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WWW2008 Posters

Best Poster Awards

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Web of People
  1. What Do They Think? Aggregating Local Views about News Events and Topics
    21: Jiahui Liu and Larry Birnbaum.
  2. A Generic Framework for Collaborative Multi-perspective Ontology Acquisition
    28: Maayan Zhitomirsky, Judit Bar-Ilan, Yitzchak Miller and Snunith Shoham.
  3. Personalized Search and Exploration with MyTag
    32: Max Braun, Klaas Dellschaft, Thomas Franz, Dominik Hering, Peter Jungen, Hagen Metzler, Eugen Müller, Alexander Rostilov and Carsten Saathoff.
  4. Emergence of Terminological Conventions as an Author-Searcher Coordination Game
    33: david bodoff and sheizaf rafaeli.
  5. Feature Weighting in Content Based Recommendation System Using Social Network Analysis
    49: Souvik Debnath, Niloy Ganguly and Pabitra Mitra.
  6. Personalized Tag Suggestion for Flickr
    79: Nikhil Garg and Ingmar Weber.
  7. A Domain-specific Language for the Model-driven Construction of Advanced Web-based Dialogs
    89: Patrick Freudenstein, Martin Nussbaumer, Florian Allerding and Martin Gaedke.
  8. Context-Based Page Unit Recommendation for Web-Based Sensemaking Tasks
    91: Wen-Huang Cheng and David Gotz.
  9. Web User De-Identification in Personalization
    100: Jiaqian Zheng, Jing Yao and Junyu Niu.
  10. Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery on the Semantic Web of Traditional Chinese Medicine
    103: Tong Yu and Huajun Chen2.
  11. Influencers and Their Barriers to Technology
    122: Ann Hsieh, Todd Hausman and Nerija Titus.
  12. Mining for Personal Name Aliases on the Web
    137: Danushka Bollegala, Taiki Honma, Mitsuru Ishizuka and Yutaka Matsuo.
  13. Determining User's Interest in Real Time
    143: ranbir sanasam, Hema Murthy and Timothy A. Gonsalves.
  14. How to influence my customers? The impact of electronic market design
    145: Nan Hu, SHEN JIALIE and Ling Liu.
  15. Model Bloggers' Interests Based on Forgetting Mechanism
    156: Yuan Cheng and Guang Qiu.
  16. PSST: A web-based system for tracking political statements
    182: Samantha Kleinberg and Bud Mishra.
  17. GroupMe! -- Where Information meets
    185: Fabian Abel, Nicola Henze and Daniel Krause.
  18. HisTrace: Building a Search Engine of Historical Events
    192: Lianen Huang, Jonathan Zhu and Xiaoming Li.
  19. Online Change Detection in Individual Web User Behaviour
    196: Peter I. Hofgesang and Jan Peter Patist.
  20. Guanxi in the Chinese Web - a Study of Mutual Linking
    206: Valerie King, Louis Yu and Yan Zhuang.
  21. Towards Robust Trust Establishment in Web-Based Social Networks with SocialTrust
    208: James Caverlee, Ling Liu and Steve Webb.
  22. Plurality: A Context-Aware Personalized Tagging System
    209: Robert Graham, Brian Eoff and James Caverlee.
  23. Defection Detection: Predicting Search Engine Switching
    215: Allison Heath and Ryen White.
  24. Mining Tag Clouds and Emoticons behind Community Feedback
    223: Kavita Ganesan, Neel Sundaresan and Harshal Deo.
  25. User Oriented Link Function Classification
    229: Mingliang Zhu, Weiming Hu and Ou Wu.
  26. Extraction and Mining of an Academic Social Network
    230: Jie Tang, Jing Zhang, Limin Yao and Juanzi Li.
  27. A Framework for Fast Community Extraction of Large-Scale Networks
    253: Yutaka I. Leon-Suematsu and Kikuo Yuta.
  28. Enabling Secure Digital Marketplace
    256: Hongxia Jin and Vladimir Zbarsky.
  29. Mashups for Semantic User Profiles
    266: Riddhiman Ghosh and Mohamed Dekhil.
  30. Finding Core Members in Virtual Communities
    270: Haiqiang Chen, Xueqi Cheng and Yue Liu.
  31. Improving Personalized Services in Mobile Commerce by a Novel Multicriteria Rating Approach
    272: Qiudan Li, Chunheng Wang, Guanggang Geng and Ruwei Dai.
