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Keynote Speakers

David G. Belanger - AT&T Labs Chief Scientist, Information & Software Systems Research V.P., AT&T Labs

Keynote speaker: David G. Belanger Title: Three Screens: Evolution of Devices, Services, & Networks
(Slides) / (Video)
David Belanger is currently the AT&T Labs Chief Scientist, and the Vice President of Information & Software Systems Research at AT&T Labs in Florham Park, NJ. As Chief Scientist, he is responsible to the AT&T Labs CEO for: identifying pre-product technology important to the future of AT&T, evaluating technology, building alignment within AT&T on technology directions, and serving as AT&T liaison to external technical communities, specifically universities, government agencies and industrial laboratories. More about David G. Belanger and his speech.

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Sir Tim Berners-Lee - Director, World Wide Web Consortium

Keynote speaker: Sir Tim Berners-Lee Title: The Future of Web Applications
Tim Berners-Lee holds the 3Com Founders chair and is a Senior Research Scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is co-Director of the new Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI) and is a Chair in the Computer Science Department at the University of Southampton, UK. He directs the World Wide Web Consortium, founded in 1994. In 1989 he invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing while at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory. More about Tim Berners-Lee and his speech.

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Dr. Kai-Fu Lee - Vice President of Engineering, Google

Keynote speaker: Dr.Kai-Fu Lee Title: Cloud Computing
Kai-Fu Lee is a Vice President of Engineering at Google, Inc. and President of Google Greater China. He joined Google in 2005 to start Google's operations in China. He developed the world's first speaker-independent continuous speech-recognition system. This system was selected as the "Most Important Innovation of 1988" by Business Week. More about Kai-Fu Lee and his speech.

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Dr. Harry Shum - Corporate Vice President, Microsoft

Keynote speaker: Dr.Harry Shum Title: Taking Search to New Frontiers
(Slides) / (Video)
Dr. Shum is an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow and an American Computational Machinery (ACM) Fellow. He serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Computer Vision, and is a Program Chair of the International Conference of Computer Vision (ICCV) 2007. Dr. Shum has published more than 100 papers in computer vision, computer graphics, pattern recognition, statistical learning, and robotics. He holds more than 50 U.S. patents. More about Harry Shum and his speech.

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