Instructions for Authors
General Guidelines
Formatting and Author Identity
Submissions must adhere to the ACM format published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample. Submissions must be in PDF format. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Submissions must be self-contained and in English. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines, or do not view or print properly, may be rejected without review. Authors are responsible for ensuring that submissions adhere strictly to the required format.
PDF files must be double-blind. The submitted document should not include author information and should not include acknowledgements, citations or discussion of related work that would make the authorship apparent. Submissions containing author identifying information are subject to rejection without review. You can enable the double-blind mode in the new ACM format by adding the “anonymous” option (e.g., \documentclass[sigconf, anonymous, review]{acmart}). Note however, that it is acceptable to explicitly refer in the paper to the companies or organizations that provided datasets, hosted experiments or deployed solutions. In other words, instead of stating for instance that an experiment “was conducted on the logs of a major search engine,” the authors should refer to the search engine by name. The reviewers will be informed that doing so does not necessarily imply that the authors are currently affiliated with the mentioned organization.
Originality and Concurrent Submissions
Submissions must present original work. Concurrent submissions are not allowed. Papers that have been published in or accepted to any peer-reviewed journal or conference/workshop with published proceedings may not be submitted. Papers that are currently under review, or will be submitted to other meetings or publications may not be submitted. However, submissions that are available online and/or have been previously presented orally or as posters in venues with no formal proceedings, are allowed. Note that if available online (e.g., via arXiv) and not anonymous, their titles and abstract must be sufficiently different from the submission to The Web Conference 2020 in order to limit the risk that a direct search breaks the double blind reviewing requirement. Additionally, the ACM has a strict policy against plagiarism and self-plagiarism. All prior work must be appropriately cited.
Publication Policy
The proceedings of The Web Conference are published online through the conference website (which will remain live in perpetuity) without a fee, as well as the ACM Digital Library. Upon the acceptance of a paper, no author change is allowed. For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors needs to register for the conference and present the paper. This is mandatory for including the paper in the proceedings.
Conflict of Interest Policy
There is no author declaration of conflict of interest (COI). Reviewers will be asked to declare a COI when the following associations exist:
- Employment at the same institution or company
- Candidate for employment at the same institution or company
- Received an honorarium or stipend from the institution or company within the past 12 months
- Co-author on book or paper in the last 24 months
- Co-principal investigator on grant or research project in the last 24 months
- Actively working on one or more projects together
- Family relationship
- Close personal relationship
- Graduate advisee/advisor relationship
- Deep personal animosity
Copyright, Permission and Publication License
The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) shall hold copyright in the proceedings and in the individual articles published in the proceedings and shall grant the public permission to use the licensed material contained in the individual articles of the proceedings under the terms and conditions defined in the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license (CC-BY 4.0).
The proceedings will be published in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library. IW3C2 will publish, on its Web site, persistent links to the Open Access versions of the articles of the proceedings hosted in the ACM Digital Library. ACM formatted DOIs will be registered via Cross reference by the ACM. The IW3C2 Rights Form consistent with the terms stated above is available. We remind you that this agreement is signed with IW3C2 and not with the ACM. The ACM will be responsible for collecting the signed copyright transfer agreements on behalf of the IW3C2.
Papers that (1) describe experiments with users and/or deployed systems (e.g., websites or apps), or that (2) rely on sensitive user data (e.g., social network information), must follow basic precepts of ethical research and subscribe to community norms. These include: respect for privacy, secure storage of sensitive data, voluntary and informed consent if users are placed at risk, avoiding deceptive practices when not essential, beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the individual), risk mitigation, and post-hoc disclosure of audits. When appropriate, authors are encouraged to include a subsection describing these issues. Authors may want to consult the Menlo Report for further information on ethical principles, the Allman/Paxson IMC ‘07 paper for guidance on ethical data sharing, and the Sandvig et al. ‘14 paper on the ethics of algorithm audits.
