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WWW 2009 Table of Contents

Track: Data Mining / Session: Click Models

Track: Data Mining / Session: Graph Algorithms

Track: Data Mining / Session: Text Mining

Track: Data Mining / Session: Statistical Methods

Track: Data Mining / Session: Opinions

Track: Data Mining / Session: Web Mining

Track: Data Mining / Session: Learning

Track: Internet Monetization / Session: Sponsored Search

Track: Internet Monetization / Session: Web Monetization

Track: Performance, Scalability and Availability / Session: Performance

Track: Rich Media / Session: Media Applications

Track: Rich Media / Session: Tagging and Clustering

Track: Search / Session: Search UI

Track: Search / Session: Query Processing

Track: Search / Session: Caching and Indices

Track: Search / Session: Query Categorization

Track: Search / Session: Ads and Query Expansion

Track: Security and Privacy / Session: Web Privacy

Track: Security and Privacy / Session: Web Security

Track: Semantic/Data Web / Session: Semantic Data Management

Track: Semantic/Data Web / Session: Linked Data

Track: Semantic/Data Web / Session: Mining for Semantics

Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Recommender Systems

Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Diffusion and Search in Social Networks

Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Interactions in Social Communities

Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Photos and Web 2.0

Track: User Interfaces and Mobile Web / Session: Mobile Web

Track: User Interfaces and Mobile Web / Session: User Interfaces

Track: Web Engineering / Session: End User Web Engineering

Track: Web Engineering / Session: Service Oriented Development

Track: Web Engineering / Session: Web Architecture Aspect

Track: Web Engineering / Session: Client Side Web Engineering

Track: XML and Web Data / Session: XML Extraction and Crawling

Track: XML and Web Data / Session: XML Querying

Track: WWW in lbero-America

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Poster Session

Thursday, April 23, 2009 Poster Session

Friday, April 24, 2009 Poster Session

Track: Data Mining / Session: Click Models

A Dynamic Bayesian Network Click Model for Web Search Ranking (Page 1)
Olivier Chapelle (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Ya Zhang (Yahoo! Laboratories)

Click Chain Model in Web Search (Page 11)

Fan Guo (Carnegie Mellon University)
Chao Liu (Microsoft Research Redmond)
Anitha Kannan (Microsoft Research Search Laboratories)
Tom Minka (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Michael Taylor (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Yi-Min Wang (Microsoft Research Redmond)
Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie Mellon University)

Spatio-Temporal Models for Estimating Click-through Rate (Page 21)
Deepak Agarwal (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Bee-Chung Chen (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Pradheep Elango (Yahoo! Laboratories)

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Track: Data Mining / Session: Graph Algorithms

Fast Dynamic Reranking in Large Graphs (Page 31)
Purnamrita Sarkar (Carnegie Mellon University)
Andrew W. Moore (Google Inc.)

Estimating the ImpressionRank of Web Pages (Page 41)
Ziv Bar-Yossef (Technion and Google Haifa Engineering Center)
Maxim Gurevich (Technion)

Learning to Recognize Reliable Users and Content in Social Media
with Coupled Mutual Reinforcement (Page 51)

Jiang Bian (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Yandong Liu (Emory University)
Ding Zhou (Facebook Inc.)
Eugene Agichtein (Emory University)
Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Institute of Technology)

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Track: Data Mining / Session: Text Mining

Detecting the Origin of Text Segments Efficiently (Page 61)
Ossama Abdel Hamid (Cairo University)
Behshad Behzadi (Google Inc.)
Stefan Christoph (Google Inc.)
Monika Henzinger (Google Inc. and EPFL Lausanne)

Enhancing Diversity, Coverage and Balance for Summarization through Structure Learning (Page 71)
Liangda Li (Shanghai Jiao-Tong University)
Ke Zhou (Shanghai Jiao-Tong University)
Gui-Rong Xue (Shanghai Jiao-Tong University)
Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Yong Yu (Shanghai Jiao-Tong University)

Efficient Overlap and Content Reuse Detection in Blogs and Online News Articles (Page 81)
Jong Wook Kim (Arizona State University)
K. Selçuk Candan (Arizona State University)
Junichi Tatemura (NEC Laboratories, America)

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Track: Data Mining / Session: Statistical Methods

Latent Space Domain Transfer between High Dimensional Overlapping Distributions (Page 91)
Sihong Xie (Sun Yat-Sen University)
Wei Fan (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Jing Peng (Montclair State University)
Olivier Verscheure (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Jiangtao Ren (Sun Yat-Sen University and Montclair State University)

StatSnowball: a Statistical Approach to Extracting Entity Relationships (Page 101)

Jun Zhu (Tsinghua University)
Zaiqing Nie (Microsoft Research Asia)
Xiaojiang Liu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Bo Zhang (Tsinghua University)
Ji-Rong Wen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Matchbox: Large Scale Online Bayesian Recommendations (Page 111)
David Stern (Microsoft Research Ltd.)
Ralf Herbrich (Microsoft Research Ltd.)
Thore Graepel (Microsoft Research Ltd.)

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Track: Data Mining / Session: Opinions

Learning Consensus Opinion: Mining Data from a Labeling Game (Page 121)
Paul N. Bennett (Microsoft Research)
David Maxwell Chickering (Microsoft Live Laboratories)
Anton Mityagin (Microsoft Live Laboratories)

Rated Aspect Summarization of Short Comments (Page 131)
Yue Lu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
ChengXiang Zhai (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Neel Sundaresan (eBay Research Laboratories)

How Opinions are Received by Online Communities: A Case Study on Amazon.com Helpfulness Votes (Page 141)
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil (Cornell University)
Gueorgi Kossinets (Google Inc.)
Jon Kleinberg (Cornell University)
Lillian Lee (Cornell University)

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Track: Data Mining / Session: Web Mining

Exploiting Web Search to Generate Synonyms for Entities (Page 151)
Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft Research)
Venkatesh Ganti (Microsoft Research)
Dong Xin (Microsoft Research)

Smart Miner: A New Framework for Mining Large Scale Web Usage Data (Page 161)
Murat Ali Bayir (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Ismail Hakki Toroslu (Middle East Technical University)
Ahmet Cosar (Middle East Technical University)
Guven Fidan (AGMLAB Information Technologies)

