Full Program of Culture Track - Text Version

Please register your interest in the Cultural Track to obtain more information: mailto:www7culture@www7.conf.au


Quick overview of WWW7 Cultural Track (details below). Special guests and sponsors are making this as interesting as possible - so why not join them?

Each day, the Cultural Track will start at 9.00am, usually with the WWW7 Keynote Session in the Great Hall. There will be a continuous interactive exhibition of making a digital collection from physical objects as people add their shoes to the collection, by going to the camera, video, sound recorder etc and then catalogue, and describe, their shoes. This activity will run in parallel with the special events being scheduled for interested in issues related to cultural institutions and the web. It will take place in the Mezzanine Foyer, same level as most WWW7 events and entry to the Great Hall. In addition, there will be interactive sessions at the times when other tracks have paper sessions.

Tuesday is tutorials day and there will be WWW7 workshops and tutorials, including some which should be of interest to Cultural Track participants..

Wednesday, the first day of the technical sessions, will start for all with the opening of WWW7 by the Governor-General of Australia and then a keynote talk by Tim Berners-Lee. Those interested in the Cultural Track will go to a series of sessions about how digital/multimedia collections.

On Thursday, the emphasis of the Cultural Track will be on what we can DO on the web, or might want to do, once we have digital collections. The sessions will be of particular interest to those from museums although very relevant to those from libraries, galleries etc, as all share the common interest in how we will replace or augment our existing institutions by going on line.

On Friday the emphasis will be on the infrastructure needed for online institutions - and focused around metadata. There will be a series of sessions about metadata.

Saturday is Developers' Day, and there will be more about metadata for those interested in this topic.

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Wednesday 15th -The Making of Digital Collections

The continuous shoe collection activity will commence this day.

At 9.00am the Governor-General will open WWW7 and then Tim Berners-Lee will speak. After morning tea,at 11.00am Culture Track participants will go up to the Plaza Level (P1) to listen to a Multimedia Keynote speaker Paul Brown, talking about 'the evolving role and importance of online interactive multimedia ...'. he will be joined by panelists Chris Lilley, W3C, Martin Gardiner, planet X, Michelle Williams, QUT and Bill Cartwright, RMIT.

After lunch, at 1.30pm, there will be a WWW7 Plenary session in the Great Hall with John Patrick from IBM.

Culture Track activity will continue at 2.30pm with 'Sharing collections, sharing data, sharing interpretation, sharing experience: how can the web help? when and where is it useful? the panel for this session will be: David Jensen, Getty Information Institute, Gigi Tagliapietra, OnDe Network, Katy Bramich, National Museum of Australia, Peter Holt, Tanami Network and Gary Hardy, Vicnet.

At 4.00pm there will be a session entitled "Online Multimedia - tricks and traps." The panel will consist of Elizabeth Parsons, Parsons Galloway Foundation, David Watts, Madgwicks, Steve Lucas, Matchlogic, Kim Machan, Kim Machan ART, and someone from the ABA.

The activities will finish at 6.00pm.

There will be a special night for young people from Brisbane at which Tim Berners-Lee and others will present the people of the web and their work.

There will be a distributed dinner in local Brisbane restaurants for WWW7 participants. Diners will meet at the Convention centre at 6.15 pm.

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Thursday 16th - What can Cultural institutions and their Clientele DO on the web?

The shoe collection activity will continue all this day.

At 9.00 am the Cultural Track activities will commence with a keynote address from David Jensen, Getty Information Institute. or participants. Panelists will include David Bearman and Jennifer Trant, from Archimuse, live from USA, Judy Gradwohl, Smithsonian and John Perkins, CIMI.

After morning tea, there will be a plenary session: "Web possibilities - online cultural interactions and collections, exhibitions, performances and archives." Panelists will be buildig on the ideas of the first session and include: Eric Miller, OCLC and Tim Bosher, Australian Museums on Line.

After lunch, WWW7 Plenary speaker in the Great Hall will be Cathy Marshall.

Culture Track activity will continue at 2.30 with the topic "One exhibit, many perspectives. Four curators will consider possibilities with a shoe collection: They will be: Judy Gradwohl, Smithsonian, John Hansen, Vision Control International, Ric Foster, National Gallery of Art (Washington), Gary Crockett, Hyde Park Barracks.

At 4.00pm there will be a 'hypothetical' plenary session. The State Library of Queensland is developing a cultural heritage project. The Director of the Library and his assistant will act as clients for the panel of designers: John Smithies, Cinemedia, Jeff Jones, QUT and David Jensen, Getty Information Institute.

The technical activities will finish at 6.00pm.

There will be a special session in the Internet Cafe in which WWW7 will set the Guinness record for Internet cafes.

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Friday 17th - International Metadata Day -


The shoe collection activity will continue all this day.


At 8.30am the Cultural Track activities will commence in the Music Conservatorium with the opening of

International Metadata Day.


The first activity for Metadata Day will be an international round-up with demos of what is happening internationally

- with presenters from the UK, Scandinavia, the US, Japan and Australia.


At 11.00 there will be a keynote session on 'the evolving role and importance of metadata, ...'.


At 1.30 activities will continue with a series of metadata communities' presentations - which communities are

active and what are they doing? WWW7 keynote speaker Xing Li will speak in the Convention Centre.


At 2.30 there will be a session 'Technological interactions - Dublin Core, Z39.50, rdf, GILS, etc'


At 4.00pm, Barry Jones will speak in the Convention Centre. In the Music Conservatorium, activities will continue

and at 5.00pm there will be a plenary session.


The activities will finish at 6.00pm.

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Note: Saturday is Developers' Day and there will be a special Metadata Stream.


Register your interest in the Cultural Track to obtain more information: mailto:www7culture@www7.conf.au


Back to main program page for Cultural Track, to the description of the digital collection activity, or to the special

guests and sponsors page.




Last updated on 18 February 1998. Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /programme/cultureprogtxt.html

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