Note that submitting research for approval by each author’s institutional ethics review body (IRB) may be necessary in some cases, but by itself may not be sufficient. In cases where the program committee has concerns about the ethics of the work in a submission, the program committee will consider the ethical soundness and justification of the submission, just as it does its technical soundness. The program committee takes a broad view of what constitutes an ethical concern, and authors agree to be available at any time during the review process to rapidly respond to queries from the program committee chairs regarding ethical considerations. Authors unsure about topical fit or ethical issues are welcome to contact the program committee chairs.
Call for Papers
Programs Committee Chairs
Important Dates
- Registration deadline
- Abstract
submission deadline - Full paper
submission deadline - Author rebuttal
- Acceptance
The Web Conference is the premier conference focused on understanding the current state and the evolution of the Web through the lens of computer science, computational social science, economics, policy, and many other disciplines. We encourage submissions that describe in-depth studies to improve our understanding of the Web and its impact, introduce technical and socio-technical advances that enhance and expand Web platforms and technologies, and make strides in democratizing access to Web information and knowledge. The specific topics of interest are highlighted in the 12 research tracks listed below.
The proceedings of The Web Conference are published online (open access) and through IW3C2 website, as well as the ACM Digital Library.
Submission Guidelines
For the research tracks, authors can submit two types of papers: short papers (up to 6 pages in length) and full papers (up to 10 pages in length), plus unlimited pages for references. Page limits include diagrams and appendices. Submissions should be formatted according to the formatting instructions in the General Guidelines.
Review Process
The review process will be double-blind. Each paper is submitted to one of the 12 tracks. Program committee (PC) members will self-declare their expertise for each paper (passing knowledge, knowledgeable, expert). Each submission will receive at least three independent reviews in the track. The goal of the review step is to provide constructive evaluation of a submitted paper. Each submission will also receive a composite score in addition to a comprehensive review. The submission will be discussed between the PC members who reviewed the paper and the track chairs, and submissions in each track will be ranked based on factors including technical merits, originality of work, potential impact of results, quality of execution, quality of presentation, adequacy of citations, and reproducibility, and recommended for presentation at the conference and awards. Recommendations from all tracks will be further discussed with additional assessment at a face-to-face meeting involving track chairs and the PC chairs. Accepted submissions will comprise sets of full papers (10 pages plus references) and short papers (6 pages plus references). Both full and short papers will have oral presentations at the conference. Some full-paper submissions may be accepted as short papers. Author consent to accept full-paper submissions as short papers will be sought during full-paper submission.
This year, The Web Conference 2020 will introduce author rebuttal to the review process, in order to make the final decisions more informed. Authors will have the chance to provide their rebuttals in response to the reviews, mainly making clarifications and answering key questions raised by the reviewers. No additional technical contents or experimental results will be considered during the rebuttal phase. The final decision will be made not only based on technical merits but also the rebuttal from the authors.
Call for Demos
Demos Track Chairs
Important Dates
- Submission deadline
- Notification
For almost three decades, the Web Conference series has been the premier venue for researchers, academics, businesses and standards bodies to come together and discuss latest updates and the future of the Web. The Demonstration Track of the Web Conference has become an important venue for sharing cutting-edge and exciting web-based prototype systems with significant research and development efforts. The Demonstrations Track allows researchers and practitioners to demonstrate first-hand visionary systems with innovative features and functionalities in a dedicated session. Submissions must be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
- Health on the Web
- Behavioral Analysis and Personalization
- Crowdsourcing Systems and Social Media
- Bio-feedback and Emotional Computation
- New Human-computer Interfaces
- Internet Economics, Monetization, and Online Markets
- Pervasive Web and Mobility
- Security, Privacy, and Trust
- Semantics and Knowledge
- Semantic Web, Content Analysis, and Web Mining
- Social Networks, Social Analysis, and Computational Social Science
- Web Infrastructure: Datacenters, Cloud Computing, and Systems
- User Modeling, Personalization, and Experience
- Mobile, Ubiquitous, Ambient, and Pervasive Computation, Web of Things
- Web Science, Web Search, and Web Systems
Demonstrations are encouraged from academic researchers, from industrial practitioners with prototypes or in-production deployments, as well as from any W3C-related activities to interact while exploring the latest techniques for managing web information and knowledge. Software (including games or learning platforms) and hardware demos will be considered equally, provided they show innovative use of Web-based techniques. Each submission must make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how. What exactly will the audience experience? What are the interesting scenarios to motivate the demonstration? They should strive to state the significance of the contribution to Web technology or applications. In other words, submissions should describe the intended audience, point out the innovative aspects of the system being demonstrated, and explain how those aspects contribute to the state of the art in the Web and information technology. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the track program committee, who will judge the originality, significance, quality, and clarity of each submission.
