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Author Index

Abdel Hamid, Ossama

Paper:  Detecting the Origin of Text Segments Efficiently  (Page 61)

Abekawa, Takeshi

Poster:  Content Hole Search in Community-type Content  (Page 1223)

Aberer, Karl

Paper:  idMesh: Graph-Based Disambiguation of Linked Data  (Page 591)

Agarwal, Deepak

Paper:  Spatio-Temporal Models for Estimating Click-through Rate  (Page 21)

Aggarwal, Gagan

Paper:  General Auction Mechanism for Search Advertising  (Page 241)

Agichtein, Eugene

Paper:  Learning to Recognize Reliable Users and Content in Social Media with Coupled Mutual Reinforcement  (Page 51)

Agrawal, Mayank

Poster:  Characterizing Web-based Video Sharing Workloads  (Page 1191)

Agrawal, Sanjay

Paper:  Exploiting Web Search Engines to Search Structured Databases  (Page 501)

Allman, Mark

Paper:  Efficient Application Placement in a Dynamic Hosting Platform  (Page 281)

Almeida, Virgilio

Paper:  Analyzing Seller Practices in a Brazilian Marketplace  (Page 1031)

Paper:  A Geographical Analysis of Knowledge Production in Computer Science  (Page 1041)

Al-Qudah, Zakaria

Paper:  Anycast-Aware Transport for Content Delivery Networks  (Page 301)

Paper:  Efficient Application Placement in a Dynamic Hosting Platform  (Page 281)

Alrifai, Mohammad

Paper:  Combining Global Optimization with Local Selection for Efficient QoS-aware Service Composition  (Page 881)

Alzoubi, Hussein A.

Paper:  Efficient Application Placement in a Dynamic Hosting Platform  (Page 281)

Amitay, Einat

Poster:  Social Search and Discovery Using a Unified Approach  (Page 1211)

An, Ning

Poster:  Securely Implementing Open Geospatial Consortium Web Service Interface Standards in Oracle Spatial  (Page 1179)

Poster:  Two Birds with One Stone: A Graph-based Framework for Disambiguating and Tagging People Names in Web Search  (Page 1201)

Angelova, Ralitsa

Poster:  Graffiti: Node Labeling in Heterogeneous Networks  (Page 1087)

Annam, Srinivas

Paper:  WEB 2.0: Blind to an Accessible New World  (Page 821)

Apte, Varsha

Poster:  MASTH Proxy: An Extensible Platform for Web Overload Control  (Page 1113)

Aramaki, Eiji

Poster:  Content Hole Search in Community-type Content  (Page 1223)

Aras, Hidir

Poster:  Playful Tagging - Folksonomy Generation Using Online Games  (Page 1207)

Arase, Yuki

Paper:  A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images  (Page 811)

Atkinson, Martin

Poster:  Near Real Time Information Mining in Multilingual News  (Page 1153)

Auer, Sören

Paper:  Triplify — Light-Weight Linked Data Publication from Relational Databases  (Page 621)

Aumueller, David

Paper:  Triplify — Light-Weight Linked Data Publication from Relational Databases  (Page 621)

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Backstrom, Lars

Paper:  Mapping the World's Photos  (Page 761)

Bai, Hongjie

Paper:  Collaborative Filtering for Orkut Communities: Discovery of User Latent Behavior  (Page 681)

Balakrishnan, Rajesh

Poster:  Semantic Wiki Aided Business Process Specification  (Page 1135)

Baluja, Shumeet

Paper:  What's Up CAPTCHA? A CAPTCHA Based on Image Orientation  (Page 841)

Balzarotti, Davide

Paper:  All Your Contacts Are Belong to Us: Automated Identity Theft Attacks on Social Networks  (Page 551)

Bao, Zhifeng

Paper:  Performing Grouping and Aggregate Functions in XML Queries  (Page 1001)

Baraglia, Ranieri

Poster:  Search Shortcuts: Driving Users Towards Their Goals  (Page 1073)

