(WWW6 logo) Sixth International WWW Conference
Conference Rates

Rates for Special Events

Sales of WWW6 Merchandise

Conference Rates and Sales

Rates for the Conference

EARLY BIRD RATES                    P R O G R A M
                 Tutorial/Workshop Conference   Dev Day   Passport
Attendee Category     Monday       Tues-Thurs   Friday    Mon-Fri
Corporate             $300          $795        $300       $1295
Acad/Govt/Non-Profit  $200          $595        $200        $895
Student               $200          $395        $200        $695

The Early Bird Passport provides for Tutorials/Workshops, the Conference and Developer's Day for $100 off the total cost.

AFTER MAR 14                        P R O G R A M
                 Tutorial/Workshop Conference Single Day  Dev Day Passport
Attendee Category    Monday        Tues-Thurs Tues-Thurs  Friday  Mon-Fri
Corporate            $300            $895        $300      $300   $1395
Acad/Govt/Non-Profit $200            $695        $300      $200    $995
Student              $200            $495        $300      $200    $795

Rates for Special Events

Exhibtion Gala Opening		$ 35
  (for companions)

Great America Night Tickets	$ 50
	 5 Pack			$225
	10 Pack			$425

Exhibition Only	(one day pass)  $ 35

History Day Only	        $100

WWW6 Merchandise for Sale

Items may be purchased on site during the week

WWW6 Proceedings		$100
WWW6 CD-ROM			$ 50
WWW6 T-Shirt			$ 10
WWW6 Poster			$ 10
WWW6 Pin			$ 10
WWW6 Bag			$ 10

Last modified Wed Mar 31 08:44:20 PST 1997 by Kathryn Henniss.
Page content coordinator: Christine Quinn