Submission Guidelines
Demonstration Track submissions must be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template and are limited to four pages (including references and appendices). It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that submissions adhere strictly to the required format. The format cannot be modified with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.
Each demonstration track submission should contain an introduction, brief description, screenshots, value and contribution. Submissions should also indicate how the demonstration will be demonstrated and the hardware requirements (for the organizers).
Submissions must be in PDF and must be made through the EasyChair system.
At least one author of each accepted demonstration paper must register for the conference and attend in person to demonstrate the system during the demonstration sessions.
To better identify the value of demonstrations, as well as to reach out to external audiences, we also encourage authors to submit a pointer to a screencast, using web-accessible platforms such as Vimeo or YouTube. The maximum duration of screencasts is 10 minutes. We also highly encourage any external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub).
Call for Developers Track
Developers Track Chairs
Important dates
- Submission deadline
- Acceptance notification
This track presents an opportunity to share the latest developments across the technical community, both in terms of technologies, and in terms of tooling. We will be running a half day of informal sessions with presentations and demonstrations showcasing community expertise and progress:
- What cool development tools, frameworks, languages and technologies could you not get on without?
- What do you use or see as new developments that will make your developer life easier or more productive?
- How do you navigate the increasingly large landscape of technologies and tools, and how can you help others to better navigate this landscape?
While we are open to any contributions that are relevant for the Web space, here are a few areas that we are particularly interested in:
- HTML5 space and Web apps in general
- Web technologies for APIs, and tooling for Web APIs (both for the provider and consumer side of APIs)
- Peer-to-peer technologies and tooling for the Web
- Streaming and event-based technologies and tooling for the Web
- Web-scale information processing
- Autonomy on the Web: Agents, bots, etc.
Submissions should take the form of a title and short description detailing what will be shared with the community (including the specific platform and/or technologies you will be showcasing). Be as specific and detailed as you need to be so that the program committee can understand your submission and presentation plan.
There is no need to submit full papers, but we will make any materials available on this site that authors wish to make public.
Please note that this track is also part of The Web Conference 2020. Participation in this track will require registration for the conference.
Program Committee
April 22, 2020 (WED) | |
Time | Contents |
14:00-14:15 | Opening Remarks |
14:15-15:30 | Presentations |
15:30-16:00 | Break |
16:00-17:15 | Presentations |
17:15-17:30 | Closing Remarks |
Call for Posters
Posters Track Chairs
Important dates
- Poster papers
submission deadline - Poster papers
acceptance notification - Poster papers
final version due
The Poster Track is a forum to foster interactions among researchers and practitioners by allowing them to present their new and innovative work in-progress. The poster session will give conference attendees an opportunity to learn novel on-going research projects through informal interactions. Submitted posters are expected to be aligned with one or more of the relevant topics to the The Web Conf community. The Poster Track covers the same topic areas as the main conference.
