The Web Conference 2024 features primarily in-person presentations. Most of these presentations will also be live-streamed via Zoom and Whova for the benefit of remote attendees.
Oral Presentation
This is applicable to the oral sessions for the Research Full Papers, Industry, Web4Good, History of the Web, and Resource Papers.
A subset of papers will be presented orally. A standard presentation is allocated 12 minutes talk and 3 minutes Q&A.
All on-site presentations must be done using the in-room Windows laptop; you cannot use your personal laptop for presentation as the facilities are geared for live-streaming. To deposit your slide onto the in-room laptop, please upload your slides (PPT or PDF) at least 72 hours before your scheduled slot.
Upon application during registration and subsequent approval by the organizers, a remote speaker may present live via Zoom. The Zoom link is specified as Live Streaming on the full schedule as well as Whova.
Physical Poster
This is applicable to all papers in the following tracks: Research Full Papers, Industry, Web4Good, Short Papers, Demo, which are required to have a physical poster, to be presented during one of the scheduled poster sessions.
The poster sessions are themed. To facilitate this, you are required to use a specific template, which can be found in this folder, according to the track of your paper. In addition, if your application for artifact badging has been approved, you may feature this Artifact Available badge on your poster.
Poster sessions will be held at the Central Ballroom, according to a pre-specified layout.
Each paper will be allocated one side of a poster panel along lanes dedicated to specific tracks. The size of each panel is 2m (height) x 1m (width). We advise you to prepare up to A0-sized poster (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches) with portrait orientation.
You are expected to bring your poster with you as you travel to the conference. Alternatively, the conference offers a local poster printing service for a fee, which you may access at this link (already closed). Organizer will bring the posters on-site and put them up.
Remote presenters still need to make arrangements to put up a physical poster on-site, as well as to pursue engagement with attendees on Whova (more below).

Digital Poster
This is applicable to all papers in the following tracks: Research Full Papers, Industry, Web4Good, Short Papers, Demo.
As The Web Conference 2024 caters to both physical and virtual attendees, in addition to physical poster, we also require each paper to have a digital poster equivalent. This is done via the Artifact Center on Whova. This ensures a wider visibility of your poster both to in-person and virtual attendees. It also supports engagement via voting and Q&A.
After author registrations, poster presenters will be enrolled into Whova and receive an email to set up their Poster artifact. Please refer to Whova Artifact Center Presenter Guide.
The posters will be accessible via Whova to all conference attendees throughout the conference period. Attendees can reach out to any poster to ask questions and connect with presenters.
During the demo session, we will be provisioning a small table next to a poster board on-site during the designated session. You should prepare a live demo on your own laptop, and prepare for contingencies such as lack of power or limited Internet connectivity. The same requirements as above for the physical and digital posters apply, including a specific poster template for demos.
PhD Symposium
Each PhD symposium talk is allocated a total of 18 minutes, of which 12 minutes are for the talk, 3 minutes for the Q&A, and 3 minutes for advice and comments from mentors.
All on-site presentations must be done using the in-room Windows laptop; you cannot use your personal laptop for presentation as the facilities are geared for live-streaming. To deposit your slide onto the in-room laptop, please upload your slides (PPT or PDF) at least 72 hours before your scheduled slot.
Workshops, Special Days, W4A
Please consult the respective workshops or special days or W4A or EWS organizers on the timing and formatting requirements. Do not assume that they are identical to the main conference.
All on-site presentations must be done using the in-room Windows laptop; you cannot use your personal laptop for presentation as the facilities are geared for live-streaming. Please submit your slides to the respective workshop organizers to be placed on the in-room laptop.
Each tutorial is allocated 3 hours of 30 minutes, scheduled as 90-minute first half, 30-minute coffee break, and 90-minute second half. Every tutorial must have at least one in-person speaker and potentially remote speakers as well. The talks will be live-streamed via Zoom (link in Whova). Ensure your tutorial materials are accessible to the attendees on a referenceable URL.
Remote Presentation
Find the Zoom link of your specific session on Whova or the full schedule. Also note the physical venue, which will also be the name of the respective breakout room within Zoom. Join the session early and request to be given screen-sharing rights.
You still need to place a copy of your slides on-site, in case of low transmission resolution. If you are presenting in the main conference, use the upload link. If you’re presenting in the workshops, pass the slides to your workshop organisers.