Releasing Search Queries and Clicks Privately (Page 171)
Aleksandra Korolova (Stanford University)
Krishnaram Kenthapadi (Microsoft Research)
Nina Mishra (Microsoft Research)
Alexandros Ntoulas (Microsoft Research)

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Track: Data Mining / Session: Learning

Incorporating Site-Level Knowledge to Extract Structured Data from Web Forums (Page 181)
Jiang-Ming Yang (Microsoft Research Asia
Rui Cai (Microsoft Research Asia)
Yida Wang (CSSAR, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Jun Zhu (Tsinghua University)
Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft Research Asia)

Towards Context-Aware Search by Learning a Very Large Variable Length Hidden Markov Model from Search Logs (Page 191)
Huanhuan Cao (University of Science and Technology of China)
Daxin Jiang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Jian Pei (Simon Fraser University)
Enhong Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)
Hang Li (Microsoft Research Asia)

A Class-Feature-Centroid Classifier for Text Categorization (Page 201)
Hu Guan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Jingyu Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Minyi Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Large Scale Multi-Label Classification via MetaLabeler (Page 211)

Lei Tang (Arizona State University)
Suju Rajan (Yahoo! Inc.)
Vijay K. Narayanan (Yahoo! Inc.)

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Track: Internet Monetization / Session: Sponsored Search

Hybrid Keyword Search Auctions (Page 221)
Ashish Goel (Stanford University)
Kamesh Munagala (Duke University)

Bid Optimization for Broad Match Ad Auctions (Page 231)
Eyal Even Dar (Google Research)
Vahab S. Mirrokni (Google Research)
S. Muthukrishnan (Google Research)
Yishay Mansour (Google Research and Tel-Aviv University)
Uri Nadav (Tel-Aviv University)

General Auction Mechanism for Search Advertising (Page 241)
Gagan Aggarwal (Google, Inc.)
S. Muthukrishnan (Google, Inc.)
Dávid Pál (University of Waterloo)
Martin Pál (Google, Inc.)

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Track: Internet Monetization / Session: Web Monetization

Adaptive Bidding for Display Advertising (Page 251)
Arpita Ghosh (Yahoo! Research)
Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein (University of California, Berkeley)
Sergei Vassilvitskii (Yahoo! Research)
Martin Zinkevich (Yahoo! Research)

How Much Can Behavioral Targeting Help Online Advertising? (Page 261)
Jun Yan (Microsoft Research Asia)
Ning Liu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Gang Wang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Wen Zhang (University of Science & Technology)
Yun Jiang (ShangHai Jiao Tong University)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Web Service Derivatives (Page 271)
Thomas Meinl (Universität Karlsruhe)
Benjamin Blau (Universität Karlsruhe)

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Track: Performance, Scalability and Availability / Session: Performance

Efficient Application Placement in a Dynamic Hosting Platform (Page 281)
Zakaria Al-Qudah (Case Western Reserve University)
Hussein A. Alzoubi (Case Western Reserve University)
Mark Allman (International Computer Science Institute)
Michael Rabinovich (Case Western Reserve University)
Vincenzo Liberatore (Case Western Reserve University)

Network-Aware Forward Caching (Page 291)
Jeffrey Erman (AT&T Laboratories - Research)
Alexandre Gerber (AT&T Laboratories - Research)
Mohammad T. Hajiaghayi (AT&T Laboratories - Research)
Dan Pei (AT&T Laboratories - Research)
Oliver Spatscheck (AT&T Laboratories - Research)

Anycast-Aware Transport for Content Delivery Networks (Page 301)
Zakaria Al-Qudah (Case Western Reserve University)
Seungjoon Lee (AT&T Laboratories - Research)
Michael Rabinovich (Case Western Reserve University)
Oliver Spatscheck (AT&T Laboratories - Research)
Jacobus Van der Merwe (AT&T Laboratories - Research)

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Track: Rich Media / Session: Media Applications

Less Talk, More Rock: Automated Organization of Community-Contributed Collections of Concert Videos (Page 311)
Lyndon Kennedy (Yahoo! Research)
Mor Naaman (Rutgers University)

A Gener alised Cross-Modal Clustering Method Applied to Multimedia News Semantic Indexing and Retrieval (Page 321)
Alberto Messina (RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana)
Maurizio Montagnuolo (RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana)

What Makes Conversations Interesting? Themes, Participants and Consequences of Conversations in Online Social Media (Page 331)
Munmun De Choudhury (Arizona State University)
Hari Sundaram (Arizona State University)
Ajita John (Avaya Laboratories Inc.)
Dorée Duncan Seligmann (Avaya Laboratories Inc.)

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Track: Rich Media / Session: Tagging and Clustering

Visual Diversification of Image Search Results (Page 341)
Reinier H. van Leuken (Universiteit Utrecht)
Lluis Garcia (Yahoo! Research)
Ximena Olivares (Unversitat Pompeu Fabra)
Roelof van Zwol (Yahoo! Research)

Tag Ranking (Page 351)
Dong Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Xian-Sheng Hua (Microsoft Research Asia)
Linjun Yang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Meng Wang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Hong-Jiang Zhang (Microsoft Advanced Technology Center)

Learning to Tag (Page 361)
Lei Wu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Linjun Yang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Nenghai Yu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Xian-Sheng Hua (Microsoft Research Asia)

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Track: Search / Session: Search UI

Efficient Interactive Fuzzy Keyword Search (Page 371)
Shengyue Ji (University of California, Irvine)
Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University)
Chen Li (University of California, Irvine)
Jianhua Feng (Tsinghua University)

An Axiomatic Approach for Result Diversification (Page 381)
Sreenivas Gollapudi (Microsoft Research Laboratories)
Aneesh Sharma (Stanford University)

Quicklink Selection for Navigational Query Results (Page 391)
Deepayan Chakrabarti (Yahoo! Research)
Ravi Kumar (Yahoo! Research)
Kunal Punera (Yahoo! Research)

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Track: Search / Session: Query Processing

Inverted Index Compression and Query Processing with Optimized Document Ordering (Page 401)
Hao Yan (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Shuai Ding (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Torsten Suel (Yahoo! Research)

