13th International WWW Conference Statue of Liberty logo At the New York, NY Sheraton on May 17-22
Program Statue of Liberty logo Chairs
New York City Photo gallery
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9:00 a.m.Start
10:30 - 11:00 a.m.Break
12:30 - 2:00 p.m.Lunch
3:30 - 4:00 p.m.Break
5:30 p.m.End


WF1 3rd Int'l. Workshop on Web Dynamics
Mark Levene and Alexandra Poulovassilis
University of London

The World Wide Web is now a ubiquitous global tool used for finding information, communicating ideas, carrying out distributed computation, and conducting business, learning and science. The web is highly dynamic in the quantity and nature of the information that it encompasses, posing a host of challenges in managing distributed information and computation over the web. There is a need to understand how the topology, information content and usage of the web change, and to develop techniques for organizing and manipulating web information which can handle and exploit its inherent dynamics. Access to the web may be from a variety of devices and interfaces by different users at different locations and at varying times. There is thus also is a need for techniques which dynamically adapt information presentation to the mode of access and to the specific user requirements.

WF2 Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics
Natalie Glance, Matthew Hurst
Intelliseek Applied Research Center
Lada Adamic, Eytan Adar
HP Labs

The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for sharing research on the blogging ecosystem. The workshop will consist of technical papers, panel discussions, and demonstrations of research prototypes. Topics of interest for technical papers include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Mapping and visualization of the blogsphere
  • Weblog taxonomies: automatic and/or manual construction
  • Automatic classification of weblog entries
  • Weblog search engines
  • Aggregate measures over the blogsphere
  • Dynamics of information flow across the blogsphere
  • Methods for weblog census
  • Weblog lifecycle
  • Influence of blogsphere on the information landscape
  • Alternative blog forms (radioblogs, photoblogs, etc.)
WF3 Content Labeling: Technical and Socio-Cultural Challenges and Solutions
Kazuhiro Kitagawa , Keio University / World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Nobuo Saito, Keio University / World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Tatsuya Hagino, Keio University / World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Akihiko Kokubo, Internet Association of Japan

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been developing technical specifications to increase user control of the content that reaches them since 1996. By attaching a voluntary "Content Label" to one's web site, administrators can alert users about the nature of the site's content. Content Labels might indicate the presence of nudity or representations of violence on a site and are intended to empower users to filter unwanted content from online searches. Value Assessment is a third party content labeling system, whereby Internet Service Providers and search engine administrators could label sites for the convenience of their customers. In order for these labels to serve their intended function, it is important that assessment criteria be articulated and public awareness of filtering be raised. As this method of content-labeling is voluntary and largely self-regulated, user demands that content providers accurately convey the nature of Web sites will be critical to the widespread application of this technology. Content labeling mechanisms have been working quite well for users and content providers who access the World Wide Web using a personal computer. However, users who access the Web from mobile devices do not yet have access to content labeling technology to assist them in filtering unwanted content. As Web access via mobile devices becomes increasingly prevalent, the importance of developing content labeling specifications suitable for these devices intensifies.

WF4 Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web
Christoph Bussler, National University of Ireland
Stefan Decker, National University of Ireland
Daniel Schwabe, PUC-Rio

The Semantic Web has generated a lot of activity in the research community, and is gaining tremendous momentum. Semantically tagged data is starting to become available, and the first web sites based on Semantic Web related technologies are already online. At the same time, Web Services have become a reality, and a great deal of interest has been generated with respect to Semantic Web Services. In summary, applications based on the Semantic Web and Web Services are already becoming a reality. Still, participating in the Semantic Web is hard - authoring of data and metadata, and building of applications based on the authored metadata is a costly, high effort tasks. On the other hand, the Web Engineering community has investigated numerous issues related to the design and implementation of web-based applications. Most methodological proposals that have been put forward are based on formally specified models, with similar expressive power as those used being proposed for the Semantic Web. A lot of experience has been gathered with respect to how to design, develop and implement web-based applications in general. As a consequence of these tendencies, a natural convergence on several important research topics is occurring. So possible synergies occur on several levels:
  • Web site models can be represented by Semantic Web languages. The available Semantic Web infrastructure is immediately applicable for the Web Engineering field, thus making the processing of Web site models effective.
  • Infrastructure for the creation of Semantic Web Portals has just started to emerge.
Web engineering provides proven technology, which can be adapted to the specific needs with respect to metadata and the Semantic Web applications. The goal of this workshop is to identify and examine these and other possible synergies in detail and compare approaches of the different communities with respect to (Semantic) Web and Web Service-based applications. The workshop will be organized around solicited presentations, where case studies are discussed whenever possible. The submissions will be selected by a steering committee with members of both communities.

