers newsletter 14-1-98 Draft Program Timetable 8-1-98 Feedback form 8-1-98 Volunteers online registration form 2 3-1 2-97 His Excellency the Honourable Sir William Deane, AC, KBE,
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia will officially open WWW72 2-1 2-97 Registrations are now open with discounted rates available if you register before 27-2-98 2 2-1 2-97 New media photos 2 2-1 2-97 WWW7 newsletters 2 2-1 2-97 Latest brochures 2 2-1 2-97 Chinese (GB) & Chinese (BIG 5) versions of the home page
This page: / Email: Last updated on 6 April 1998 This URL: /previousupdates.html Copyright WWW7 Consortium and IW3C2, 1997-98, All Rights Reserved