Posters will be peer-reviewed by members of the Poster Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Authors of accepted poster papers are required to sign the IW3C2 Copyright Release Form. Accepted poster papers will be allocated 2 pages in the conference proceedings. In addition to the 2-page submission, accepted poster authors will be asked to create a print poster. In addition, they may submit an electronic poster to be displayed in a dedicated poster area, and present their work during the poster session at the conference.
Submission Guidelines
Poster submissions must be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template and are limited to two pages. Submission should be made in English, and include author names, affiliations, and email addresses. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. In particular, the format cannot be modified with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.
Submissions must be in PDF, and must be submitted via EasyChair.
See also the guideline information on main CFP page. At least one of the authors of an accepted poster is required to attend the conference and present the poster.
Call for PhD Symposiums
Doctoral Track Chairs
Important Dates
- Submission deadline
- Acceptance notification
- Camera-ready
version due
We invite contributions to the PhD Symposium session of The Web Conference 2020. PhD students are encouraged to submit their ongoing research related to the broad topic of the World Wide Web. The goal of the PhD Symposium is to provide a platform for PhD students to present and receive feedback on their ongoing research. Students at different stages of their research will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research questions, goals, methods and results. The symposium aims to provide students guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers and other PhD students working in research areas related to the World Wide Web. Finally, the symposium aims to enable PhD students to interact with other participants of The Web Conference and potential collaborators by stimulating the exchange of ideas and experiences.
At the conference, the PhD Symposium will include a dedicated session where the selected PhD students meet with fellow PhD students and experienced researchers and have a chance to present their PhD projects, provide, and receive feedback.
The PhD Symposium is open to all PhD students. PhD students at the beginning stages of their doctoral work are particularly welcome when they have a well-defined problem statement and some ideas about the solution that they would like to discuss. PhD students in a more advanced stage of their work should still have a sufficient time before completing their dissertation to be able to benefit from the symposium experience.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be written based on the following structure, which focuses on the key methodological components required for a sound research synthesis:
Problem | Describe the core problem of the PhD and motivate its relevance |
State of the art | Describe relevant related work |
Proposed approach | Present the approach taken and motivate how this is novel with respect to existing works |
Methodology | Sketch the methodology that is (or will be) adopted and, in particular, the approach to be taken for evaluating the results of the work |
Results | Describe the current status of the work and any results that have been reached so far |
Conclusions and future work | Conclude and specify the major items of future work |
In addition, a one-page appendix describing the benefits that would be obtained from attending the PhD Symposium is required. The one-page appendix should include:
- A brief statement by students describing the purpose for attending the PhD Symposium, and providing a list of questions (or topics) the student wishes the mentors to discuss or obtain feedback on.
- A brief statement by students’ advisor(s) supporting the student's participation in the PhD Symposium, describing the current status of the research, and providing an anticipated date for thesis completion.
Submissions must be no longer than 5 pages (excluding the appendix) and must be formatted in the style of the www2020 submissions (which is based on the ACM SIG Proceedings style). Papers must be in PDF format and must be submitted electronically. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.
Submissions must be single-author, on the topic of the doctoral work. The name of the supervisor must be clearly marked (« supervised by … ») on the paper, under the author’s name.
Inquiries can be sent to Prof. Wen-Chih Peng
Selection Process
All submissions will be reviewed by the PhD Symposium Program Committee composed of experienced researchers, who can provide feedback and suggest future research directions.
All the accepted PhD Symposium papers (excluding the appendix) will be included in the same Companion Volume with the papers from the tracks of Posters, Demos, and Developer, and made available through the ACM Digital Library.