WF5 Semantics in P2P and Grid Computing
Karl Aberer, Stefan Decker, David De Roure, Carole Goble, Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit

The Semantic Web is widely accepted as a means to enhance the Web with machine process able content. However, mostly the Semantic Web is aiming at techniques and technologies for static information, in contrast to dynamic services or distributed computing. Several interest groups and efforts are working on infrastructure for enabling distributed computing. The organization of these efforts are in part top down organized efforts, involving multiple formal organizations and dedicated projects, and bottom-up efforts, sometimes started by single organizations or individuals in a grassroots effort. The Grid is aiming at technologies which allow the flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources, enabling virtual organizations. Problems encountered include authentication, authorization, resource access, resource discovery, and interoperation of active services. The same problems are eminent in the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) area, where projects are typically organized in a bottom-up fashion. Reusable infrastructures like SUN's JXTA are emerging, attracting numerous applications. However, each application uses its own data format, and it is hard to see how applications interoperate. A related area is Web Services: driven by industry efforts numerous specifications are developed, which are of interest for the Grid projects as well as for the Peer-to-Peer efforts. Although there is an agreement that Web Services would benefit from more semantics, little systematic research has been done on the problem of how to combine the notions of Web Services with the results of the Semantic Web, Peer-to-Peer and Grid computing.

WF7 High Performance XML Processing
Lionel Villard, IBM Research
Jean-Yves Vion-Dury, INRIA, Xerox Research Center Europe
Daniel Veillard, Red Hat

XML plays an important role in document engineering, but it has also spread to many other domains, including databases and web architecture. XML is now used far beyond the XHTML framework and becomes progressively omnipresent at all the levels of content delivery, from the transport layer (SOAP messaging), through the database layer ("native" XML databases, XML Schema) to the document processing layer (XSLT, XHTML, etc..). As the technologies involved in this infrastructure are still young we observe that more work is required in order to accomplish a seamless integration of the fundamental components and to increase performances of XML processing. In particular, it would be valuable to avoid the cost of redundant marshaling/unmarshaling/validation processes (e.g., Using pre-parsed XML documents) along the communication channels. This task is going to be challenging as shown by the controversial proposals for an XML binary transport format, either considered as evil by the document community ("I want to read my document in plain text!") or absolutely required by network specialists ("XML is too bulky!"). In addition of this integration issue, the processing of huge XML documents, found in areas like life sciences, automotive industry, defense or aerospace, is difficult because of the linear time and space complexity (in best cases!) of the current basic algorithms. There is a growing need to deal with such documents and efficient solutions still need to be worked out. This workshop will consider innovative approaches, concepts, methods and technologies that allow high-performance processing of small, medium and huge XML documents over a distributed environment. The purpose of this workshop is to explore the underlying infrastructure to achieve this goal. Topics of interest include (among others):
  • XML distributed processing protocol/transfer
  • Native XML protocol
  • Binary XML
  • XML Parsing
  • Push versus Pull XML processing
  • XML streaming architecture
  • XML updates
  • Incremental processing
  • Lazy evaluation
  • Indexing of XML
  • Static analysis for improving performance
  • XML Schema for improving performance
  • XML document partitioning
  • Huge document processing
  • Composition of XML components (WSDL, BPEL, XSP, Web services choreography)
  • Efficient XML Routing
WF9 International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility
Simon Harper, Yeliz Yesilada, and Carole Goble
University of Manchester

