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Press/Media Info

What's New at the Site

Sixth International World Wide Web Conference

April 7-11, 1997 Santa Clara, California USA

The theme of this year's conference was accessibility; the slogan was:

Everyone Everything Connected


Contact info for questions concerning registration, receipts, accounting, etc.:
  • Registration queries: (415) 283-3179
  • Registration fax number: (415) 291-0126
  • Mailing address for registration-related correspondence:
    WWW6 Conference
    120 Montgomery Street
    Suite 500
    San Francisco, CA 94104 USA

WWW6 News

(ICE cube) All WWW6 conference events were/are represented in the Interactive Conference Environment (ICE), a system made possible by the generous support of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and West Coast Online. Find out more in the current issue of WWW6 News.

Live Media at WWW6

During the conference, live interactive audio and video was sent across the MBONE from Santa Clara Convention Center. Find out more about MBONE and how to prepare your site to view MBONE'd WWW6 events remotely at the WWW6 MBONE Site.

In addition, Progressive Networks provided Unicast and Mulitcast audio and video of the conference over the Internet. Details and a schedule are available.

AudioNet's Pat and Mike WWW Radio Show broadcast via RealAudio from the WWW6 Conference Site in Santa Clara during the week of the conference, thanks to generous support from Hewlett-Packard.

A real-time camera's-eye view of the Exhibition at WWW6 was made available by Virtually In Person, a Web-based utility made possible by Stanford ME210 VIP Team, with the aid of Professor Larry Leifer.

Some of the more than 300 WWW6 events were transmitted via EchoSpeech, a realtime streaming broadcast of audio data. Find out more at http://med.stanford.edu:8080/es/.

Program Information


The Proceedings of the WWW6 Technical Program are now available. Prepared in HyperNews with the generous assistance and support of NTT Multimedia Communications Laboratories with the help of several dedicated technical volunteers, the papers in the HyperProceedings are open for (moderated) public review and discussion.

Special Events,
and Local Area Info

Find out about companion programs, general conference information, special activities, local area hotels (and their phone numbers), and more.

Behind the Scenes

Organized by Stanford University and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) under the auspices of The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2), and in virtual collaboration with the Hypertext '97 Conference (Southampton, UK) and the 1997 Conference in High Energy Physics

(Hypertext '97 logo) (CHEP logo) (IW3C2 logo) (SLAC logo) (Stanford seal)

Page Contacts: Bebo White, Christine Quinn.