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Industrial Track

Location: Level 2 - 201B

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Web of People
10:30am to 11:00am Characterizing Typical and Atypical User Sessions in Clickstreams
- Narayanan Sadagopan (Yahoo! Inc.), Jie Li (Yahoo! Inc.)
11:00am to 11:30pm Planetary-Scale Views on a Large Instant-Messaging Network
- Jure Leskovec (Carnegie Mellon University) and Eric Horvitz (Microsoft Research)
11:30am to 12:00noon Online Auctions Efficiency: A Survey of eBay Auctions
- Wenyan Hu (eBay Inc.), Alvaro Bolivar (eBay Inc.)
* Lunch *
1:30pm to 2:15pm Internet Innovation & Business Opportunities
- Hsiao-Wuen Hon (Microsoft Research Asia)
2:15pm to 3:00pm Patents, web and open source: war and peace?
- Clara Neppel (EPO Patents)
* Break *
3:30pm to 4:15pm Open for BOF (suggestions are welcome)
4:15pm to 5:30pm Open for BOF (suggestions are welcome)
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Web of Rich Media
10:30am to 11:15am Computational Advertising
- Andrei Broder (Yahoo! Inc.)
11:15am to 12:00noon Open
* Lunch *
1:30pm to 2:00pm Video Suggestion and Discovery for YouTube: Taking Random Walks Through the View Graph
- Shumeet Baluja (Google Inc.), Rohan Seth (Google Inc.), Sivakumar D (Google Inc.), Yushi Jing (Georgia Institute of Technology), Jay Yagnik (Google Inc.), Shankar Kumar (Google Inc.), Deepak Ravichandran (Google Inc.), Mohamed Aly (University of Pittsburg)
2:00pm to 2:45pm Multimedia Indexing and Content Personalization for Triple-Play Services
- Andrea Basso (AT&T Labs)
3:00pm to 3:30pm Three Generations of Intelligent Search
- William Chang (Baidu)
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Web of Devices
10:30am to 11:15am Web of Mobile Devices
- Minoru Etoh (NTT DoCoMo)
11:15am to 12:00noon How People Use the Web on Mobile Devices
- Yanqing Cui (Nokia Research Center), Virpi Roto (Nokia Research Center)
* Lunch *
1:30pm to 2:15pm Empowering the Web with the Location
- Vincent Tao (Microsoft, Geo Tango)
2:15pm to 3:00pm Mashups for the Masses
- John Turkek (IBM China Development Lab)
* Break *
3:30 to 4:15pm Open for BOF (suggestions are welcome)
4:15pm to 5:00pm Open for BOF (suggestions are welcome)

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