Call for Papers
Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms
Track Chairs
Le Song , Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Wei Chen , Microsoft Research Asia
Social networks have radically changed the way people produce and consume online information, further lowering the access barrier and enabling new forms of interaction between people, objects, information, and services. The vast amount of data available from many online agents and sources has created an unprecedented opportunity to address both new and longstanding questions. On the other hand, these systems have also become targets of issues related to fraud, privacy, fairness and transparency. The sheer size of data has also created challenges regarding storage, analysis, compression and sensemaking.
We encourage submissions in all areas of graph theory and algorithms, graph mining, and social network analysis; broadly work that integrates ideas from data mining, machine learning, social sciences, and computer science theory. This track explicitly focuses on the investigation of graph-based techniques for social networks on the Web toward developing new theories, models, and algorithms to make these systems more effective and efficient.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
- Algorithms for Graph Reconstruction, Graph Identification, and Network Inference
- Algorithms for Graph Representation, Sparsification, Sketching, and Compression
- Algorithms for Subgraph and Motif Discovery
- Analysis of Heterogeneous, Signed, Attributed, and Annotated Networks
- Applications of Graph Mining in Neuroscience, Economics, Sociology, etc.
- Deep Learning for Graphs and Networks
- Detecting, Understanding, and Combating Fake News
- Discovering Causal Effects in Networked Environments
- Dynamic Network Analysis and Algorithms for Graph Streams Fairness, Bias, and Transparency of Graph Mining and Learning Algorithms
- Fraud, Spam, and Malice Detection in Relational Domains
- Game Theoretic and Economic Aspects on Graphs and Networks
- Graph Summarization and Visual Analytics
- Influence Propagation and Information Diffusion
- Link Prediction
- Location-aware Social Network Analysis and Mobility
- Mining and Learning in Graphs with Missing Information and Noise
- Multi-relational Graph Analysis
- Network Representation Learning and Graph Embeddings
- Privacy-preserving Graph Algorithms
- Querying and Indexing Algorithms for Massive Graphs
- Social Media Analysis through the Lenses of Networks
- Social Mining, Social Search, and Social Recommendation Systems
- Social Reputation and Trust Management
- Succinct Data Structures for the Manipulation of Static and Dynamic Large Networks and Network-related Data
Senior PC Members:
- Alessandro PanconesiSapienza University of Rome
- Andras A. BenczurInstitute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Ben ZhaoUniversity of Chicago
- Chao ZhangGeorgia Institute of Technology
- Charalampos TsourakakisHarvard University
- David GleichPurdue University
- Evimaria TerziBoston University
- Francesca SpezzanoBoise State University
- Francesco BonchiFondazione ISI
- George KarypisUniversity of Minnesota
- Guojie SongPeking University, Beijing, China
- Hanghang TongArizona State University
- Ian DavidsonUniversity of California, Davis
- Jiawei HanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jie TangTsinghua University
- Krishna GummadiMPI-SWS
- Laks V.S. LakshmananThe University of British Columbia
- Panayiotis TsaparasUniversity of Ioannina
- Pierre FraigniaudCNRS and University Paris Diderot
- Sanjay ChawlaQatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU
- Sebastiano VignaUniversity of Milan
- Wolfgang NejdlL3S and University of Hannover
- Xiaokui XiaoNational University of Singapore
- Yizhou SunUniversity of California, Los Angeles
PC Members:
- A. Erdem SarıyüceUniversity at Buffalo
- Abir DeMPI-SWS
- Adriana IamnitchiUniversity of South Florida
- Alan KuhnleFlorida State University
- Alessandro EpastoGoogle
- Ali PinarSandia National Laboratories
- Ambuj SinghUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
- Andrea MarinoUniversity of Florence
- Andrea PassarellaIIT-CNR
- Andrea TagarelliDIMES, University of Calabria
- Anirban DasguptaIIT Gandhinagar
- Aris AnagnostopoulosSapienza University of Rome
- Arlei SilvaUCSB
- Assefaw GebremedhinWashington State University
- Austin BensonCornell University
- Avishek AnandL3S Research Center
- B. Aditya PrakashVirginia Tech
- Benjamin GiraultUniversity of Southern California
- Binbin HuBUPT
- Bryan PerozziGoogle
- Chang ZhouAlibaba Group
- Chao HuangUniversity of Notre Dame
- Chaochao ChenAnt Financial Services Group
- Chong LongAnt Financial
- Cigdem AslayAalto University
- Claudio LuccheseCa' Foscari University of Venice
- Daixin Wang
- Danai KoutraUniversity of Michigan
- Davide MottinAarhus University
- De-Nian YangAcademia Sinica
- Emilio FerraraUniversity of Southern California