Barbieri, Davide Francesco

Poster:  C-SPARQL: SPARQL for Continuous Querying  (Page 1061)

Bar-Yossef, Ziv

Paper:  Estimating the ImpressionRank of Web Pages  (Page 41)

Bauckhage, Christian

Paper:  The Slashdot Zoo: Mining a Social Network with Negative Edges  (Page 741)

Baumgartner, Robert

Poster:  A Flight Meta-Search Engine with Metamorph  (Page 1069)

Bayir, Murat Ali

Paper:  Smart Miner: A New Framework for Mining Large Scale Web Usage Data  (Page 161)

Baykan, Eda

Poster:  Purely URL-based Topic Classification  (Page 1109)

Behzadi, Behshad

Paper:  Detecting the Origin of Text Segments Efficiently  (Page 61)

Benatallah, Boualem

Paper:  Rapid Development of Spreadsheet-based Web Mashups  (Page 851)

Bennett, Paul N.

Paper:  Learning Consensus Opinion: Mining Data from a Labeling Game  (Page 121)

Benz, Dominik

Paper:  Evaluating Similarity Measures for Emergent Semantics of Social Tagging  (Page 641)

Bhat, Satish

Poster:  SGPS: A Semantic Scheme for Web Service Similarity  (Page 1125)

Bhattacharya, Kamal

Paper:  REST-Based Management of Loosely Coupled Services  (Page 931)

Bian, Jiang

Paper:  Learning to Recognize Reliable Users and Content in Social Media with Coupled Mutual Reinforcement  (Page 51)

Bilge, Leyla

Paper:  All Your Contacts Are Belong to Us: Automated Identity Theft Attacks on Social Networks  (Page 551)

Bischoff, Kerstin

Poster:  Deriving Music Theme Annotations from User Tags  (Page 1193)

Blau, Benjamin

Paper:  Web Service Derivatives  (Page 271)

Boardman, Richard

Paper:  WEB 2.0: Blind to an Accessible New World  (Page 821)

Bogaerts, Jérôme

Poster:  A Messaging API for Inter-Widgets Communication  (Page 1115)

Böhnstedt, Doreen

Poster:  Towards Language–Independent Web Genre Detection  (Page 1157)

Boldú, Marc

Poster:  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: from 1.0 to 2.0  (Page 1171)

Bolivar, Alvaro

Poster:  Rare Item Detection in e-Commerce Site  (Page 1099)

Bollegala, Danushka

Paper:  Measuring the Similarity between Implicit Semantic Relations from the Web  (Page 651)

Borodin, Yevgen

Paper:  Automated Construction of Web Accessibility Models from Transaction Click-streams  (Page 871)

Braga, Daniele

Poster:  C-SPARQL: SPARQL for Continuous Querying  (Page 1061)

Braganza, Cameron

Paper:  Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout  (Page 831)

Brandes, Ulrik

Paper:  Network Analysis of Collaboration Structure in Wikipedia  (Page 731)

Broder, Andrei

Paper:  A Search-based Method for Forecasting Ad Impression in Contextual Advertising  (Page 491)

Paper:  Nearest-Neighbor Caching for Content-Match Applications  (Page 441)

Paper:  Online Expansion of Rare Queries for Sponsored Search  (Page 511)

Brunner, Jean-Sebastien

Poster:  Raise Semantics at the User Level for Dynamic and Interactive SOA-based Portals  (Page 1137)

Bu, Jiajun

Poster:  Advertising Keyword Generation Using Active Learning  (Page 1095)

Poster:  News Article Extraction with Template-Independent Wrapper  (Page 1085)

Poster:  Probabilistic Question Recommendation for Question Answering Communities  (Page 1229)

Poster:  Tag-Oriented Document Summarization  (Page 1195)

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Cacheda, Fidel

Poster:  Search Shortcuts: Driving Users Towards Their Goals  (Page 1073)

Cai, Rui

Paper:  Incorporating Site-Level Knowledge to Extract Structured Data from Web Forums  (Page 181)

