The Web hosts ever-increasing volumes of diverse data and associated
services that cannot be fully exploited unless appropriate management
and integration technologies are developed. XML has become the
lingua-franca of the Web and XML technologies have
become the basis for many Web-based applications. XML is widely used
for data exchange and to publish data from database
systems to the Web by providing input to content generators for Web
The XML and Web Data track promotes novel research on next-generation
information systems and technologies for managing Web data.
The topics of interest for this track but are not limited to:
- XML query processing and data management
- Models and query languages for Web data
- Approximate and trustworthy query answering
- Data stream management systems
- Mining, exploration, and visualization of Web data
- Integration of text into XML and relational databases
- XML Data and schema integration
- Warehousing Web data
- Privacy and security of XML data
- Large-scale web information integration
- Web wrappers
- Information extraction
Detailed formatting and submission requirements can be found
A PDF version of the XML and Web Data CFP can be found here.
Track Chair:
Mark Baker, Coactus (Canada)
Deputy Chair:
Juliana Freire, University of Utah (USA)
Program Committee:
- Sihem Amer-Yahia (Yahoo Research)
- Denilson Barbosa (University of Calgary)
- Michael Benedikt (Bell Labs, Lucent)
- Angela Bonifati (Icar-CNR, Italy)
- John Boyer (IBM)
- Michael Champion(Microsoft)
- Chee Yong Chan (National University of Singapore)
- Micah Dubinko (Yahoo)
- Wenfei Fan (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
- Carlos Heuser (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Ken Holman (Crane Softwrights)
- Christoph Koch (Saarbruken, Germany)
- Guido Moerkotte (University of Mannheim, Germany)
- Fatma Ozcan (IBM Almaden)
- Tamer Ozsu (U. Waterloo)
- Raghu Ramakrishnan (Yahoo Research)
- Maya Ramanath (Max-Planck-Institut)
- Rich Salz (IBM)
- Sunita Sarawagi (IIT Bombay, India)
- Altigran Silva (UFAM, Brazil)