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Tutorial :
Ranking on Large-Scale Graphs with Rich Metadata
Tutorial id tr25
Tutorial name Ranking on Large-Scale Graphs with Rich Metadata
Presenters • Bin Gao
• Taifeng Wang
• Tie-Yan Liu
Microsoft Research Asia
4F, Sigma Center, No. 49,
Zhichun Road
Beijing, 100190, P. R. China. Emails: tyliu@microsoft.com
bingao@microsoft.com taifengw@microsoft.com


For many Web applications, one needs to deal with the ranking problem on large-scale graphs with rich metadata. However, it is non-trivial to perform efficient and effective ranking on them. On one aspect, we need to design scalable algorithms. On another aspect, we also need to develop powerful computational infrastructure to support these algorithms. This tutorial aims at giving a timely introduction to the promising advances in the aforementioned aspects in recent years, and providing the audiences with a comprehensive view on the related literature.


IIIT Bangalore
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