Poster:  Modeling Semantics and Structure of Discussion Threads  (Page 1103)

Candan, K. Selçuk

Paper:  Efficient Overlap and Content Reuse Detection in Blogs and Online News Articles  (Page 81)

Cao, Huanhuan

Paper:  Towards Context-Aware Search by Learning a Very Large Variable Length Hidden Markov Model from Search Logs  (Page 191)

Carboni, Davide

Poster:  Visualization of Geo-annotated Pictures in Mobile Phones  (Page 1181)

Carlsson, Niklas

Poster:  Characterizing Web-based Video Sharing Workloads  (Page 1191)

Carmel, David

Poster:  Social Search and Discovery Using a Unified Approach  (Page 1211)

Carneiro, Victor

Poster:  Search Shortcuts: Driving Users Towards Their Goals  (Page 1073)

Casati, Fabio

Paper:  Rapid Development of Spreadsheet-based Web Mashups  (Page 851)

Castro, Paul

Poster:  Extracting Community Structure through Relational Hypergraphs  (Page 1213)

Cattuto, Ciro

Paper:  Evaluating Similarity Measures for Emergent Semantics of Social Tagging  (Page 641)

Ceri, Stefano

Poster:  C-SPARQL: SPARQL for Continuous Querying  (Page 1061)

Cha, Meeyoung

Paper:  A Measurement-driven Analysis of Information Propagation in the Flickr Social Network  (Page 721)

Chakrabarti, Deepayan

Paper:  Quicklink Selection for Navigational Query Results  (Page 391)

Chakrabarti, Kaushik

Paper:  Exploiting Web Search Engines to Search Structured Databases  (Page 501)

Chan, Su

Poster:  The Web of Nations  (Page 1159)

Chan, W. K.

Paper:  Test Case Prioritization for Regression Testing of Service-Oriented Business Applications  (Page 901)

Poster:  Where to Adapt Dynamic Service Compositions  (Page 1123)

Chandra, Praphul

Poster:  Retaining Personal Expression for Social Search  (Page 1217)

Chang, Edward Y.

Paper:  Collaborative Filtering for Orkut Communities: Discovery of User Latent Behavior  (Page 681)

Chang, Elaine Qing

Poster:  Search Result Re-ranking Based on Gap between Search Queries and Social Tags  (Page 1197)

Chang, William

Poster:  Towards Intent-Driven Bidterm Suggestion  (Page 1093)

Chapelle, Olivier

Paper:  A Dynamic Bayesian Network Click Model for Web Search Ranking  (Page 1)

Chatterjee, Raja

Poster:  Securely Implementing Open Geospatial Consortium Web Service Interface Standards in Oracle Spatial  (Page 1179)

Chaudhuri, Surajit

Paper:  Exploiting Web Search Engines to Search Structured Databases  (Page 501)

Paper:  Exploiting Web Search to Generate Synonyms for Entities  (Page 151)

Chen, Bee-Chung

Paper:  Spatio-Temporal Models for Estimating Click-through Rate  (Page 21)

Chen, Chun

Poster:  Advertising Keyword Generation Using Active Learning  (Page 1095)

Poster:  News Article Extraction with Template-Independent Wrapper  (Page 1085)

Poster:  Probabilistic Question Recommendation for Question Answering Communities  (Page 1229)

Poster:  Tag-Oriented Document Summarization  (Page 1195)

Chen, Dewei

Poster:  Discovering the Staring People From Social Networks  (Page 1219)

Chen, Enhong

Paper:  Towards Context-Aware Search by Learning a Very Large Variable Length Hidden Markov Model from Search Logs  (Page 191)

Chen, Huajun

Poster:  sMash: Semantic-based Mashup Navigation for Data API Network  (Page 1133)

Chen, Jay

Paper:  RuralCafe: Web Search in the Rural Developing World  (Page 411)

Chen, Wen-Yen

Paper:  Collaborative Filtering for Orkut Communities: Discovery of User Latent Behavior  (Page 681)