RuralCafe: Web Search in the Rural Developing World (Page 411)
Jay Chen (New York University)
Lakshminarayanan Subramanian (New York University)
Jinyang Li (New York University)

Using Graphics Processors for High Performance IR Query Processing (Page 421)
Shuai Ding (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Jinru He (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Hao Yan (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Torsten Suel (Yahoo! Research)

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Track: Search / Session: Caching and Indices

Improved Techniques for Result Caching in Web Search Engines (Page 431)
Qingqing Gan (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Torsten Suel (Yahoo! Research)

Nearest-Neighbor Caching for Content-Match Applications (Page 441)
Sandeep Pandey (Yahoo! Research)
Andrei Broder (Yahoo! Research)
Flavio Chierichetti (Sapienza University of Rome)
Vanja Josifovski (Yahoo! Research)
Ravi Kumar (Yahoo! Research)
Sergei Vassilvitskii (Yahoo! Research)

Compressed Web Indexes (Page 451)
Flavio Chierichetti (Sapienza University of Rome)
Ravi Kumar (Yahoo! Research)
Prabhakar Raghavan (Yahoo! Research)

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Track: Search / Session: Query Categorization

Unsupervised Query Categorization using Automatically-Built Concept Graphs (Page 461)
Eustache Diemert (Yahoo! Inc.)
Gilles Vandelle (Yahoo! Inc.)

Understanding User's Query Intent with Wikipedia (Page 471)
Jian Hu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Gang Wang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Fred Lochovsky (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Jian-tao Sun (Microsoft Research Asia)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Discovering Users' Specific Geo Intention in Web Search (Page 481)

Xing Yi (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Hema Raghavan (Yahoo! Inc.)
Chris Leggetter (Yahoo! Inc.)

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Track: Search / Session: Ads and Query Expansion

A Search-based Method for Forecasting Ad Impression in Contextual Advertising (Page 491)
Xuerui Wang (University of Massachusetts)
Andrei Broder (Yahoo! Research)
Marcus Fontoura (Yahoo! Research)
Vanja Josifovski (Yahoo! Research)

Exploiting Web Search Engines to Search Structured Databases (Page 501)
Sanjay Agrawal (Microsoft Research)
Kaushik Chakrabarti (Microsoft Research)
Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft Research)
Venkatesh Ganti (Microsoft Research)
Arnd Christian König (Microsoft Research)
Dong Xin (Microsoft Research)

Online Expansion of Rare Queries for Sponsored Search (Page 511)
Andrei Broder (Yahoo! Research)
Peter Ciccolo (Yahoo! Research)
Evgeniy Gabrilovich (Yahoo! Research)
Vanja Josifovski (Yahoo! Research)
Donald Metzler (Yahoo! Research)
Lance Riedel (Yahoo! Research)
Jeffrey Yuan (Yahoo! Research)

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Track: Security and Privacy / Session: Web Privacy

Collective Privacy Management in Social Networks (Page 521)
Anna C. Squicciarini (The Pennsylvania State University)
Mohamed Shehab (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Federica Paci (Purdue University)

To Join or Not to Join: The Illusion of Privacy in Social Networks with Mixed Public and Private User Profiles (Page 531)
Elena Zheleva (University of Maryland, College Park)
Lise Getoor (University of Maryland)

Privacy Diffusion on the Web: A Longitudinal Perspective (Page 541)
Balachander Krishnamurthy (AT&T Laboratories - Research)
Craig Wills (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

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Track: Security and Privacy / Session: Web Security

All Your Contacts Are Belong to Us: Automated Identity Theft Attacks on Social Networks (Page 551)
Leyla Bilge (EURECOM)
Thorsten Strufe (EURECOM)
Davide Balzarotti (EURECOM)
Engin Kirda (EURECOM)

Using Static Analysis for Ajax Intrusion Detection (Page 561)
Arjun Guha (Brown University)
Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)
Trevor Jim (AT&T Laboratories-Research)

A Hybrid Phish Detection Approach by Identity Discovery and Keywords Retrieval (Page 571)
Guang Xiang (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jason I. Hong (Carnegie Mellon University)

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Track: Semantic/Data Web / Session: Semantic Data Management

Rapid Prototyping of Semantic Mash-Ups through Semantic Web Pipes (Page 581)
Danh Le-Phuoc (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Axel Polleres (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Manfred Hauswirth (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Giovanni Tummarello (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Christian Morbidoni (Universitá Politecnica delle Marche)

idMesh: Graph-Based Disambiguation of Linked Data (Page 591)
Philippe Cudré-Mauroux (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Parisa Haghani (Swiss Institute of Technology, Lausanne University)
Michael Jost (Swiss Institute of Technology, Lausanne University)
Karl Aberer (Swiss Institute of Technology, Lausanne University)
Hermann De Meer (University of Passau)

OpenRuleBench: An Analysis of the Performance of Rule Engines (Page 601)
Senlin Liang (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
Paul Fodor (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
Hui Wan (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
Michael Kifer (State University of New York at Stony Brook)

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Track: Semantic/Data Web / Session: Linked Data

Large Scale Integration of Senses for the Semantic Web (Page 611)
Jorge Gracia (University of Zaragoza)
Mathieu d'Aquin (The Open University)
Eduardo Mena (University of Zaragoza)

Triplify — Light-Weight Linked Data Publication from Relational Databases (Page 621)
Sören Auer (Universität Leipzig)
Sebastian Dietzold (Universität Leipzig)
Jens Lehmann (Universität Leipzig)
Sebastian Hellmann (Universität Leipzig)
David Aumueller (Universität Leipzig)

SOFIE: A Self-Organizing Framework for Information Extraction (Page 631)
Fabian M. Suchanek (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)
Mauro Sozio (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)
Gerhard Weikum (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)

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Track: Semantic/Data Web / Session: Mining for Semantics

Evaluating Similarity Measures for Emergent Semantics of Social Tagging (Page 641)
Benjamin Markines (Indiana University and Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation)
Ciro Cattuto (Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation)
Filippo Menczer (Indiana University and Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation)
Dominik Benz (University of Kassel)
Andreas Hotho (University of Kassel)
Gerd Stumme (University of Kassel)