  32. R-U-In? : Doing what you like, with people whom you like
    274: Koustuv Dasgupta, Nilanjan Banerjee, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Sumit Mittal and Seema Nagar.
  33. Social and Semantics Analysis via Non-negative Matrix Factorization
    285: Chun-hung Li, Zhi Li Wu and Chi-Wa Cheng.
  34. Personalized Multimedia Web Summarizer for Tourist
    27: Xiao Wu, Jintao Li, Yongdong Zhang, Sheng Tang and Shi-Yong Neo.
  35. User Behavior Oriented Web Spam Detection
    43: Yiqun Liu, Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma and Liyun Ru.
  36. Web People Search - Results of the first evaluation and the plan for the second
    90: Javier Artiles, Satoshi Sekine and Julio Gonzalo.
  37. Finding similar pages in a social tagging repository
    110: Alex Penev and Raymond Wong.
* * * *
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Web of Rich Media
  1. The Seamless Browser: Enhancing the Speed of Web Browsing by Zooming and Preview Thumbnails
    17: ByungIn Yoo, JongHo Lea and YeunBae Kim.
  2. Personalized View-Based Search and Visualization as Means for Deep/Semantic Web Data Access
    25: Michal Tvarozek and Maria Bielikova.
  3. As We May Perceive: Finding the Boundaries of Compound Documents on the Web
    31: Pavel Dmitriev.
  4. System: A Hypergraph Based Native RDF Repository
    37: Gang Wu and Juanzi Li.
  5. Extracting Spam Blogs with Co-citation Clusters
    50: Kazunari Ishida.
  6. The Scale-Free Nature of Semantic Web Ontology
    52: Hongyu ZHANG.
  7. Efficiently Querying RDF Data in Triple Stores
    66: Ying Yan, Chen Wang, Aoying Zhou, Weining Qian, Li Ma and Yue Pan.
  8. Collaborative Knowledge Semantic Graph Image Search
    69: Jyh-Ren Shieh, Yang-Ting Yeh, Chih-Hung Lin, Ching-Yung Lin and Ja-Ling Wu.
  9. A Logical Framework for Modeling and Reasoning about Semantic Web Services Contract
    70: Hai Liu, Qing Li, Naijie Gu and An Liu.
  10. SAILER: An Effective Search Engine for Unified Retrieval of Heterogeneous XML and Web Documents
    75: Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng, Jianyong Wang, Xiaoming Song and Li-Zhu Zhou.
  11. Larger is Better: Seed Selection in Link-based Anti-spamming Algorithms
    81: Qiancheng Jiang, Lei Zhang, YiZhen Zhu and Yan Zhang.
  12. Ajax for mobility: MobileWeaver Ajax Framework
    93: Louenas Hamdi, Huaigu Wu, Serhan Dagtas and Abdel Benharref.
  13. CM-PMI: Improved Web-based Association Measure with Contextual Label Matching
    97: Xiaojun Wan.
  14. Topigraphy: Visualization for Large-scale Tag Clouds
    104: Ko Fujimura, Shigeru Fujimura, Tatsushi Matsubayashi, Takeshi Yamada and Hedenori Okuda.
  15. FolksoViz: A Subsumption-based Folksonomy Visualization Using Wikipedia Texts
    115: Kangpyo Lee, Hyunwoo Kim, Chungsu Jang and Hyoung-Joo Kim.
  16. Falcons: Searching and Browsing Entities on the Semantic Web
    121: Gong Cheng, Weiyi Ge and Yuzhong Qu.
  17. A Semantic layer for publishing and localizing XML data for a P2P XQuery Mediator
    129: Dragan Florin, Georges Gardarin and Laurent Yeh.
  18. Application of Bitmap Index to Information Retrieval
    139: Kengo Fujioka, Yukio Uematsu and makoto onizuka.
  19. PivotBrowser: A Tag-Space Image Searching Prototype
    140: Xiaoyan Li, Lidan Shou, Gang Chen, Xiaolong Zhang and jinxiang dong.
  20. Improving Web Spam Detection with Re-Extracted Features
    146: Guanggang Geng, Chunheng Wang and Qiudan Li.
  21. Semantic Similarity Based on Compact Concept Ontology
    150: Ce Zhang, Yu Jing Wang, Bin Cui and Gao Cong.
  22. Temporal Views over RDF data
    158: Geetha Manjunath, Badrinath Ramamurthy, Craig Sayers and Venugopal Srinivasmurthy.
