- 13 May, 2005
- WWW2006 in Edinburgh Scotland will be held from May 22, 2006 to May 26, 2006.
- 6 April, 2005
- Developers' Day Program is now finilized.
- 25 April, 2005
- WWW2005 Program Booklet is available on-line. This will be handed to all the participants at the conference. You may also refer the conference site map.
- 20 April, 2005
- All the workshops/tutorials on Tuesday will start from 9:00am at the Conference Center and Hotel New Otani.
- 16 April, 2005
- Keynote titles and abstracts are available.
- 14 April, 2005
- Tutorials TA01, TA02, TP02, TP03, TA04, TP04, TP05, TA06, TF02 and TF04 and Workshops WF02 and WF03 are cancelled.
- 14 April, 2005
- In the Industrial and Practical Experience Track, invited talks 1 and 2 are swapped due to the conflict of speakers.
- 13 April, 2005
- Abstract of invited talks of the Industrial and Practical Experience Track is available.
- 12 April, 2005
- World Wide Web Consortium issued the press release on W3C Track.
- 11 April, 2005
- W3C Track program and Developers' Day program is available separately.
- 4 April, 2005
- The list of accepted poster is available.
- 3 April, 2005
- The Industrial and Practical Experience Track program is available separately. W3C Track has been rearranged.
- 2 April, 2005
- Abstracts of panels is now available.
- 28 March, 2005
- There is some date change for keynotes. Eric Brewer (Berkeley) will give his talk on Thursday morning and Yuji Inoue (NTT) will give his talk on Wednesday afternoon.
- 3 March, 2005
- Developers' Day Call For Participation is available.
- 15 February, 2005
- Registration is open.
- 9 February, 2005
- Draft Program is avaibale.
- 7 February, 2005
- Industrial and Practical Experience Track submission deadline is extended to 14th February, 2005 (Pacific Standard Time).
- 4 February, 2005
- Developers' Day information is now available.
- 2 February, 2005
- The accepted posters will be published in a separate
proceedings by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- 29 January, 2005
- The program committee has selected 77 papers from the refereed paper
track, as well as 2 papers from the Embedded Web special interest track.
All authors should by now have received the outcome and reviews of their
papers. A small number of notifications were returned as undeliverable.
If you have not yet received your notification, please
contact the program chairs,
preferably from a different, reliable address.
- 26 January, 2005
- The submission information of Industrial and Practical Experience Track is available at http://www2005.org/papers/submission.html#industrial.
- 21 January, 2005
- Paper submission site is now accepting posters.
- 28 November, 2004
- 29 Tutorials and 17 Workshops were accepted. See the list of accepted tutorials and workshops.
- 10 November, 2004
- The refereed track is now closed for submissions.
- 26 October, 2004
- Byron Dom (Yahoo! Inc.) is appointed Industrial and Practical Experience Deputy Chair.
Industrial and Practical Experience Call For Paper is available.
- 21 October, 2004
- Tim Berners-Lee (W3C), Eric Brewer (Berkeley), Lorrie Cranor (CMU) and Rob Glaser (RealNetworks) will give keynotes.
- 13 October, 2004
- Mark Baker (Coactus, Canada) is appointed as Developers Day Co-Chair.
- 1 October, 2004
- Paper submission site is open.
- 30 September, 2004
- Developers Day Chair is appointed to James Hendler (University of Maryland).
- 1 September, 2004
- Track descriptions are now available.
Call for proposals for Tutorials and Workshops are available.
- 11 June, 2004
- Author notification dates have been changed from the original
announcement. Paper author notification changed from Jaunuary 24
to Janunary 28 and poster one changed from February 14 to March 7.
- 9 June, 2004
- PC Co-chairs are assigned: Fred Douglis (IBM Research) and
Prabhakar Raghavan (Verity, Inc.).
- 19 May, 2004
- Call For Papers is now available.
- 18 March, 2004
- The Web site will be officially opened at WWW2004 in NY.