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Track: Panels

Paper Title:
Rich Media and Web 2.0


Rich media data, such as video, imagery, music, and gaming, do no longer play just a supporting role on the World Wide Web to text data. Thanks to Web 2.0, rich media is the primary content on sites such as Flickr, PicasaWeb, YouTube, and QQ. Because of massive user generated content, the volume of rich media being transmitted on the Internet has surpassed that of text. It is vital to properly manage these data to ensure efficient bandwidth utilization, to support effective indexing and search, and to safeguard copyrights (just to name a few). This panel invites both researchers and practitioners to discuss the challenges of Web-scale media-data management. In particular, the panelists will address issues such as leveraging Rich Media and Web 2.0, indexing, search, and scalability.

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