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Paper ID Title  Presenters 
tr23 Social Recommender Systems • Ido Guy
• David Carmel
tr25 Ranking on Large-Scale Graphs with Rich Metadata • Bin Gao
• Taifeng Wang
• Tie-Yan Liu
tr26 Managing Crowdsourced Human Computation • Panagiotis Ipeirotis
• Praveen Paritosh
tr27 Citizen Sensor Data Mining, Social Media Analytics and Development Centric Web Applications • Meena Nagarajan
• Amit Sheth
• Selvam Velmurugan
tr28 Game Theoretic Models for Social Network Analysis • Narahari Yadati
• Ramasuri Narayanam
tr32 Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Mobile Search • Junlan Feng
• Michael Johnston
• Srinivas Bangalore
tr33 Scalable Integration and Processing of Linked Data • Andreas Harth
• Aidan Hogan
• Spyros Kotoulas
• Jacopo Urbani
tr34 Web-Based Open-Domain Information Extraction • Marius Pasca
tr37 The Web of Things • Carolina Fortuna
•Marko Grobelnik
invited1 Analytics and Predictive Models for Social Media • Jure Leskovec
invited2 Distributed Web Retrieval • Ricardo Baeza-Yates
invited3 Latent Variable Models on the Internet  • Amr Ahmed
• Alexander Smola
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