Call for Tutorials
Tutorials Track Chairs
Important Dates
- Submission deadline
- Notification
- Online material due
We invite tutorial proposals on current and emerging topics related to the World Wide Web, broadly construed to include mobile and other Internet and online-enabled modes of interaction and communication. Tutorials are intended to provide a high quality learning experience to conference attendees. It is expected that tutorials will address an audience with a varied range of interests and background: beginners, developers, designers, researchers, practitioners, users, lecturers and representatives of governments and funding agencies who wish to learn new technologies. Only a subset of those profiles can be addressed in a tutorial. Tutorial proposals are welcome in both technological (such as algorithmic and software issues) as well as socio-economic domains (such as market design, interaction design, and collaboration technologies). A tutorial can be for half a day, i.e., 3-4 hours of audience interaction, including questions, or a full day, which would correspond to 7 hours. Teams of 2-3 presenters are encouraged, though single presenter tutorials are also ok.
We will pay particular attention to tutorial proposals that bridge different areas such as Web and Social Sciences or Market Design, Web and Sustainability, Web and other fields in Computer Science. Preference will be given to applications that involve at least one expert in the areas covered by the proposal.
The theme of the Web conference for 2020 is an inclusive, balanced, and neutral Web, a Web for Good. Tutorials on topics related to the theme are highly encouraged.
Submission Guidelines
Tutorial proposals should conform to the following outline:
- Title
A concise title. - Organizers
The names, affiliation, contact information, and brief bio of the organizers. - Abstract
1-2 paragraphs suitable for inclusion in conference registration material. - Topic and relevance
A description of the tutorial topic, providing a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and depth within the scope, and a statement on why the tutorial is important and timely, how it is relevant to WWW, and why the presenters are qualified for a high-quality introduction of the topic. - Duration
Proposed duration of the tutorial (half or full day), together with justification that a high-quality learning experience will be achieved within the chosen time period. - Interaction style
Please indicate whether this will be a hands-on tutorial where there are specific parts where the audience has to follow along. If yes, please indicate the equipment needs for participants (eg. pre-installed Jupyter notebook with specific packages). - Audience
A description of the intended audience, prerequisite knowledge and the expected learning outcomes. - Previous editions
If the tutorial was conducted before, where and when was it conducted? Please give details on number of attendees, and how the proposed tutorial differs or builds on the previous ones. If possible, provide a link to slides of the previous tutorial presentation. - Tutorial materials
What tutorial materials will be provided to attendees? Are there any copyright issues? - Equipment
Indicate any additional equipment needed (if any) in the room. The standard equipment includes an LCD projector, a single projection screen and microphones.
Online Submission
Tutorial presenters are expected to provide their slides and any other online material at least two weeks in advance of the tutorial so it can be posted on a secure web-site or otherwise distributed for conference attendees.
Organizational Details
The tutorial presenter(s) will be responsible for making sure that the slides and any material needed for the tutorial is made available online in advance for attendees. The tutorial presenter is also responsible for informing the tutorial organizers in advance of any audio-visual needs.
Review Process
The decision about acceptance or rejection of tutorial proposals will be made by the Tutorial Co-chairs in consultation with the General and Program Committee Co-chairs, taking into account several factors including the timeliness of the topic, the topic fit with respect to The Web Conference 2020, the coverage of the topic in other tracks of the conference, the capacity of the venue, and the expertise of the presenters.
Call for Workshops
Workshops Track Chairs
Important dates
- Proposal
submission deadline - Workshop
notification - Suggested workshop paper
submission deadline - Suggested workshop paper
acceptance notification - Workshop paper
camera-ready version due
The Web Conference 2020 invites submissions for workshop proposals on current and emergent Web topics. Workshop attendants will be given the opportunity to exchange ideas and experience, establish common ground in research areas or practical problems, and identify new opportunities for collaboration and new directions for future work.
The theme of the Web conference for 2020 is an inclusive, balanced, and neutral Web, a Web for Good. Workshops on topics related to that theme are highly encouraged.
Organizational Details
The organizers of accepted workshops will be responsible for their own review process and publicity (e.g., website). They are required to cooperate closely with the workshop chairs and The Web Conference 2020 local organizers to finalize all details, provide input for publicity to The Web Conference 2020 organizers, etc. In particular, local organizers may require that all workshops adhere to a specific general timetable to facilitate catering. Accepted workshops will be scheduled so as to avoid conflicts with conference sessions in similar or related areas.