Chen, Yunfei

Poster:  Detecting Image Spam Using Local Invariant Features and Pyramid Match Kernel  (Page 1187)

Chen, Zheng

Poster:  A Probabilistic Model Based Approach for Blended Search  (Page 1075)

Poster:  Competitive Analysis from Click-Through Log  (Page 1051)

Paper:  How Much Can Behavioral Targeting Help Online Advertising?  (Page 261)

Poster:  Identifying Vertical Search Intention of Query through Social Tagging Propagation  (Page 1209)

Poster:  Mining Multilingual Topics from Wikipedia  (Page 1155)

Poster:  Search Result Re-ranking Based on Gap between Search Queries and Social Tags  (Page 1197)

Paper:  Understanding User's Query Intent with Wikipedia  (Page 471)

Chi, Mingmin

Poster:  Web Image Retrieval ReRanking with Multi-view Clustering  (Page 1189)

Chickering, David Maxwell

Paper:  Learning Consensus Opinion: Mining Data from a Labeling Game  (Page 121)

Chierichetti, Flavio

Paper:  Compressed Web Indexes  (Page 451)

Paper:  Nearest-Neighbor Caching for Content-Match Applications  (Page 441)

Christoph, Stefan

Paper:  Detecting the Origin of Text Segments Efficiently  (Page 61)

Chu, Jon-Chyuan

Paper:  Collaborative Filtering for Orkut Communities: Discovery of User Latent Behavior  (Page 681)

Chu, Wei

Paper:  Personalized Recommendation on Dynamic Content Using Predictive Bilinear Models  (Page 691)

Chung, Chin-Wan

Poster:  An Effective Semantic Search Technique using Ontology  (Page 1057)

Chung, Sukwon

Poster:  The Web of Nations  (Page 1159)

Ciccolo, Peter

Paper:  Online Expansion of Rare Queries for Sponsored Search  (Page 511)

Conner, William

Paper:  A Trust Management Framework for Service-Oriented Environments  (Page 891)

Cordier, Marie-Odile

Poster:  A General Framework for Adaptive and Online Detection of Web Attacks  (Page 1141)

Cortez, Eli

Poster:  Automatically Filling Form-Based Web Interfaces with Free Text Inputs  (Page 1163)

Cosar, Ahmet

Paper:  Smart Miner: A New Framework for Mining Large Scale Web Usage Data  (Page 161)

Crandall, David

Paper:  Mapping the World's Photos  (Page 761)

Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe

Paper:  idMesh: Graph-Based Disambiguation of Linked Data  (Page 591)

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da Silva, Altigran S.

Poster:  Automatically Filling Form-Based Web Interfaces with Free Text Inputs  (Page 1163)

Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian

Paper:  How Opinions are Received by Online Communities: A Case Study on Amazon.com Helpfulness Votes  (Page 141)

d'Aquin, Mathieu

Paper:  Large Scale Integration of Senses for the Semantic Web  (Page 611)

Darmaputra, Yansen

Poster:  A Flight Meta-Search Engine with Metamorph  (Page 1069)

Dasdan, Ali

Poster:  The Value of Socially Tagged URLs for a Search Engine  (Page 1203)

Poster:  Thumbs-Up: A Game for Playing to Rank Search Results  (Page 1071)

Poster:  User-Centric Content Freshness Metrics for Search Engines  (Page 1129)

Dasgupta, Sourish

Poster:  SGPS: A Semantic Scheme for Web Service Similarity  (Page 1125)

De Choudhury, Munmun

Paper:  What Makes Conversations Interesting? Themes, Participants and Consequences of Conversations in Online Social Media  (Page 331)

De Meer, Hermann

Paper:  idMesh: Graph-Based Disambiguation of Linked Data  (Page 591)

Dekhil, Mohamed

Poster:  Discovering User Profiles  (Page 1233)

Della Valle, Emanuele

Poster:  C-SPARQL: SPARQL for Continuous Querying  (Page 1061)