Measuring the Similarity between Implicit Semantic Relations from the Web (Page 651)
Danushka Bollegala (The University of Tokyo)
Yutaka Matsuo (The University of Tokyo)
Mitsuru Ishizuka (The University of Tokyo)

Extracting Key Terms From Noisy and Multi-theme Documents (Page 661)
Maria Grineva (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Maxim Grinev (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Dmitry Lizorkin (Russian Academy of Sciences)

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Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Recommender Systems

Tagommenders: Connecting Users to Items through Tags (Page 671)
Shilad Sen (Macalester College)
Jesse Vig (University of Minnesota)
John Riedl (University of Minnesota)

Collaborative Filtering for Orkut Communities: Discovery of User Latent Behavior (Page 681)
Wen-Yen Chen (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Jon-Chyuan Chu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Junyi Luan (Peking University)
Hongjie Bai (Google Research China)
Yi Wang (Google Research China)
Edward Y. Chang (Google Research China)

Personalized Recommendation on Dynamic Content Using Predictive Bilinear Models (Page 691)

Wei Chu (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Seung-Taek Park (Yahoo! Laboratories)

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Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Diffusion and Search in Social Networks

Social Search in "Small-World" Experiments (Page 701)
Sharad Goel (Yahoo! Research)
Roby Muhamad (Columbia University)
Duncan Watts (Yahoo! Research and Columbia University)

Behavioral Profiles for Advanced Email Features (Page 711)
Thomas Karagiannis (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Milan Vojnovic (Microsoft Research Cambridge)

A Measurement-driven Analysis of Information Propagation in the Flickr Social Network (Page 721)
Meeyoung Cha (MPI-SWS)
Alan Mislove (MPI-SWS)
Krishna P. Gummadi (MPI-SWS)

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Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Interactions in Social Communities

Network Analysis of Collaboration Structure in Wikipedia (Page 731)
Ulrik Brandes (University of Konstanz)
Patrick Kenis (TiasNimbas Business School & Tilburg University)
Jürgen Lerner (University of Konstanz)
Denise van Raaij (Tilburg University)

The Slashdot Zoo: Mining a Social Network with Negative Edges (Page 741)
Jérôme Kunegis (Technical University at Berlin)
Andreas Lommatzsch (Technical University at Berlin)
Christian Bauckhage (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories)

Community Gravity: Measuring Bidirectional Effects by Trust and Rating on Online Social Networks (Page 751)
Yutaka Matsuo (University of Tokyo)
Hikaru Yamamoto (Seikei University)

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Track: Social Networks and Web 2.0 / Session: Photos and Web 2.0

Mapping the World's Photos (Page 761)
David Crandall (Cornell University)
Lars Backstrom (Cornell University)
Daniel Huttenlocher (Cornell University)
Jon Kleinberg (Cornell University)

Ranking and Classifying Attractiveness of Photos in Folksonomies (Page 771)
Jose San Pedro (University of Sheffield)
Stefan Siersdorfer (University of Hannover)

Constructing Folksonomies from User-Specified Relations on Flickr (Page 781)
Anon Plangprasopchok (University of Southern California)
Kristina Lerman (University of Southern California)

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Track: User Interfaces and Mobile Web / Session: Mobile Web

Mining Interesting Locations and Travel Sequences from GPS Trajectories (Page 791)
Yu Zheng (Microsoft Research Asia)
Lizhu Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Xing Xie (Microsoft Research Asia)
Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft Research Asia)

Computers and iPhones and Mobile Phones, oh my! (Page 801)
Maryam Kamvar (Google, Inc.)
Melanie Kellar (Google, Inc.)
Rajan Patel (Google, Inc.)
Ya Xu (Stanford University)

A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images (Page 811)
Yuki Arase (Osaka University)
Xing Xie (Microsoft Research Asia)
Manni Duan (University of Science and Technology of China)
Takahiro Hara (Osaka University)
Shojiro Nishio (Osaka University)

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Track: User Interfaces and Mobile Web / Session: User Interfaces

WEB 2.0: Blind to an Accessible New World (Page 821)

Joshua Hailpern (University of Illinois)
Loretta Guarino-Reid (Google)
Richard Boardman (Google)
Srinivas Annam (Google)

Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout (Page 831)
Cameron Braganza (Monash University)
Kim Marriott (Monash University)
Peter Moulder (Monash University)
Michael Wybrow (Monash University)
Tim Dwyer (Monash University)

What's Up CAPTCHA? A CAPTCHA Based on Image Orientation (Page 841)
Rich Gossweiler (Google, Inc.)
Maryam Kamvar (Google, Inc.)
Shumeet Baluja (Google, Inc.)

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Track: Web Engineering / Session: End User Web Engineering

Rapid Development of Spreadsheet-based Web Mashups (Page 851)
Woralak Kongdenfha (University of New South Wales)
Boualem Benatallah (University of New South Wales)
Julien Vayssière (SAP Research)
Régis Saint-Paul (CREATE-NET)
Fabio Casati (University of Trento)

Mashroom: End-User Mashup Programming Using Nested Tables (Page 861)
Guiling Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Shaohua Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yanbo Han (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Automated Construction of Web Accessibility Models from Transaction Click-streams (Page 871)
Jalal Mahmud (Stony Brook University)
Yevgen Borodin (Stony Brook University)
I. V. Ramakrishnan (Stony Brook University)
C. R. Ramakrishnan (Stony Brook University)

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Track: Web Engineering / Session: Service Oriented Development

Combining Global Optimization with Local Selection for Efficient QoS-aware Service Composition (Page 881)
Mohammad Alrifai (University of Hannover)
Thomas Risse (University of Hannover)

A Trust Management Framework for Service-Oriented Environments (Page 891)
William Conner (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Arun Iyengar (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Thomas Mikalsen (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Isabelle Rouvellou (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Test Case Prioritization for Regression Testing of Service-Oriented Business Applications (Page 901)
Lijun Mei (The University of Hong Kong)
Zhenyu Zhang (The University of Hong Kong)
W. K. Chan (City University of Hong Kong)
T. H. Tse (The University of Hong Kong)

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Track: Web Engineering / Session: Web Architecture Aspect

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design (Page 911)
Cesare Pautasso (University of Lugano)
Erik Wilde (University of California, Berkeley)

