INTERLAN is an IT Company based in Erandio-Bilbao and in Boston. INTERLAN Company is the distributor of the products based on Metalingua Technology, the innovative technology that breaks language barriers. 

METALINGUA Technology (patented): Information automatic disambiguating engine. Metalingua transforms content into a universal representation of information (concepts) that is not related either to source or to target language.

  • It is oriented to multilingual communications and multilingual content management.
  • Multilingual (Interlingua based) Machine Translation.
  • Multilingual Content Management Systems.
  • HMI (Human Machine Interaction).
  • Automatic Semantic Data Mining.
  • Voice Recognition.

  • Exhibition
    WWW2009 sponsor Exhibition Hall is housed on the lower level of the Conference Center, Left Hall, next to the escalators leading to left wing conference rooms in higher floors.
    The exhibition will be open from Wednesday to Friday, from 10:00 to 17:00.
    See the exhibition area map
    See the presentation slides at UPM Research booth

    Exhibition Booths

  • Fundación Once
  • Telefónica
  • Betavine
  • Google
  • Yahoo!
  • European Patent Office
  • Daedalus
  • Taylor & Francis
  • Madrid Tecnología (Madrid Municipality)
  • IW3C2 & WWW2010
  • UPM Research

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    Asociación de Técnicos de Informática bcs etsit EUITT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
    ctic mid+ Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas

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