Deng, Ting

Poster:  Automated Synthesis of Composite Services with Correctness Guarantee  (Page 1127)

Dhopeshwarkar, Sanket

Poster:  MASTH Proxy: An Extensible Platform for Web Overload Control  (Page 1113)

Diemert, Eustache

Paper:  Unsupervised Query Categorization using Automatically-Built Concept Graphs  (Page 461)

Dietzold, Sebastian

Paper:  Triplify — Light-Weight Linked Data Publication from Relational Databases  (Page 621)

Ding, Shuai

Paper:  Inverted Index Compression and Query Processing with Optimized Document Ordering  (Page 401)

Paper:  Using Graphics Processors for High Performance IR Query Processing  (Page 421)

Dmitriev, Pavel

Poster:  Graph Based Crawler Seed Selection  (Page 1089)

Poster:  The Web of Nations  (Page 1159)

Dom, Byron

Poster:  Threshold Selection for Web-Page Classification with Highly Skewed Class Distribution  (Page 1081)

Domínguez García, Renato

Poster:  Towards Language–Independent Web Genre Detection  (Page 1157)

Dong, Zheng-Bin

Poster:  An Experimental Study of Large-Scale Mobile Social Network  (Page 1175)

Drome, Chris

Poster:  Thumbs-Up: A Game for Playing to Rank Search Results  (Page 1071)

Du, Zongxia

Poster:  Automated Synthesis of Composite Services with Correctness Guarantee  (Page 1127)

Duan, Lei

Poster:  Threshold Selection for Web-Page Classification with Highly Skewed Class Distribution  (Page 1081)

Duan, Manni

Paper:  A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images  (Page 811)

Duarte, Diego

Paper:  Analyzing Seller Practices in a Brazilian Marketplace  (Page 1031)

Dwyer, Tim

Paper:  Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout  (Page 831)

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Eager, Derek

Poster:  Characterizing Web-based Video Sharing Workloads  (Page 1191)

Eda, Takeharu

Poster:  Signaling Emotion in Tagclouds  (Page 1199)

Elango, Pradheep

Paper:  Spatio-Temporal Models for Estimating Click-through Rate  (Page 21)

Erman, Jeffrey

Paper:  Network-Aware Forward Caching  (Page 291)

Even Dar, Eyal

Paper:  Bid Optimization for Broad Match Ad Auctions  (Page 231)

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Faloutsos, Christos

Paper:  Click Chain Model in Web Search  (Page 11)

Fan, Wei

Paper:  Latent Space Domain Transfer between High Dimensional Overlapping Distributions  (Page 91)

Fan, Weiguo

Poster:  Identifying Vertical Search Intention of Query through Social Tagging Propagation  (Page 1209)

Farahat, Ayman

Poster:  Privacy Preserving Frequency Capping in Internet Banner Advertising  (Page 1147)

Feng, Dan

Poster:  Ranking Community Answers via Analogical Reasoning  (Page 1227)

Feng, Jianhua

Paper:  Efficient Interactive Fuzzy Keyword Search  (Page 371)

Poster:  Interactive Search in XML Data  (Page 1063)

Feng, Rui

Poster:  Web Image Retrieval ReRanking with Multi-view Clustering  (Page 1189)

Fidan, Guven

Paper:  Smart Miner: A New Framework for Mining Large Scale Web Usage Data  (Page 161)

Firan, Claudiu S.

Poster:  Deriving Music Theme Annotations from User Tags  (Page 1193)

Florescu, Daniela

Paper:  XQuery in the Browser  (Page 1011)

Fodor, Paul

Paper:  OpenRuleBench: An Analysis of the Performance of Rule Engines  (Page 601)

Fontoura, Marcus

Paper:  A Search-based Method for Forecasting Ad Impression in Contextual Advertising  (Page 491)

Formoso, Vreixo

Poster:  Search Shortcuts: Driving Users Towards Their Goals  (Page 1073)

Fourny, Ghislain

Paper:  XQuery in the Browser  (Page 1011)

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