Record number of submissions,
new CFPs, selected Workshops
and first platinum Sponsor

Published: December 1, 2021

New record number of submissions for TheWebConf 2022

7000+ authors have submitted 2030 papers across the 11 research tracks, the 2 special tracks and the industry track! TheWebConf PC chairs and track chairs supported by an enormous program committee are now at work to provide quality feedback to the authors.

 Research Tracks:

  • Economics, Monetization, and Online Markets: 96 submissions
  • Search: 149 submissions
  • Security, Privacy, and Trust: 146 submissions
  • Semantics and Knowledge: 133 submissions
  • Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms: 361 submissions
  • Social Web: 53 submissions
  • Systems and Infrastructure: 74 submissions
  • User Modeling, Personalization and Accessibility: 268 submissions
  • Web and Society: 143 submissions
  • Web Mining and Content Analysis: 257 submissions
  • Web of Things, Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing: 103 submissions

 Special Tracks:

  • Esports and Online Gaming: 36 submissions
  • Web 4 Good: 146 submissions

 Other Track:

  • Industry: 76 submissions

table representing the submission numbers mentioned above

New CFPs are out: Posters and Demos & Web Developer and W3C Track

Two new CFPs are out! Don’t miss their deadlines and check their information on our dedicated web pages:

 Posters and Demos track

The Posters and Demos track will feature the latest research and innovation for the Web. Submit your nicest posters and your coolest demos by Thursday 3 February 2022 at and select Poster-Demo.

Posters and Demos Track Chairs:

  • Anna Lisa Gentile (IBM, USA)
  • Pasquale Lisena (EURECOM, France)

 Web Developer and W3C track

The Web Developer and W3C track will enable you to share the latest developments across the technical community, both in terms of technologies and in terms of tooling. If you work on web performances, progressive web application, Solid or W3, do submit your contribution by Thursday 3 February 2022 at and select Web developer and W3C.

Web Developer and W3C Track Chairs:

  • Dominique Hazael-Massieux (W3C)
  • Thomas Steiner (Google LLC)
Anna Lisa Gentile Pasquale Lisena
Dominique Hazael-Massieux Thomas Steiner

PhD Symposium CFP is still open

The Call for PhD Symposium contributions is still open! You’re a fresh PhD student and you’re looking for getting senior advice on your research, then do not miss the deadline and submit your PhD Symposium proposal by Thursday 3 February 2022 at and select PhD Symposium.

You can contact TheWebConf PhD Symposium chairs for any question:

Elena Demidova Hala Skaf-Molli

28 Tutorial proposals under review and 21 selected Workshops

The Web Conference 2022 received 28 tutorial proposals and selected 21 workshops! Congratulations to all the selected workshops. Thank you for all the rich contributions that arrived on Easychair. If you want to share the good news on social media, do not forget to mention The Web Conference!

Orange: The Web Conference first platinum sponsor!

The Web Conference is proud to announce Orange as a Platinum Sponsor for The Web Conference 2022! Thank you for your trust and support! Network operator and digital service provider, Orange is present in 26 countries and serves more than 266 million customers!

Orange's logo

Do you want to become a sponsor of The Web Conference 2022? Take a look at our sponsorship guide at: /www2022/become-a-sponsor/ and contact us:

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