The submission system for tutorial proposals is now closed.
Proposal submission deadline: November 27, 2006
Proposal notification: January 8, 2007
Tutorial proposals are desired for both half-day and full-day sessions
on topics of current and ongoing relevance to Web design, services,
operation, use, and evaluation. Known areas of interest include, but
are not limited to:
XML technologies
Web Applications and Services Development
Web Engineering
Web-based Collaboration and Communication Technologies
Usability/Interface Design
Web Metrics
Web Mining
The Role of Grid Computing in Web Services and Applications
Information Architecture
Graphics and Multimedia
E-commerce and E-payments
Server and Client-Side Scripting
Mobile Systems
Open Software Development
Security and Privacy
Semantic Web Technologies
Web Search
Web Accessibility
Web-based Education
Metadata/Information Retrieval
Other topics expected to be of special interest and relevance
at the time of WWW2007 are also encouraged.
All tutorial proposals must include:
Tutorial title;
Presenter contact information;
Aims/Learning objectives;
Duration (half or full day; if full day, could it scaled to half-day if necessary?);
Scope (general topic area);
Relevance to WWW2007 attendees;
Target audience;
Prerequisite knowledge of audience;
Tutorial abstract (1-2 paragraphs suitable for inclusion in conference registration materials);
Full description (1-2 pages to be used for evaluation);
Tutorial history;
Presenter biography;
Relevant references;
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF using the WWW2007
submission site ( Do not use
the two-column style, instead use a simple one-column style on
letter-sized paper. Preliminary inquiries can be sent to
Track Chair:
Marc Najork (Microsoft, USA)
Deputy Chair:
Aya Soffer (IBM Haifa, Israel)
Program Committee:
- Daniel Appelquist (Vodaphone, UK)
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo!, Spain)
- David Carmel (IBM, Israel)
- Fred Douglis (IBM, USA)
- Piero Fraternali (University of Milan, Italy)
- Martin Gaedke (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Carole Goble (University of Manchester, UK)
- Ian Horrocks (University of Manchester, UK)
- Bing Liu (University of Illinois Chicago, USA)
- Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft, China)
- Lloyd Rutledge (CWI, Netherlands)
- Massimo Santini (University of Milan, Italy)
- Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz, Germany)
- Dan Suciu (University of Washington, USA)
- Terry Winograd (Stanford University, USA)