Full Program of WWW7 Cultural Track

Please note: all WWW7 participants are welcome to participate in the following activities. They will take place in the main conference centre and lunch etc, will be with all other WWW7 participants. 

The Culture Track program has been designed for maximum interaction between participants of the Culture Track. Special contributors include our keynote speakers Paul Brown, David Jensen, Judy Gradwohl, John Perkins and Stu Weibel . 
This project has been assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. 
To register for Culture Track events, please register for WWW7 in the usual way, and then let us know of your interest in the Culture Track program. 

Text version of Culture Track Program (with no tables) 

Return to Description of the Culture Track Activities 

Quick Overview of WWW7 Culture Track Program (see details below).

Special Culture Track Activities 
Tuesday 14  Tutorial Day See main WWW7 program. Welcome Cocktail Party. 
Wednesday 15 
***** The on-going making of a digital collection
Focus on making digital collections - Multimedia Day
Internet Circus - Great Hall, 7.00pm to 9.00pm 
Thursday 16 
***** The on-going making of a digital collection
Focus on what we want to do on the web - Museums Day
Friday 17 
***** The on-going making of a digital collection
Focus on collection infrastructures and metadata - Metadata Day
Saturday 18  Developers' Day See main WWW7 program for metadata and other sessions. 
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Wednesday 15th -The Making of Multimedia and Digital Collections

April 15 
WWW7 Cultural Track - MC Liddy Nevile 
Main WWW7 program 
WWW7 Opening
Gov-Gen of Aust
Tim Berners-Lee 
morning tea 
morning tea 
11.00am  Multimedia Keynote speaker - 'the evolving role and importance of online interactive multimedia' - Paul Brown, QUT 
  • Chris Lilley, W3 
  • Martin Gardiner, Planet X 
  • Michelle Williams, QUT 
  • Bill Cartwright, RMIT 
technical sessions 
WWW7 plenary session -
John Patrick,
VP Internet Technology, IBM 
2.30pm  Sharing collections, sharing data, sharing interpretation, sharing experience: how can the web help? When and where is it useful? What is the role for online cultural networks? 
  • David Jensen, Getty Info. Institute 
  • Gigi Tagliapietra, OnDe Network 
  • Katy Bramich, Nat. Museum of Aust. 
  • Peter Holt, Tanami Network 
  • Gary Hardy, VicNet 
technical sessions 
afternoon tea 
afternoon tea 
4.00pm  Online Multimedia - tricks and traps - legal issues, advertising. 
  • Elizabeth Parsons, Parsons Gallaway Fdn 
  • David Watts, Madgwicks 
  • Steve Lucas, MatchLogic 
  • Kim Machan, Kim Machan ART 
  • Lesley Osborne, Aust Broadcasting Authority 
technical sessions 
7.00pm Conference 'Distributed' Dinner
7.00pm to 9.00pm Internet Circus, Great Hall, Convention Centre 
Shoe Collecting .. 

Continuous session .. 

The making of a digital collection - 

bring your shoes, take them past a digital camera, a video camera, a sound recorder, tell their story, catalogue them, .... 

Engage with content developers, technical experts, curators and exhibitors ... 

Test the web design and see what it offers, lacks, .... 

Ask yourself, "How is all this done, what can be learned?" and ask others ... 

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Thursday 16th - What can Cultural institutions and their Clientele DO on the web?

April 16 
WWW7 Cultural Track 
Main WWW7 program 
9.00am  Welcome & keynote session 
The Web and Cultural Activity - David Jensen, Getty Information Institute 
  • David Bearman, and 
  • Jennifer Trant, Archimuse (via satellite) 
  • Judy Gradwohl, Smithsonian 
  • John Perkins, CIMI 
Poster sessions 
morning tea 
morning tea 
11.00am  Web possibilities - online cultural interactions and collections, exhibitions, performances and archives. 
  • Judy Gradwohl, Smithsonian 
  • Eric Miller, OCLC 
  • John Perkins, CIMI 
  • Tim Bosher, AMOL 
Paper sessions 
WWW7 plenary - Cathy Marshall 
2.30pm  One exhibit, many points of view, many modes of interaction: how can objects, activities and artefacts be represented digitally? Curators will work on the WWW7 shoe collection. 
  • John Hansen - scientific 
  • Ric Foster - art 
  • Gary Crockett - historical 
  • Judy Gradwohl - cultural 
Paper sessions 
afternoon tea 
afternoon tea 
4.00pm  Exhibitions, performances, collections, electronic arts: the virtual and the real: how do people relate to objects and each other at events and on the web? Let's build a heritage centre online - an interactive hypothetical design session. 
Client: State Library of Queensland 
Des Stephens and Gunela Astbrink 
  • John Smithies, Cinemedia 
  • Jeff Jones, QUT 
  • David Jensen, Getty Info. Institute 
Paper sessions 
Shoe Collecting .. 

Continuous session .. 

The making of a digital collection - 

bring your shoes, take them past a digital camera, a video camera, a sound recorder, tell their story, catalogue them, .... 

Engage with content developers, technical experts, curators and exhibitors ... 

Test the web design and see what it offers, lacks, .... 

Ask yourself, "How is all this done, what can be learned?" and ask others ... 

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Friday 17th - International Metadata Day - RMIT/NLA/DSTC

April 17 
WWW7 Cultural Track - MC Renato Iannella 
Main WWW7 program 
WWW7 Plenary speaker
Paul Saffo
Institute for the Future 
morning tea 
morning tea 
11.00am  Keynote speaker - 'the road so far' - Stu Weibel, OCLC 

What is happening internationally? 

  • Europe/Scandinavia - Traugott Koch, Lund University 
  • Canada/US - Eric Miller, OCLC 
  • Japan/Asia - Tetsuo Sakaguchi, ULIS, Japan 
  • Australia - Warwick Cathro, NLA 
Technical sessions 
WWW7 plenary session
- Prof Xing Li -
China Education and Research Network 
2.30pm  Parallel sessions 

Session 1: Metadata communities - which communities are active and what are they doing? 

  • Dagmar Parer - government 
  • Carl Lagoze - libraries 
  • John Perkins - museums 
  • Simon Cox - geospatial 
Session 2: Data interoperability - What are the problems? 
  • Eric Miller, Dublin Core 
  • Nigel Ward, Z39.50 
  • Misha Wolf, unicode 
  • Ralph Swick, rdf 
technical sessions 
afternoon tea 
afternoon tea 
WWW7 plenary -Barry Jones
Conference Closure 
Shoe Collecting .. 

Continuous session .. 

The making of a digital collection - 

bring your shoes, take them past a digital camera, a video camera, a sound recorder, tell their story, catalogue them, .... 

Engage with content developers, technical experts, curators and exhibitors ... 

Test the web design and see what it offers, lacks, .... 

Ask yourself, "How is all this done, what can be learned?" and ask others ... 

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Note: Saturday is Developers' Day and there will be a special Metadata Stream.

Register your interest in the Cultural Track to obtain more information: mailto:www7culture@www7.conf.au 

Last updated on 23 March 1998. Contact: Webmaster. 
This URL: /cultureprog.html
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