  23. Collaborative Filtering on Skewed Datasets
    168: Somnath Banerjee and Krishnan Ramanathan.
  24. 2LIP: The Step Towards The Web3D
    173: Jacek Jankowski and Sebastian Ryszard Kruk.
  25. Exploiting Semantic Web Technologies to Model Web Form Interactions
    183: Wolfgang Holzinger, Bernhard Krüpl and Robert Baumgartner.
  26. An Initial Investigation on Evaluating Semantic Web Instance Data
    222: Li Ding, Jiao tao and Deborah McGuinness
  27. Investigation of Partial Query Proximity in Web Search
    224: Jing Bai, Yi Chang, zhaohui zheng, Gordon Sun, Hang Cui and Xin Li.
  28. Identifying Regional Sensitive Queries in Web Search
    225: Srinivas Vadrevu, Ya Zhang, Belle Tseng, Gordon Sun and Xin Li.
  29. Keyword Extraction for Contextual Advertisement
    231: Xiaoyuan Wu and Alvaro Bolivar.
  30. Which "Apple" are you talking about ?
    232: Mandar Rahurkar, Dan Roth and Thomas Huang.
  31. A Unified Framework for Name Disambiguation
    240: Jie Tang, Jing Zhang, Duo Zhang and Juanzi Li.
  32. KC3 Browser: Semantic Mashup and Link-free Browsing
    246: Michiaki Iwazume, Ken Kaneiwa, Koji Zettsu, Takafumi Nakanishi, Yutaka Kidawara and Yasushi Kiyoki.
  33. Generating Hypotheses from the Web
    250: Wei Jin, Rohini Srihari and Abhishek Singh.
  34. Visualizing Historical Content of Web Pages
    259: Adam Jatowt, Yukiko Kawai and Katsumi Tanaka.
  35. Integrating the IAC Neural Network in Ontology Mapping
    260: Ming Mao, Yefei Peng and Michael Spring.
  36. Reasoning about Similarity Queries in Text Retrieval Tasks
    265: Xiaohui Yu and Yang Liu.
  37. Automatic Web Image Selection with a Probabilistic Latent Topic Model
    273: Keiji Yanai.
  38. Behavioral Classification on the Click Graph
    282: Martin Szummer and Nick Craswell.
  39. Incremental Web Page Template Detection
    286: Yu Wang, BingXing Fang and Xueqi Cheng.
* * * *
Friday, April 25, 2008
Web of Devices
  1. Efficient Vectorial Operators for Processing XML Twig Queries
    41: Guoliang Li, jianhua feng, Jianyong Wang, Feng Lin and Li-Zhu Zhou.
  2. RACE: Finding and Ranking Compact Connected Trees for Keyword Proximity Search over XML Documents
    51: Guoliang Li, jianhua feng, Jianyong Wang, Bei Yu and Li-Zhu Zhou.
  3. Asymmetrical Query Recommendation Method Based on Network Resource Allocation
    53: Zhiyuan Liu and Maosong Sun.
  4. Efficient Mining of Frequent Sequence Generators
    54: Chuancong Gao, Jianyong Wang, Yukai He and Lizhu Zhou.
  5. Dissemination of Heterogeneous XML Data
    72: yuan ni and Chee-Yong Chan.
  6. Using Subspace Analysis for Event Detection from Web Click-through Data
    88: Ling Chen, YiQun Hu and Wolfgang Nejdl.
  7. Web Page Rank Prediction with Markov Models
    92: Michalis Vazirgiannis, Pierre Senellart and Akrivi Vlachou.
  8. A Systematic Approach for Cell-phone Worm Containment
    102: Liang Xie, Hui Song, Trent Jaeger and Sencun Zhu.
  9. GSP-ExR:GSP protocol with Excusive Rights for a keyword auction
    105: Yuko Sakurai, Atsushi Iwasaki, Yasumasa Saito and Makoto Yokoo.
  10. Size Matters: Word Count as a Measure of Quality on Wikipedia
    116: Joshua Blumenstock.
  11. Understanding Internet Video Sharing Site Workload: A View from Data Center Design
    119: Xiaozhu Kang, Hui Zhang, Guofei Jiang, Haifeng Chen, xiaoqiao meng and Kenji Yoshihira.
  12. Representing a Web Page as Sets of Named Entities of Multiple Types – A Model and Some Preliminary Applications
    120: Nan Di, Conglei Yao, Mengcheng Duan, Jonathan Zhu and Xiaoming Li.
