Top  News


13 May, 2005
WWW2006 in Edinburgh Scotland will be held from May 22, 2006 to May 26, 2006.
6 April, 2005
Developers' Day Program is now finilized.
25 April, 2005
WWW2005 Program Booklet is available on-line. This will be handed to all the participants at the conference. You may also refer the conference site map.
20 April, 2005
All the workshops/tutorials on Tuesday will start from 9:00am at the Conference Center and Hotel New Otani.
16 April, 2005
Keynote titles and abstracts are available.
14 April, 2005
Tutorials TA01, TA02, TP02, TP03, TA04, TP04, TP05, TA06, TF02 and TF04 and Workshops WF02 and WF03 are cancelled.
14 April, 2005
In the Industrial and Practical Experience Track, invited talks 1 and 2 are swapped due to the conflict of speakers.
13 April, 2005
Abstract of invited talks of the Industrial and Practical Experience Track is available.
12 April, 2005
World Wide Web Consortium issued the press release on W3C Track.
11 April, 2005
W3C Track program and Developers' Day program is available separately.
4 April, 2005
The list of accepted poster is available.
3 April, 2005
The Industrial and Practical Experience Track program is available separately. W3C Track has been rearranged.
2 April, 2005
Abstracts of panels is now available.
28 March, 2005
There is some date change for keynotes. Eric Brewer (Berkeley) will give his talk on Thursday morning and Yuji Inoue (NTT) will give his talk on Wednesday afternoon.
3 March, 2005
Developers' Day Call For Participation is available.
15 February, 2005
Registration is open.
9 February, 2005
Draft Program is avaibale.
7 February, 2005
Industrial and Practical Experience Track submission deadline is extended to 14th February, 2005 (Pacific Standard Time).
4 February, 2005
Developers' Day information is now available.
2 February, 2005
The accepted posters will be published in a separate proceedings by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
29 January, 2005
The program committee has selected 77 papers from the refereed paper track, as well as 2 papers from the Embedded Web special interest track. All authors should by now have received the outcome and reviews of their papers. A small number of notifications were returned as undeliverable. If you have not yet received your notification, please contact the program chairs, preferably from a different, reliable address.
26 January, 2005
The submission information of Industrial and Practical Experience Track is available at
21 January, 2005
Paper submission site is now accepting posters.
28 November, 2004
29 Tutorials and 17 Workshops were accepted. See the list of accepted tutorials and workshops.
10 November, 2004
The refereed track is now closed for submissions.
26 October, 2004
Byron Dom (Yahoo! Inc.) is appointed Industrial and Practical Experience Deputy Chair.
Industrial and Practical Experience Call For Paper is available.
21 October, 2004
Tim Berners-Lee (W3C), Eric Brewer (Berkeley), Lorrie Cranor (CMU) and Rob Glaser (RealNetworks) will give keynotes.
13 October, 2004
Mark Baker (Coactus, Canada) is appointed as Developers Day Co-Chair.
1 October, 2004
Paper submission site is open.
30 September, 2004
Developers Day Chair is appointed to James Hendler (University of Maryland).
1 September, 2004
Track descriptions are now available. Call for proposals for Tutorials and Workshops are available.
11 June, 2004
Author notification dates have been changed from the original announcement. Paper author notification changed from Jaunuary 24 to Janunary 28 and poster one changed from February 14 to March 7.
9 June, 2004
PC Co-chairs are assigned: Fred Douglis (IBM Research) and Prabhakar Raghavan (Verity, Inc.).
19 May, 2004
Call For Papers is now available.
18 March, 2004
The Web site will be officially opened at WWW2004 in NY.