WWW in Ibero-America track Schedule

(Room Bonn/M1, first floor)

Wednesday 22nd (14:30 -16:00)  Paper Session

Track Opening: Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo! Research)

Chair: Dr. Javier Soriano (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)

“Analyzing Seller Practices in a Brazilian Marketplace” (R)
Adriano Pereira, Diego Duarte, Wagner Meira Jr., Virgilio Almeida and Paulo Goes.
“Analysis of Fraudulent Activity in a Brazilian Auction Site” (A)
Vinicius Almendra and Daniel Schwabe.
“Analyzing and ranking the Spanish speaking MySpace community by their contributions in forums” (A)
Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Erika Bondia and Rafael Banchs.

Wednesday 22nd (16:30 -18:00) Panel Session  M2-Amsterdam room (Left Wing 2nd Floor)

“The New Media Challenge to Traditional Media. Spanish/Portuguese vs. English. How to avoid cultural break down”

Prof. Virgilio A. F. Almeida, Computer Science Department,Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil


Mr. Mario Tascón. General Manager Dixired (lainformación.com)
Ms. Rosalía Lloret. General Manager Interactive Media. Rtve.es 
Mr. Icaro Moyano. PR Manager Tuenti

Thursday 23rd (14:30 -16:00) Panel Session  M2-Amsterdam room (Left Wing 2nd Floor)

Multilingual Web Sites

Luis Bellido
Manuel Tomas Carrasco Benítez
Pascal Chevrel
Richard Ishida
Charles McCathieNevile
Raúl Rivero Uría

Thursday 23rd (16:30 -18:00) Paper Session  

Chair: Dr. Daniel Schwabe (Universidad PUC-Rio, Brazil)

“A Geographical Analysis of Knowledge Production in Computer Science” (R)
Guilherme Vale Menezes, Nivio Ziviani, Alberto Laender and Virgilio Almeida.
“Portuguese Language Processing Service” (A)
Eraldo R. Fernandes, Ruy L. Milidiu and Cicero N. Santos.
“The Morfeo Open Source Community: building technologies of the Future Web through open innovation” (A)
David Lizcano, Miguel Jiménez, Javier Soriano, Juan J. Hierro and Andrés Leonardo Martínez.

Friday 24th (14:30 -16:00) Paper Session

Chair: Dr. Jesús Gonzalez-Barahona (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)

“Inquiro.CL: a New Search Engine in Chile” (A)
Marcelo Mendoza, Hipolito Guerrero and Julio Farias.
“Finding Answers to Definition Questions across the Spanish Web” (A)
Alejandro Figueroa
“Overcoming database heterogeneity to facilitate social networks: the Colombian displaced population as a case study” (A)
Juan F. Sequeda, Alexander Garcia, Oscar Corcho, Syed Hamid Tirmizi and Daniel Miranker.

Friday 24th (16:30 -18:00) Panel Session  M2-Amsterdam room (Left Wing 2nd Floor)

Open Innovation and Open Labs: An emergent opportunity for leading technology innovation and development for the Future Internet”

Martín Álvarez Espinar (W3C Spain Office Manager)

Open Labs are places where science and open innovation meet to develop, research and explore new ideas. In the panel session different Open Labs, where people, industry (both large enterprises and SMEs), and academia can work jointly together and bring added value for the Future Internet research, will be presented.

This panel will controversially discuss the risks as well as the potentials and oportunities associated to this approach to innovation and technology development, with the aim of bringing this debate closer to the heart of the Iberoamerican WWW community.

Antonio Campos (CTIC Foundation)
Eduardo Álvarez (CTIC Foundation)
Juan J. Hierro (Chief Technologist, Software Technologies, Telefónica I+D)
Jesús M. González-Barahona (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)

(A) = Alternate Track papers
(R) = Regular Track papers


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Asociación de Técnicos de Informática bcs etsit EUITT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
ctic mid+ Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas

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