- Esther GalbrunUniversity of Eastern FInland
- Evaggelia PitouraUniv. of Ioannina
- Fragkiskos MalliarosCentraleSupelec, University of Paris-Saclay
- Francesco GulloUniCredit
- Francesco SilvestriUniversity of Padova
- Gabriele TolomeiSapienza University of Rome
- Geppino PucciDEI - Universita' di Padova, Italy
- Giancarlo RuffoUniversita' di Torino
- Gianmarco De Francisci MoralesISI Foundation
- Giuseppe MancoICAR-CNR
- Guandong XuUniversity of Technology, Sydney
- Guangmo TongUniversity of Delaware
- Hanjun DaiGeorgia Institute of Technology
- Hao LiaoShenzhen University
- Hari SundaramUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Hasan DavulcuArizona State University
- Hongchang GaoUTA
- Hongzhi YinThe University of Queensland
- Hossein EsfandiariGoogle
- Hsun-Ping HsiehNational Cheng Kung University
- Ioannis KoutisNew Jersey Institute of Technology
- Iraj SanieeBell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
- Jan HauffaTechnical University of Munich
- Jana DiesnerUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jefrey LijffijtGhent University
- Jialin ZhangInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Jiamou LiuThe University of Auckland
- Jian TangHEC Montreal & MILA
- Jianxin MaTsinghua University
- Jiawei ZhangFlorida State University
- Jiaxuan YouStanford University
- Jiliang TangMichigan State University
- Jingwei XuNanjing University
- Johan UganderStanford University
- Juergen PfefferTechnical University of Munich
- Junchi YanShanghai Jiao Tong University
- Jundong LiUniversity of Virginia
- Keith BurghardtUniversity of Southern California
- Kevin S. XuUniversity of Toledo
- Kijung ShinKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Leto PeelUniversite catholique de Louvain
- Lexing XieAustralian National University
- Liang ZhaoGeorge Mason University
- Liangyue LiArizona State University
- Lixin GaoUniversity of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Luca BecchettiSapienza University of Rome
- Luke VeldtPurdue University
- Marc SpaniolUniversité de Caen Normandie
- Marco PellegriniInstitute for Informatics and Telematics of C.N.R.
- Marian-Andrei RizoiuUniversity of Technology, Sydney
- Mark CrovellaBoston University
- Masahiro KimuraRyukoku University
- Matteo RiondatoAmherst College
- Matthieu LatapyCNRS
- Mauro SozioTélécom ParisTech
- Maximilien DanischLaboratoire d'Informatique Paris 6
- Megha KhoslaL3S Research Center, Leibniz University
- Meng JiangUniversity of Notre Dame
- Misael MongiovìConsiglio nazionale delle ricerche
- Mohammad Hasan
- Nan DuGoogle
- Natali RuchanskyNetflix
- Nesreen AhmedIntel
- Nick DuffieldTexas A&M University
- Nikos ParotsidisUniversity of Copenhagen
- Niloy GangulyIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
- Panagiotis KarrasAarhus University
- Panos KalnisKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Pei YangSouth China University of Technology
- Peng CuiTsinghua University
- Pierluigi CrescenziUniversita' degli Studi di Firenze
- Polina RozenshteinAalto University
- Quoc Viet Hung NguyenGriffith University
- Rediet AbebeCornell University
- Rex YingStanford University
- Reza RejaieUoregon
- Roberto GrossiUniversità di Pisa
- Rui ZhangThe University of Melbourne
- Ryan RossiAdobe Research
- Sabrina GaitoUniversity of Milan
- Sami Abu-El-HaijaGoogle
- Sathappan MuthiahVirginia Tech
- Sebastian MorenoUniversidad Adolfo Ibañez
- Shaojie TangThe University of Texas at Dallas
- Shirui PanUniversity of Technology, Sydney
- Shuang LiGeorgia Institute Technology
- Shweta JainIndian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- Si ZhangUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Spiros PapadimitriouRutgers University
- Srijan KumarStanford University
- Stephan GünnemannTechnical University of Munich
- Steven SkienaDept. of Computer Science, Stony Brook University
- Sucheta SoundarajanSyracuse University
- Suhang WangThe Pennsylvania State University
- Tanmoy ChakrabortyIIIT-Delhi, India
- T-H. Hubert ChanThe University of Hong Kong
- Tijl De BieGhent University
- Tim WeningerUniversity of Notre Dame
- U KangSeoul National University
- Wei GaoVictoria University of Wellington
- Wei LuLinkedIn Corporation
- Weiwei LiuUniversity of Technology, Sydney
- Wolfgang GatterbauerKhoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University
- Xiangliang ZhangKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Xiangnan KongWorcester Polytechnic Institute
- Xiaobo ShenNanjing University of Science and Technology
- Xiaohui BeiNanyang Technological University
- Xiaoran YanIndiana University Bloomington
- Xiaowei ChenThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Xin HuangHong Kong Baptist University
- Xin WangTianjin University
- Xintao WuUniversity of Arkansas
- Yuan YaoNanjing University
- Yuyu ZhangGeorgia Institute of Technology
- Zhi YangPeking University
- Zhiting HuCarnegie Mellon University
- Ziqi LiuAnt Financial Group