The Call for Workshop Proposals closed on February 7.
The individual Calls for Workshop Participation, which are
managed by the individual workshop chairs, are now open.
Workshop participation is by invitation only, and individuals
interested in participating in any of the Monday (7 Apr 97) workshops
should contact the individual workshop chairs to apply for acceptance
as an invited workshop participant.
N.B. If you are an invited workshop participant, it is possible
to register and pay only for Monday without registering for the entire
conference, but you must go through the regular registration
process anyway. There is only one registration process for all
WWW6 conference events, including Workshops.
The Registration Page is available as a link from the
WWW6 Home Page.
The last form in the three-form registration sequence gives participants
the option of choosing which days they want to pay for. Persons who
want a workshop-only package should select "Monday" as the only day they
are registering for.
Half-day Workshops
- "Logic Programming and the Web", Anton Eliens, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (morning)
- "Web Site Mapping", Dror Zernik, PhD, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Co-chair: Yoelle S. Maarek, PhD, IBM Haifa Research Lab (morning)
- "Information Mediation and CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work)", Kinji Yamasaki, Sholink Corporation (afternoon)
Full-day Workshops
- "Embedded Web Technologies", Organizing Committee - Co-Chairs - Burton Lee, Stanford University; Tim Krauskopf, Spyglass; Steve Houtchens, Integrated Systems, Inc.
- "Delivery of Structured Documents over the Web, XML and DSSSL", Jon Bosak,
Sun Microsystems
- "Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities", Mike Paciello, Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation, cochair: Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden, Trace Research & Development,
University of Wisconsin at Madison
- "WOW3 (Women On the World Wide Web)", Prof. Chua Siew Keng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore/ Southern Cross University, Australia
- "Integrating Exisiting Business on the WWW", Ching-Shan Peng, UC Irvine; Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Kwei-Jay Lin, UC Irvine
- "Object-Oriented Web Servers and Data Modeling", Leon Shklar, Pencom Systems & Rutgers University
- "Addressing the Toughest Web User Interface Challenges", Richard Miller, Bellcore, Co-chair: Keith M. Rettig, Bellcore
- "Teaching and Learning with the WWW: Learning from the Past", Martin Westhead, EPCC, University of Edinburgh, U.K.