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Sixth International World Wide Web Conference

Calls for Workshop Participation

The Call for Workshop Proposals closed on February 7. The individual Calls for Workshop Participation, which are managed by the individual workshop chairs, are now open.

Workshop participation is by invitation only, and individuals interested in participating in any of the Monday (7 Apr 97) workshops should contact the individual workshop chairs to apply for acceptance as an invited workshop participant.

N.B. If you are an invited workshop participant, it is possible to register and pay only for Monday without registering for the entire conference, but you must go through the regular registration process anyway. There is only one registration process for all WWW6 conference events, including Workshops.

The Registration Page is available as a link from the WWW6 Home Page. The last form in the three-form registration sequence gives participants the option of choosing which days they want to pay for. Persons who want a workshop-only package should select "Monday" as the only day they are registering for.

Half-day Workshops

Full-day Workshops

WWW6 logo (small) Mail to the Workshop Chairman (Benay Dara-Abrams): www6-workshops@mailbox.slac.stanford.edu
Created 26 Feb 1997
Last modified Mon Mar 17 14:04:12 PST 1997
Page coordinator: Kathryn Henniss