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9th International World Wide Web Conference

Amsterdam, May 15 - 19, 2000

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    Conference Topics
    • Performance
    • Security
    • E-Commerce
    • Querying
    • XML
    • Mobile
    • Storage
    • Measurement
    • Modeling
    • Searching
    • Hypermedia
    • Architecture
    • Caching
    • Data Mining
    • Tools
    • Online Learning
    • Accessibility
    • Collaboration
    • Legal Issues
    • Metadata
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    Conference Paper Proceedings Poster Proceedings

    Developers' Day Presentations: XML Track

    Culture Track Updated Info: Cultural Heritage and ICT
    Order Conference Materials Conference Awards

    Keynote Speakers
    Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School
    Charles W. Davies, Psion PLC
    Egbert-Jan Sol, Ericsson Telecommunicatie BV
    M. Graeber Jordan, GJordan.com LLC
    Paul de Bot, Philips Digital Networks

    The Ninth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW9) was held on May 15-19, 2000 in Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands. Leaders from industry, academia, and government presented the latest developments in Web technology, and discussed the issues and challenges facing the Web community as it moves into the 21st Century.

    The Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) hosted WWW9 and played a key role in organizing the technical program.

    The International World Wide Web Conferences are events of the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2), and are managed by Foretec Seminars, Inc.

    IW3C2CWIEuropean Research Consortium for Informatics and MathematicsWorld Wide Web ConsortiumForetec SeminarsInternet Society NetherlandsACM

    Platinum Sponsors
    IBM logo
    PriceWaterhouseCoopers logo
    UPC logo   Akamai logo

    Gold Sponsors
    Elsevier Science logoPhilips TechnologiesAlta Vista logoOratrix Developement BV logoOpera Software logo
    Sun Microsystems logoMuzmo Communication Inc.

    Silver Sponsors

    Bronze Sponsors
    Chrystal SoftwareIWAY TechnologiesCynapsis Kommunikationsagentur GmbHTridion
    Excelon Corp.KPN ResearchXhive Corp.
    Other Sponsors
    geekcruises.com     google.com

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    Last Updated: November 29, 2000