Workshops will benefit from the registration process of The Web Conference 2020. If the organizers of a workshop choose to charge additional fees to cover meals, etc., they must inform the General Chairs of their intent and must manage the process on their own.
Workshop organizers must inform the Workshop Chairs of the numbers of submissions and acceptances as these numbers become available. Workshops with fewer than 15 expected registrants may be canceled at the discretion of the conference organizers. Only accepted workshops are official The Web Conference workshops and enjoy the support mentioned above. Workshop timelines (deadlines for submissions, notification, camera-ready papers) are proposed by the workshop organizers in agreement with the The Web Conference 2020 workshop chairs.
The proceedings of the workshops will be published jointly with the conference proceedings. All workshop papers should be no more than 10 pages in length. Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the ACM format published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Workshop papers must be self-contained and in English.
Submission Guidelines
Workshop proposals should be in English and contain no more than five (5) pages in length (according to the ACM format acmart.cls, using the “sigconf” option). Submissions must be in PDF and must be made through the EasyChair system. Furthermore, they should follow the outline below:
- A concise title
- The names, affiliations, and contact information of the organizers
- Proposed duration of the workshop – half or full day
- Explanation of why the proposed workshop is a good match for The Web Conference 2020
- A statement of the workshop objectives
- Proposed format (mini-conference, discussion groups, breakouts, etc.)
- A two-paragraph description of the workshop topics and themes
- A tentative Program Committee list (with indication of whether PC members have already been contacted and/or have expressed interest)
- Expected number of participants
- If the workshop was held before, please give details on the location and dates, number of participants, number of submissions, number of accepted papers, and indicate how the proposed edition will differ from earlier editions
- A short bio of the workshop organizers, including a description of their relevant qualifications and past experience in organizing workshops or research meetings
Review Process
The decision about acceptance or rejection of workshop proposals will be made by the Workshop Chairs in consultation with the General and Program Committee Chairs, taking into account several factors including overall quality, the topic fit with respect to The Web Conference 2020, the coverage of the topic in other tracks of the conference, the estimated number of attendees for the workshop, and venue capacity.
Call for Nominations for the Seoul Test of Time Award
We invite the entire Web Conference community to submit nominations for the Seoul Test of Time Award, which will be handed out at the Web Conference 2020 to be held in April 2020 in Taipei. The award will be given to a paper that has been published in the Web Conference series, formerly known as WWW. Inaugurated in 2015, the Seoul Test of Time Award is made possible by the generous contribution of the organizers of WWW’2014 held in Seoul, South Korea. A list of the previous award winners is available online.
This year, we will consider papers that were published in the research track of the conference proceedings any time before WWW’2010, with special attention given to papers published before 2008 (to be changed in future years), and which demonstrate a lasting significant scientific, technical, industrial, or social impact over the years.
If you intend to nominate a paper, you should have no conflict of interest with any of the authors of the paper. To nominate a paper, please nominate via Easychair (via following button) before Jan 30, 2020, filling out the submission form as follows :
Address for Correspondence
Your (i.e., the nominator’s) email address. -
Author Information
Your (i.e., the nominator’s) details. -
Title and Abstract
Enter the title of the paper in the Title field and use the Abstract field to support your case. In addition to evidence of significant scientific, technical, industrial, and social impact, also provide a full reference of your own previous relevant publications at the conference and indicate whether you would like your identity to remain confidential. -
You must check this checkbox to confirm the absence of Conflict of Interest between yourself as the nominator, and all authors of the nominated paper. -
Upload the pdf of the nominated paper as it appeared in the proceedings
Should you need any additional information, please contact
Thank you for your interest in The Web Conference!
Yoelle Maarek, on behalf of the Selection Committee of the Seoul Test of Time Award of The Web Conference series.