Highly Scalable Web Applications with Zero-Copy Data Transfer (Page 921)
Toyotaro Suzumura (IBM Research Tokyo)
Michiaki Tatsubori (IBM Research Tokyo)
Scott Trent (IBM Research Tokyo)
Akihiko Tozawa (IBM Research Tokyo)
Tamiya Onodera (IBM Research Tokyo)

REST-Based Management of Loosely Coupled Services (Page 931)
Heiko Ludwig (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Jim Laredo (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Kamal Bhattacharya (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Liliana Pasquale (Politecnico di Milano)
Bruno Wassermann (University College London)

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Track: Web Engineering / Session: Client Side Web Engineering

Co-Browsing Dynamic Web Pages (Page 941)
Dietwig Lowet (Philips Research Laboratories)
Daniel Goergen (Philips Research Laboratories)

HTML Templates that Fly: A Template Engine Approach to Automated Of oading from Server to Client (Page 951)
Michiaki Tatsubori (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory)
Toyotaro Suzumura (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory)

Characterizing Insecure JavaScript Practices on the Web (Page 961)
Chuan Yue (The College of William and Mary)
Haining Wang (The College of William and Mary)

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Track: XML and Web Data / Session: XML Extraction and Crawling

Extracting Article Text from the Web with Maximum Subsequence Segmentation (Page 971)
Jeff Pasternack (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Dan Roth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Extracting Data Records from the Web Using Tag Path Clustering (Page 981)

Gengxin Miao (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Junichi Tatemura (NEC Laboratories America)
Wang-Pin Hsiung (NEC Laboratories America)
Arsany Sawires (NEC Laboratories America)
Louise E. Moser (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Sitemaps: Above and Beyond the Crawl of Duty (Page 991)
Uri Schonfeld (University of California, Los Angeles)
Narayanan Shivakumar (Google Inc.)

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Track: XML and Web Data / Session: XML Querying

Performing Grouping and Aggregate Functions in XML Queries (Page 1001)
Huayu Wu (National University of Singapore)
Tok Wang Ling (National University of Singapore)
Liang Xu (National University of Singapore)
Zhifeng Bao (National University of Singapore)

XQuery in the Browser (Page 1011)
Ghislain Fourny (ETH Zürich)
Markus Pilman (ETH Zürich)
Daniela Florescu (Oracle)
Donald Kossmann (ETH Zürich)
Tim Kraska (ETH Zürich)
Darin McBeath (Elsevier)

Answering Approximate Queries over Autonomous Web Databases (Page 1021)
Xiangfu Meng (Northeastern University)
Z. M. Ma (Northeastern University)
Li Yan (Northeastern University)

(Return to Top)

Track: WWW in lbero-America

Analyzing Seller Practices in a Brazilian Marketplace (Page 1031)
Adriano Pereira (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Diego Duarte (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Wagner Meira Jr. (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Virgilio Almeida (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Paulo Góes (The University of Arizona)

A Geographical Analysis of Knowledge Production in Computer Science (Page 1041)
Guilherme Vale Menezes (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Nivio Ziviani (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Alberto H. F. Laender (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Virgílio Almeida (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

(Return to Top)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Poster Session

Competitive Analysis from Click-Through Log (Page 1051)
Gang Wang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Jian Hu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Yunzhang Zhu (Tsinghua University)
Hua Li (Microsoft)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Predicting Click Through Rate for Job Listings (Page 1053)
Manish Gupta (Yahoo! Inc.)

Query Clustering using Click-Through Graph (Page 1055)
Jeonghee Yi (Yahoo! Inc.)
Farzin Maghoul (Yahoo! Inc.)

An Effective Semantic Search Technique using Ontology (Page 1057)
Jihyun Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Jun-Ki Min (Korea University of Technology and Education)
Chin-Wan Chung (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Relationalizing RDF Stores for Tools Reusability (Page 1059)
Sunitha Ramanujam (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Anubha Gupta (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Latifur Khan (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Steven Seida (Raytheon Company)
Bhavani Thuraisingham (The University of Texas at Dallas)

C-SPARQL: SPARQL for Continuous Querying (Page 1061)
Davide Francesco Barbieri (Politecnico di Milano)
Daniele Braga (Politecnico di Milano)
Stefano Ceri (Politecnico di Milano)
Emanuele Della Valle (Politecnico di Milano)
Michael Grossniklaus (Politecnico di Milano)

Interactive Search in XML Data (Page 1063)
Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University)
Jianhua Feng (Tsinghua University)
Lizhu Zhou (Tsinghua University)

Is There Anything Worth Finding on the Semantic Web? (Page 1065)

Harry Halpin (University of Edinburgh)

Instance-based Probabilistic Reasoning in the Semantic Web (Page 1067)
Pedro Oliveira (University of Coimbra)
Paulo Gomes (University of Coimbra)

A Flight Meta-Search Engine with Metamorph (Page 1069)

Bernhard Krüepl (TU Wien)
Wolfgang Holzinger (TU Wien)
Yansen Darmaputra (TU Wien)
Robert Baumgartner (Lixto Software GmbH)

Thumbs-Up: A Game for Playing to Rank Search Results (Page 1071)
Ali Dasdan (Yahoo! Inc.)
Chris Drome (Yahoo! Inc.)
Santanu Kolay (Yahoo! Inc.)

Search Shortcuts: Driving Users Towards Their Goals (Page 1073)
Ranieri Baraglia (ISTI - CNR)
Fidel Cacheda (University of A Coruña)
Victor Carneiro (University of A Coruña)
Vreixo Formoso (University of A Coruña)
Raffaele Perego (ISTI - CNR)
Fabrizio Silvestri (ISTI - CNR)

A Probabilistic Model Based Approach for Blended Search (Page 1075)

Ning Liu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Jun Yan (Microsoft Research Asia)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Bucefalo: A Tool for Intelligent Search and Filtering for Web-based Personal Health Records (Page 1077)
Francisco P. Romero (University of Castilla-La Mancha)
Jesus Serrano-Guerrero (University of Castilla-La Mancha)
Jose A. Olivas (University of Castilla-La Mancha)

Dataplorer: A Scalable Search Engine for the Data Web (Page 1079)
Haofen Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Qiaoling Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Gui-Rong Xue (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Yong Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Lei Zhang (IBM China Research Laboratory)
Yue Pan (IBM China Research Laboratory)

Threshold Selection for Web-Page Classification with Highly Skewed Class Distribution (Page 1081)
Xiaofeng He (Yahoo! Inc.)
Lei Duan (Yahoo! Inc.)
Yiping Zhou (Yahoo! Inc.)
Byron Dom (Yahoo! Inc.)

