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Refereed Papers
| Browsers and User Interfaces | Data Mining | Industrial Practice and Experience |
| Internet Monetization | Mobility | Performance and Scalability | Rich Media | Search |
| Security and Privacy | Semantic / Data Web | Social Networks and Web 2.0 |
| Technology for Developing Regions | Web Engineering | WWW in China | XML and Web Data |
Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops

Rich Media

Rich media data, such as video, imagery, and music, do no longer play just a supporting role to text data. On the contrary, on sites such as Flickr and YouTube, rich media is the primary content. Thanks to the phenomena of user generated content, the volume of rich media being transmitted on the Internet has surpassed that of text. It is vital to properly manage media data to ensure efficient bandwidth utilization, to support effective index and search, and to safeguard copyrights, just to name a few. This rich media track encourages contributions dealing with Web-scale media-data management on the following relevant topics:

Paper formatting requirements will be provided on the submissions page.

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