Media and Publicity
WWW2008 Newsletter -- October 2007 (Third Issue)
Welcome to the third issue of the WWW2008 Newsletter containing information for the WWW2008 conference, which will be held in Beijing on April 21-25, 2008. This issue includes:
- Paper submission site is available
- Reminder: Refereed papers due on November 1, 2007
- Reminder: Tutorial submissions due on November 1, 2007
- Both NEC and eBay have been confirmed as Bronze sponsors
- Message from Workshop and Tutorial Chairs
- Beijing Tourist Info: What are the “World Top Ten” in Beijing?
Preparations for WWW2008 are well on the way and WWW2008 newsletters will keep you updated on important announcements and events leading to WWW2008.
Paper Submission Site Now Available
Refereed Papers for WWW2008 must be submitted via the
Please also note that English is the only language adopted in this conference. All papers submitted MUST be written in English.
For submission requirements, see the submission information and requirements page.
Referred Paper Submissions Due on November 1, 2007
The deadline for paper submissions to WWW2008 is less than a month away! WWW2008 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. All refereed papers must be submitted on or before November 1, 2007 (by 11:59pm Hawaii time). This is a hard deadline: NO EXTENSIONS will be granted.
The WWW2008 technical program will be divided into 15 tracks, and accepted refereed papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
The Call For Papers, with the complete list of research tracks, program committee members, as well as formatting and submission details can be found from the CFP page.
Tutorial Proposals Due on November 1, 2007
The deadline for submitting Tutorial proposals to WWW2008 is also fast approaching. Tutorial proposals are desired for both half-day and full-day sessions on topics of current and ongoing relevance to Web design, services, operation, use, and evaluation.
Proposals must clearly identify the learning objectives, the target audience, relevance to the WWW2008 audience,
references to relevant material, and a short biography of the presenter(s). For details, see the
Tutorials CFP page and submit your proposal to
Additional Sponsors Confirmed
NEC and eBay have been confirmed as a Bronze sponsors. For more information on how to sign up to be a sponsor, please visit the Sponsorship page.
Message from WWW2008 Workshops and Tutorials Chairs
The WWW2008 Workshops and Tutorials Chairs have just written blog entries for the WWW2008 Workshops and Tutorials Program. The purpose of these blog pages is to give more in-depth and timely information on the WWW2008 program. For details, see the WWW2008 Blog.
Beijing Tourist Info: What are the “World Top Ten” in Beijing?
Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China and its political, cultural, domestic and international exchange center. Check out the new Beijing tourist page we set up on the WWW2008 website and find out what the "World Top Ten" attractions are in Beijing.
Upcoming newsletters, subscribing, etc.
The WWW2008 Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month leading up to the conference. Also, do not miss our blog.
You may subscribe or unsubscribe
the WWW2008 Newsletter directly or