Web-Scale Classification with Naive Bayes (Page 1083)
Congle Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Gui-Rong Xue (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Yong Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Institute of Technology)

News Article Extraction with Template-Independent Wrapper (Page 1085)
Junfeng Wang (Zhejiang University)
Xiaofei He (Zhejiang University)
Can Wang (Zhejiang University)
Jian Pei (Simon Fraser University)
Jiajun Bu (Zhejiang University)
Chun Chen (Zhejiang University)
Ziyu Guan (Zhejiang University)
Lu Gang (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)

Graffiti: Node Labeling in Heterogeneous Networks (Page 1087)
Ralitsa Angelova (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)
Gjergji Kasneci (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)
Fabian M. Suchanek (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)
Gerhard Weikum (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)

Graph Based Crawler Seed Selection (Page 1089)
Shuyi Zheng (The Pennsylvania State University)
Pavel Dmitriev (Yahoo! Laboratories)
C. Lee Giles (The Pennsylvania State University)

Building Term Suggestion Relational Graphs from Collective Intelligence (Page 1091)
Jyh-Ren Shieh (National Taiwan University)
Yung-Huan Hsieh (National Taiwan University)
Yang-Ting Yeh (National Taiwan University)
Tse Chung Su (National Taiwan University)
Ching-Yung Lin (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Ja-Ling Wu (National Taiwan University)

Towards Intent-Driven Bidterm Suggestion (Page 1093)
William Chang (University of Southern California)
Patrick Pantel (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Ana-Maria Popescu (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Evgeniy Gabrilovich (Yahoo! Laboratories)

Advertising Keyword Generation Using Active Learning (Page 1095)
Hao Wu (Zhejiang University)
Guang Qiu (Zhejiang University)
Xiaofei He (Zhejiang University)
Yuan Shi (Zhejiang University)
Mingcheng Qu (Zhejiang University)
Jing Shen (China Disabled Persons' Federation Information Center)
Jiajun Bu (Zhejiang University)
Chun Chen (Zhejiang University)

GameSense (Page 1097)
Lusong Li (Beihang University)
Tao Mei (Microsoft Research Asia)
Chris Liu (Microsoft Advanced Technology Center)
Xian-Sheng Hua (Microsoft Research Asia)

Rare Item Detection in e-Commerce Site (Page 1099)
Dan Shen (eBay Research Laboratories)
Xiaoyuan Wu (eBay Research Laboratories)
Alvaro Bolivar (eBay Research Laboratories)

A Declarative Framework for Semantic Link Discovery over Relational Data (Page 1101)
Oktie Hassanzadeh (University of Toronto)
Lipyeow Lim (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Anastasios Kementsietsidis (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Min Wang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Modeling Semantics and Structure of Discussion Threads (Page 1103)
Chen Lin (Fudan University)
Jiang-Ming Yang (Microsoft Research, Asia)
Rui Cai (Microsoft Research, Asia)
Xin-Jing Wang (Microsoft Research, Asia)
Wei Wang (Fudan University)
Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research, Asia)

Combining Anchor Text Categorization and Graph Analysis for Paid Link Detection (Page 1105)
Kirill Nikolaev (Yandex)
Ekaterina Zudina (Yandex)
Andrey Gorshkov (Yandex)

Rethinking Email Message and People Search (Page 1107)
Sebastian Michel (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Ingmar Weber (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

Purely URL-based Topic Classification (Page 1109)
Eda Baykan (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Monika Henzinger (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne & Google Zürich)
Ludmila Marian (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Ingmar Weber (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

(Return to Top)

Thursday, April 23, 2009 Poster Session

WPBench: A Benchmark for Evaluating the Client-side Performance of Web 2.0 Applications (Page 1111)
Kaimin Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Lu Wang (Tsinghua University)
Xiaolin Guo (Tsinghua University)
Aimin Pan (Microsoft Research Asia)
Bin B. Zhu (Microsoft Research Asia)

MASTH Proxy: An Extensible Platform for Web Overload Control (Page 1113)
Vipul Mathur (Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay)
Sanket Dhopeshwarkar (Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay)
Varsha Apte (Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay)

A Messaging API for Inter-Widgets Communication (Page 1115)
Stéphane Sire (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Micaël Paquier (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Alain Vagner (CRP Henri Tudor)
Jérôme Bogaerts (CRP Henri Tudor)

Why are Moved Web Pages Difficult to Find? The WISH Approach (Page 1117)
Atsuyuki Morishima (University of Tsukuba)
Akiyoshi Nakamizo (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
Toshinari Iida (University of Tsukuba)
Shigeo Sugimoto (University of Tsukuba)
Hiroyuki Kitagawa (University of Tsukuba)

Detecting Soft Errors by Redirection Classification (Page 1119)
Taehyung Lee (Seoul National University)
Jinil Kim (Seoul National University)
Jin Wook Kim (HM Research)
Sung-Ryul Kim (Konkuk University)
Kunsoo Park (Seoul National University)
Automatic Web Service Composition with Abstraction and Refinement (Page 1121)
Hyunyoung Kil (The Pennsylvania State University)
Wonhong Nam (The Pennsylvania State University)
Dongwon Lee (The Pennsylvania State University)

Where to Adapt Dynamic Service Compositions (Page 1123)
Bo Jiang (The University of Hong Kong)
W. K. Chan (City University of Hong Kong)
Zhenyu Zhang (The University of Hong Kong)
T. H. Tse (The University of Hong Kong)

SGPS: A Semantic Scheme for Web Service Similarity (Page 1125)
Sourish Dasgupta (University of Missouri, Kansas City)
Satish Bhat (University of Missouri, Kansas City)
Yugyung Lee (University of Missouri, Kansas City)

Automated Synthesis of Composite Services with Correctness Guarantee (Page 1127)
Ting Deng (Beihang University)
Jinpeng Huai (Beihang University)
Xianxian Li (Beihang University)
Zongxia Du (Beihang University)
Huipeng Guo (Beihang University)

User-Centric Content Freshness Metrics for Search Engines (Page 1129)
Ali Dasdan (Yahoo! Inc.)
Xinh Huynh (Yahoo! Inc.)