Conventional workshops on accessibility tend to be single disciplinary in nature. However, we are concerned that this focus on a single participant group prevents the cross-pollination of ideas, needs, and technologies from other related but separate fields. This workshop will be decidedly cross-disciplinary and will bring together users, accessibility experts, graphic designers, and technologists from academia and industry to discuss how accessibility can be supported. We also encourage the participation of users and other interested parties as an additional balance to the discussion. Our aim is to focus on accessibility by encouraging participation from many disciplines. Views will bridge academia, commerce, and industry and we hope that arguments encompassing a range of beliefs across the design-accessibility spectrum will be presented. Our theme for this first workshop will be "Accessible Layout - The Tension Between Accessibility and Visual Design." Layout and structure are key to good visual design. They are the conduit for both the content and the graphics. They are also very important for disabled (e.g. dyslexic users) people and specifically visually impaired users as they need to be quickly and easily interacted with. This workshop aims to address layout, structure, and presentation from the viewpoint of accessibility and good visual design. Where these are in opposition the workshop aims to facilitate discussion between the interested parties so that a solution (or at least the beginners of a solution) can be formulated. The workshop organizers believe in inclusive design or one design for all however how can this be the case if users have differing needs. The organizers also believe that no-one should be hindered when interacting with layout. Will making layout accessible hinder sighted or "conventional" users? Topics of interests include (but are not limited to):
  • Technological advances to support web accessibility.
  • End user tools for accessibility.
  • Design methodologies for web accessibility.
  • Accessibility evaluation techniques and tools.
  • Accessibility evaluation guidelines.
  • Adaptive applications and graphics.
  • Tools and techniques enabling authors to create accessible layout / content.
  • Psychology of end user experiences and scenarios.
  • Innovative scripting/markup languages that support web accessibility.
  • Universally accessible graphical design approaches.
  • Graphical transcoding techniques.
  • Accessible graphic formats and tools for their creation.
WF10 Interaction Design and the Semantic Web
m.c. schraefel, Lynda Hardman, Carole Goble, Jennifer Golbeck, Dennis Quan

This workshop is an opportunity for Interaction Design and Semantic Web researchers to meet and explore what is interesting and what is possible, to exchange problem cases from knowledge building tools for non-specialists to application affordances for generic browsers to formal interaction models for representing semantically associated information. The goal of the workshop is to share ideas, experiences and to chart new territory, and especially to create opportunities for collaboration among research communities. In particular, we want
  1. To begin to define what are the particular attributes of the Semantic Web that we can specify new research challenges for Interaction Designers.
  2. To create an ongoing bridge between research communities.
WF11 Emerging Applications for Wireless and Mobile Access (Mobea)
Yih-Fam Chen, Rittwik Jana
AT&T Labs - Research

We are in the midst of a mobile revolution. In order to realize the vision of pervasive mobile computing, the communications infrastructure and software platforms all require innovative theories, paradigms and applications in mobile data management. The objective of this workshop is to provide a single forum for researchers and technologists to discuss the state-of-the-art, present their contributions, and set future directions in emerging innovative applications for mobile wireless access. The workshop will be organized in a manner designed to foster interaction and exchange of ideas among the participants. Besides paper presentations, time will be allocated to open discussion forums, informal discussions and panels. In addition to regular papers, vision or work-in-progress papers are also invited to stimulate debates on open problems and challenges. Proposals for panels are also solicited. Panel topics on emerging or even provocative topics that will generate lively discussions are especially welcome.

WF12  Measuring Web Effectiveness: The User Perspective
Carolyn Watters, Dalhousie University
Amanda Spink, University of Pittsburgh

While we have learned a great deal about creating large document spaces and accessing these spaces, we know relatively little about the users who deal with a multi-billion-page Web. Further research is needed to address the user issues related to effectiveness and quality of experience when interacting with Web search engines. The recent intensity of work on personalization and filtering for pre and post search processing highlight the gulf that remains for users. The semantic Web initiative holds promise of better categorization of content but does not address issues of evaluating human interaction with Web search engines, including the usability and effectiveness of search tools. Metrics and methodologies have been developed by the Information Retrieval and Web communities to assess the effectiveness of large homogeneous retrieval systems. However, new measures are needed for Web retrieval that go beyond recall and precision and that are more user-centric. In the proposed WWW Workshop we address issues of evaluating the effectiveness of retrieval tools for users seeking information on the Web, where the data set is extremely large and heterogeneous with respect to content, structure, and quality. The Workshop will be a multi-disciplinary forum of presentations and discussions of theoretical foundations, evaluation measures, methodologies, case studies and user study results. The multidisciplinary nature of this emerging area allows us to welcome a wide range of participant interests from both the research and development communities. While it is anticipated that most participants would have background knowledge in either evaluation of user experiences or in providing Web services, the discussion is not intended to be at a highly technical level but rather on a conceptual and highly multidisciplinary level.
WWW 2004 Organizers
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery
NYU, New York University
NYU Center for Advanced Technology
IBM Research
IW3C2, the International World-Wide Web Conference Committee