International Open Data Workshop


  • Purpose

    The workshop’s purpose is to bring together Open Data policy makers,
    industry, user community, and experts to discuss current status, best practice examples, issues, and future direction of Open Data, both domestically and internationally. The workshop will leverage W3 Conference to facilitate participation of relevant officials and experts.

  • Date : Tuesday, April 8, 2014
  • Venue : Room 301A, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
  • Host : Ministry of Security and Public Administration (MOSPA)
  • Organizer : National Information Society Agency (NIA)
  • Attendance : appr. 50


  • High level participants
    – President, National Information Society Agency (NIA)
     . NIA is designated by Open Data Law to operate the national Open Data
    Center(ODC), which operates the national open data portal (
    – Director-General, Ministry of Security and Public Administration (MOSPA)
     . MOSPA is the lead ministry on open data policy in Korea
    – Chairman, Open Data Strategy Council (ODSC) of Korea
     . ODSC is co-chaired by the Prime Minister
  • Speakers
    - Open Data policy makers : Korea, Russia, Thailand, New Zealand, Seoul
    - Open Data experts : ODI (UK), Open Data Barometer (Web Foundation)


  • Open Data policy & status : policy/program presentations
  • Open Data usage cases(best practice examples) and issues(measurement)
  • Open Data future direction (domestic & international) : panel discussion


International Open Data Workshop Program

April 8, 2014; Room 301A, COEX, Seoul (part of W3 Conference)

Timeline min TITLE Speaker
Registration (13:30~14:00)
Opening Session
(Moderator: Dong Seok KANG, Director, Open Data Center, Vice President, NIA)
14:00~14:05 5’ Opening Remarks  Kwang-Soo CHANG 
President, NIA
14:05~14:10 5’ Welcome Remarks Jong In YOON
Director General,
Creative Govt &
Organization Mngmt
Office, MOSPA
14:10~14:15 5’ Congratulatory Remarks Jin-Hyung KIM
Chairman, ODSC
14:15~14:20 5’ Photo-Op Speakers
Session 1 : Country Presentations
(Chair : Hania FARHAN, Director of Research, Web Foundation)
14:20~14:40 20’ Open Data Policy in Korea Yong Suk LEE
Director, Public Data Policy Division,
14:40~15:00 20’ Implementing
Open Data Conception in Russian
Federation: Institutionalization and
Results Monitoring
Open Data Council
15:00~15:15 15’ Thailand Open Data Status :
The Initiative by e-Government Agency
Director, Policy & Strategy
e-Government Agency
15:15~15:30 15’ The Long Road to
Open Government Data in New Zealand
(from policy to implementation)
<video presentation>
Open Data Advisor,
NZ Open Govt Data
15:30~15:40 10’  · Q&A
15:40~16:00 20’  · Coffee Break
Session 2 : Open Data and Local Govt, Impact, and Measurement Issue
(Chair : Young-joon NAM, Chairman, Open Data Usage Subcommittee, ODSC)
16:00~16:20 20’ Seoul, Open Data in Public Sector Hye Ja LEE
Open Data Team,
Seoul Metropolitan     
16:20~16:40 20’ Open data in government and industry
to drive economic growth
Commercial Director,
Open Data Institute
16:40~17:00 20’ The Open Data Barometer :
methodology, results and measurement
Director of Research,
Web Foundation
– Web Index
17:00~17:10 10’ ·Q&A
Panel Discussion Session
17:10~18:00 50’ o Theme : Open Data Future Direction (Domestic & International)
 - Chair : Cheol H. OH, Chairman, Working Committee, ODSC
 - Panelists :
  . Dong Seok KANG (ODC, NIA)
  . Hania FARHAN (Web Foundation)
  . Young-joon NAM (ODSC)
  . Evgeny STYRIN (Open Data Council, Russia)
  . Stuart COLEMAN (ODI, UK)
  . Nantawan WONGKACHONKITTI (EGA, Thailand)
  . Yong Suk LEE (MOSPA)
18:00   Closing

* simultaneous interpretation provided : Korean<->English
* ODSC : Open Data Strategy Council, Korea
* MOSPA : Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Korea
* ODC : Open Data Center (NIA)
* NIA : National Information Society Agency, Korea
* EGA : e-Government Agency, Thailand

* You can also download the workshop information on a file.
 For Details