Reliability Analysis Using Weighted Combinational Models for Web-based Software (Page 1131)
Chao-Jung Hsu (National Tsing Hua University)
Chin-Yu Huang (National Tsing Hua University)

sMash: Semantic-based Mashup Navigation for Data API Network (Page 1133)
Bin Lu (Zhejiang University)
Zhaohui Wu (Zhejiang University)
Yuan Ni (IBM China Research Laboratory)
Guotong Xie (IBM China Research Laboratory)
Chunying Zhou (Zhejiang University)
Huajun Chen (Zhejiang University)

Semantic Wiki Aided Business Process Specification (Page 1135)
Toufeeq Hussain (Infosys Technologies Limited)
Rajesh Balakrishnan (Infosys Technologies Limited)
Amar Viswanathan (Infosys Technologies Limited)

Raise Semantics at the User Level for Dynamic and Interactive SOA-based Portals (Page 1137)
Jean-Sebastien Brunner (Theresis Innovation Center – Thales)
Patrick Gatellier (Theresis Innovation Center – Thales)

Towards Lightweight and Efficient DDoS Attacks Detection for Web Server (Page 1139)
Yang Li (China Mobile Research Institute)
Tian-Bo Lu (National Computer network Emergency Response technical Team/Coordination Center of China)
Li Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Zhi-Hong Tian (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Qin-Wu Nie (Hunan University of Science and Technology)

A General Framework for Adaptive and Online Detection of Web Attacks (Page 1141)
Wei Wang (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Florent Masseglia (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Thomas Guyet (IRISA)
Rene Quiniou (IRISA)
Marie-Odile Cordier (IRISA)

PAKE-based Mutual HTTP Authentication for Preventing Phishing Attacks (Page 1143)
Yutaka Oiwa (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Hiromitsu Takagi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Hajime Watanabe (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Hirofumi Suzuki (Yahoo! Japan, Inc.)

Inferring Private Information Using Social Network Data (Page 1145)
Jack Lindamood (Facebook)
Raymond Heatherly (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Murat Kantarcioglu (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Bhavani Thuraisingham (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Privacy Preserving Frequency Capping in Internet Banner Advertising (Page 1147)
Ayman Farahat (Addkick)

Crosslanguage Blog Mining and Trend Visualisation (Page 1149)
Andreas Juffinger (Know-Center)
Elisabeth Lex (Know-Center)

Crawling English-Japanese Person-Name Transliterations from the Web (Page 1151)
Satoshi Sato (Nagoya University)

Near Real Time Information Mining in Multilingual News (Page 1153)
Martin Atkinson (European Commission Joint Research Centre)
Erik Van der Goot (European Commission Joint Research Centre)

Mining Multilingual Topics from Wikipedia (Page 1155)
Xiaochuan Ni (Microsoft Research Asia)
Jian-Tao Sun (Microsoft Research Asia)
Jian Hu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Towards Language–Independent Web Genre Detection (Page 1157)
Philipp Scholl (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Renato Domínguez García (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Doreen Böhnstedt (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Christoph Rensing (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Ralf Steinmetz (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

The Web of Nations (Page 1159)
Sukwon Chung (Stanford University)
Dungjit Shiowattana (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Pavel Dmitriev (Yahoo! Laboratories)
Su Chan (Yahoo! Laboratories)

Cascading Style Sheets: A Novel Approach Towards Productive Styling with Today's Standards (Page 1161)
Matthias Keller (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Martin Nussbaumer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Automatically Filling Form-Based Web Interfaces with Free Text Inputs (Page 1163)
Guilherme A. Toda (Federal University of Amazonas)
Eli Cortez (Federal University of Amazonas)
Filipe Mesquita (Federal University of Amazonas)
Altigran S. da Silva (Federal University of Amazonas)
Edleno Moura (Federal University of Amazonas)
Marden Neubert (Uol Inc.)

A Densitometric Analysis of Web Template Content (Page 1165)
Christian Kohlschütter (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

A Flexible Dialogue System for Enhancing Web Usability (Page 1167)
Marta Gatius (Technical University of Catalonia)
Meritxell González (Technical University of Catalonia)

Estimating Web Site Readability Using Content Extraction (Page 1169)
Thomas Gottron (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Ludger Martin (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: from 1.0 to 2.0 (Page 1171)
Miquel Termens (Universitat de Barcelona)
Mireia Ribera (Universitat de Barcelona)
Mercè Porras (Universitat de Barcelona)
Marc Boldú (Universitat de Barcelona)
Andreu Sulé (Universitat de Barcelona)
Pilar Paris (Generalitat de Catalunya)

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Friday, April 24, 2009 Poster Session

Mining Cultural Differencesfrom a Large Number of Geotagged Photos (Page 1173)
Keiji Yanai (The University of Electro-Communications)
Bingyu Qiu (Beijing University of Posts and Technology)

An Experimental Study of Large-Scale Mobile Social Network (Page 1175)
Zheng-Bin Dong (Peking University)
Guo-Jie Song (Peking University)
Kun-Qing Xie (Peking University)
Jing-Yao Wang (China Mobile Group, HeiLongJiang Co., Ltd.)