  13. Measuring extremal dependencies in Web graphs
    141: Yana Volkovich, Nelly Litvak and Bert Zwart.
  14. The World Wide Telecom Web Browser
    147: Sheetal Agarwal, Arun Kumar, Amit A. Nanavati and Nitendra Rajput.
  15. VoiKiosk: Increasing Reachability of Kiosks in Developing Regions
    149: Sheetal Agarwal, Arun Kumar, Amit A. Nanavati and Nitendra Rajput.
  16. Layman tuning of websites: facing change resilience
    154: Oscar Díaz, Cristóbal Arellano and Jon Iturrioz.
  17. A Teapot Graph and Its Hierarchical Structure of the Chinese Web
    167: Jonathan Zhu, Tao Meng, Zhengmao Xie, Geng Li and Xiaoming Li.
  18. Protecting Web Services from Remote Exploit code: A Static Analysis Approach
    175: xinran wang, Yoon-Chan Jhi, Sencun Zhu and Peng Liu.
  19. Composing and Optimizing Data Providing Web Services
    179: mahmoud barhamgi, Djamal Benslimane and Aris M. Ouksel.
  20. Microscale Evolution of Web Pages
    188: Carrie Grimes and Sean O'Brien.
  21. Web page Sectioning Using Regex-based Template
    190: Rupesh Mehta and Amit Madaan.
  22. Towards a Programming Language for Services Computing
    191: Arun Kumar and D Janakiram.
  23. WebAnywhere: Enabling a Screen Reading Interface for the Web on Any Computer
    202: Jeffrey Bigham, Craig Prince and Richard Ladner.
  24. Web Graph Similarity for Anomaly Detection (Poster)
    210: Panagiotis Papadimitriou, Ali Dasdan and Hector Garcia-Molina.
  25. Static Query Result Caching Revisited
    211: Rifat Ozcan, Ismail Sengor Altingovde and ozgur ulusoy.
  26. A Larger Scale Study of Robots.txt
    214: Santanu Kolay, Paolo D'Alberto, Ali Dasdan and Arnab Bhattacharjee.
  27. Algorithm for Stochastic Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem and Application to Keywords Bidding
    217: yunhong zhou and Victor Naroditsky.
  28. Simrank++: Query rewriting through link analysis of the ClickGraph (poster)
    221: Ioannis Antonellis, Hector Garcia-Molina and Chi-Chao Chang.
  29. Offline Matching Approximation Algorithms in Exchange Markets
    227: Zeinab Abbassi and Laks V.S. Lakshmanan.
  30. An Efficient Two-Phase Service Discovery Mechanism
    228: Shuiguang Deng and Zhaohui Wu.
  31. Making BPEL Flexible -- Adapting in the Context of Coordination Constraints Using WS-BPEL
    234: Yunzhou Wu and Prashant Doshi.
  32. Speeding Up Web Service Composition with Volatile Information
    237: John Harney and Prashant Doshi.
  33. Context-Sensitive QoS Model: A Rule-Based Approach to Web Service Composition
    239: Tao ZHOU, Xiaolin Zheng, William Song, Xiaofeng Du and Deren Chen.
  34. Low-load Server Crawler: Design and Evaluation
    243: Katsuko T. Nakahira, Tetsuya Hoshino and Yoshiki MIKAMI.
  35. Using Graphics Processors for High-Performance IR Query Processing
    252: Shuai Ding, Jinru He, hao yan and Torsten Suel.
  36. Extracting XML Schema from Multiple Implicit XML Documents Based on Inductive Reasoning
    257: Masaya Eki, Tadachika Ozono and Toramatsu Shintani.
  37. Fast Algorithms for Topk Personalized PageRank Queries
    264: Manish Gupta, Amit Pathak and Soumen Chakrabarti.
  38. Using CEP technology to adapt messages exchanged by Web services
    267: Yehia Taher, Marie-Christine Fauvet, Marlon Dumas and Djamal Benslimane.
  39. Budget Constrained Bidding in Keyword Auctions and Online Knapsack Problems
    283: yunhong zhou, Deeparnab Chakrabarty and Rajan Lukose.
  40. Rogue Access Point Detection Using Segmental TCP Jitter
    288: Gaogang Xie, Tingting He and Guangxing Zhang.

Inquiries can be sent to: Email contact: posters at

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