A P2P Based Distributed Services Network for Next Generation Mobile Internet Communications (Page 1177)
Yang Li (China Mobile Research Institute)
Yi-Chuan Wu (China Mobile Research Institute)
Jian-Ying Zhang (China Mobile Research Institute)
Jin Peng (China Mobile Research Institute)
Hong-Luan Liao (China Mobile Research Institute)
Yun-Fei Zhang (China Mobile Research Institute)

Securely Implementing Open Geospatial Consortium Web Service Interface Standards in Oracle Spatial (Page 1179)
Ning An (Oracle Corporation)
Raja Chatterjee (Oracle Corporation)
Mike Horhammer (Oracle Corporation)
Siva Ravada (Oracle Corporation)

Visualization of Geo-annotated Pictures in Mobile Phones (Page 1181)
Roberto Manca (Freelance consultant)
Francesco Massidda (Zetesis S.r.l.)
Davide Carboni (CRS4)

Deducing Trip Related Information from Flickr (Page 1183)
Adrian Popescu (TELECOM Bretagne)
Gregory Grefenstette (Exalead)

Link Based Small Sample Learning for Web Spam Detection (Page 1185)
Guang-Gang Geng (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Qiudan Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xinchang Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Detecting Image Spam Using Local Invariant Features and Pyramid Match Kernel (Page 1187)
Haiqiang Zuo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Weiming Hu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Ou Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yunfei Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Guan Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Web Image Retrieval ReRanking with Multi-view Clustering (Page 1189)
Mingmin Chi (Fudan University)
Peiwu Zhang (Fudan University)
Yingbin Zhao (Fudan University)
Rui Feng (Fudan University)
Xiangyang Xue (Fudan University)

Characterizing Web-based Video Sharing Workloads (Page 1191)
Siddharth Mitra (Indian Institute of Technology)
Mayank Agrawal (Indian Institute of Technology)
Amit Yadav (Indian Institute of Technology)
Niklas Carlsson (University of Calgary)
Derek Eager (University of Saskatchewan)
Anirban Mahanti (NICTA)

Deriving Music Theme Annotations from User Tags (Page 1193)
Kerstin Bischoff (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Claudiu S. Firan (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Raluca Paiu (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Tag-Oriented Document Summarization (Page 1195)
Junyan Zhu (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Can Wang (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Xiaofei He (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Jiajun Bu (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Chun Chen (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Shujie Shang (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Mingcheng Qu (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Gang Lu (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)

Search Result Re-ranking Based on Gap between Search Queries and Social Tags (Page 1197)
Jun Yan (Microsoft Research Asia)
Ning Liu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Elaine Qing Chang (Microsoft Corporation)
Lei Ji (Microsoft Research Asia)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Signaling Emotion in Tagclouds (Page 1199)
Takeharu Eda (NTT Corporation)
Toshio Uchiyama (NTT Corporation)
Tadasu Uchiyama (NTT Corporation)
Masatoshi Yoshikawa (Kyoto University)

Two Birds with One Stone: A Graph-based Framework for Disambiguating and Tagging People Names in Web Search (Page 1201)
Lili Jiang (Lanzhou University)
Jianyong Wang (Tsinghua University)
Ning An (Oracle Corporation)
Shengyuan Wang (Tsinghua University)
Jian Zhan (Tsinghua University)
Lian Li (Lanzhou University)

The Value of Socially Tagged URLs for a Search Engine (Page 1203)
Santanu Kolay (Yahoo! Inc.)
Ali Dasdan (Yahoo! Inc.)

The Recurrence Dynamics of Social Tagging (Page 1205)

Dell Zhang (University of London)
Robert Mao (Microsoft Corporation)
Wei Li (Google Inc.)

Playful Tagging - Folksonomy Generation Using Online Games (Page 1207)
Markus Krause (University of Bremen)
Hidir Aras (University of Bremen)

Identifying Vertical Search Intention of Query through Social Tagging Propagation (Page 1209)

Ning Liu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Jun Yan (Microsoft Research Asia)
Weiguo Fan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)

Social Search and Discovery Using a Unified Approach (Page 1211)

Einat Amitay (IBM Research Laboratory Haifa)
David Carmel (IBM Research Laboratory Haifa)
Nadav Har'El (IBM Research Laboratory Haifa)
Shila Ofek-Koifman (IBM Research Laboratory Haifa)
Aya Soffer (IBM Research Laboratory Haifa)
Sivan Yogev (IBM Research Laboratory Haifa)
Nadav Golbandi (IBM Research Laboratory Haifa)

Extracting Community Structure through Relational Hypergraphs (Page 1213)
Yu-Ru Lin (Arizona State University)
Jimeng Sun (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Paul Castro (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Ravi Konuru (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Hari Sundaram (Arizona State University)
Aisling Kelliher (Arizona State University)

Ranking User-Created Contents by Search User's Inclination in Online Communities (Page 1215)
Hyoseop Shin (Konkuk University)
Jeehoon Lee (Konkuk University)

Retaining Personal Expression for Social Search (Page 1217)
Praphul Chandra (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories)
Ajay Gupta (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories)

Discovering the Staring People From Social Networks (Page 1219)
Dewei Chen (Tsinghua University)
Jie Tang (Tsinghua University)
Juanzi Li (Tsinghua University)
Lizhu Zhou (Tsinghua University)

Analysis of Community Structure in Wikipedia (Page 1221)
Dmitry Lizorkin (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Olena Medelyan (University of Waikato)
Maria Grineva (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Content Hole Search in Community-type Content (Page 1223)
Akiyo Nadamoto (Konan University)
Eiji Aramaki (The University of Tokyo)
Takeshi Abekawa (The University of Tokyo)
Yohei Murakami (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

Searching for Events in the Blogosphere (Page 1225)
Manolis Platakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Dimitrios Kotsakos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Dimitrios Gunopulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Ranking Community Answers via Analogical Reasoning (Page 1227)
Xudong Tu (HuaZhong University of Science and Technology)
Xin-Jing Wang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Dan Feng (HuaZhong University of Science and Technology)
Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia)

Probabilistic Question Recommendation for Question Answering Communities (Page 1229)
Mingcheng Qu (Zhejiang University)
Guang Qiu (Zhejiang University)
Xiaofei He (Zhejiang University)
Cheng Zhang (China Disabled Persons' Federation Information Center)
Hao Wu (Zhejiang University)
Jiajun Bu (Zhejiang University)
Chun Chen (Zhejiang University)

Buzz-Based Recommender System (Page 1231)
Nish Parikh (eBay Research Laboratories)
Neel Sundaresan (eBay Research Laboratories)

Discovering User Profiles (Page 1233)
Riddhiman Ghosh (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories)
Mohamed Dekhil (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories)

Bootstrapped Extraction of Class Attributes (Page 1235)
Joseph Reisinger (The University of Texas at Austin)
Marius Pasca (Google, Inc.)

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