13th International WWW Conference Statue of Liberty logo At the New York, NY Sheraton on May 17-22
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9:00 a.m.Start
10:30 - 11:00 a.m.Break
12:30 - 2:00 p.m.Lunch
3:30 - 4:00 p.m.Break
5:30 p.m.End

Full Day Tutorials

TF1 Web Servers: Implementation and Performance
Erich Nahum, IBM Research
Dave Yates, University of Massachusetts

Web servers are a critical point-of-presence for organizations desiring to reach a wide audience across the Internet. The phenomenal growth of the Web puts dramatic performance requirements on these servers, which are responsible for sending content in response to client requests. Web server performance is thus a central issue in providing ubiquitous, reliable, and efficient information access. This tutorial covers the design, implementation, and performance of Web servers. It focuses on real-world problems and experimental evaluation. It covers HTTP and TCP basics, server architectures, operating system support, I/O abstractions, workload characteristics and generators, HTTP and TCP dynamics, admission control, quality of service, scheduling, and secure servers. Where possible, material is augmented with case studies of real servers and web sites. The tutorial is targeted at researchers and practitioners who are interested in learning more about how Web servers work and what issues affect performance. The intended audience should have a basic knowledge of computer systems and network protocols.

TF2 Service Oriented Architectures and Semantic Web Processes
Jorge Cardoso, University of Madeira
Francisco Curbera, IBM Research
Amit Sheth, University of Georgia

The Web, the development of E-commerce, and new architectural concepts such as E-services and service oriented architectures (SOA) have created the basis for the emergence of a new networked economy. The scope of activities that business processes are expected to span has moved from intra-enterprise workflows coordinating multiple applications, to predefined inter-enterprise and B2B processes, to dynamically defined Web processes among cooperating organizations. The importance of service annotations and dynamic discovery in the E-services and SOA paradigms supports a parallel trend towards automatic inter-enterprise process integration. Components of technical aspect of the solutions involve the technologies for information exchange (from EDI to XML), software componentization (from CORBA to Web Services), and workflow coordination and collaboration. Semantics represents a new component to this mix, but it is also an integral part of its natural evolution. Semantics will provide a solid base for rich service annotation and discovery, support of scaleable architectures and dramatically increase the dynamic nature of Web processes. While enterprises have sought to apply semantics to manage and exploit data or content (for example, to support data integration), Web Processes are the way to exploit the use of semantics to develop and implement distributed applications composed of interoperable Web Services. Semantic Web Processes are semantics-enabled and empowered Web processes. This tutorial reviews the state of the art and presents what can be achieved by symbiotic synthesis of two of the hottest R&D and technology application areas: Web services and the Semantic Web, also two of the hottest areas of discussion at WWW2003. It explores the directions in which the Web services platform is evolving to support richer and more dynamic service interaction, and presents some of the promises and challenges in applying semantics to each of the steps in the Semantic Web Process lifecycle. In particular we present the role of semantics in annotation (Semantic Annotation of Web Services), discovery (Semantic Web Service Discovery), composition (Semantic Process Composition), process execution/enactment (Semantic Web Process Orchestration), and quality of service of Semantic Web Processes.

TF3 Web Engineering
Martin Gaedke, Universitat Karlsruhe
Bebo White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Web Engineering (the study of formal and informal processes and methods related to the analysis, design and implementation of Web-based applications) is a thriving new field at the crossroads between Software Engineering and Web Technologies. Broad in its scope, Web Engineering derives its inspiration from numerous engineering disciplines, including, but not limited to, graphic design, library sciences, human-computer interaction, and multimedia and hypermedia. The tutorial is targeted at researchers and practitioners who are interested in learning more about the components of Web Engineering and how WE can be implemented in the design and support process.
Part 1 - Introduction to Web Engineering
Introduction to the business, hypermedia and Web trends that created the need for Web Engineering
Part 2 - Technology: Basics and Principles
Introduction to the ABC of Web technology
Part 3 - Aspects of the Lifecycle
People, Process, Management, Evolution
Part 4 - Pre-Planning
Understanding the problem
Part 5 - Planning
From problem description to plan
Part 6 - evelopment
Creating the solution
Part 7 - Evolution
From Operation, Maintenance and Agility
TF4 Introduction to Web and Internet Security
Patrick McDaniel, AT&T Labs - Research

There are many common misconceptions on the purpose, efficacy, and use of security on the Internet in general, and the web in specific. This has directly contributed to the lack of real security in applications and services in the past. Well documented vulnerabilities and attacks have undermined the average user's confidence in the Internet. This trend will continue until better security tools are made available and safer computing is practiced by administrators and end users. One key area that needs attention is education: the average user must be able to make informed choices about the way she conducts herself on the Internet. She will have the ability to make these choices only after she understands the implications of her actions. The primary goal of this tutorial is to give the attendees just this understanding. This one day tutorial is aimed at informing the general WWW community about the terminology, technologies, and emerging trends in web and Internet security. Targeted at both practitioners and researchers, we will explore the purpose and technologies of Internet and Web security. The structure of the tutorial will be to build from a basic description of security, then move to general areas (Web and network security), and finally to describe emerging trends in security research. We will provide examples taken from the expected attendees domains. Where possible, we will demonstrate particular technologies (e.g., VPNs) and attacks (e.g., snarf, on WEP).

Half Day Tutorials


TA1 Foundations of Web Services: Architectures, Description and Engagement
Munindar Singh, NC State
Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina

Web services have become an important paradigm for information technology architectures and applications. The basic standards and existing literature on Web services have been focused on the lower-level, infrastructural matters. But as these become well-understood, emphasis has shifted to deeper foundational topics. In particular, in emerging practice, the classical Web services triangle of publish, find, and bind is being upgraded to sophisticated descriptions, discovery, and engagement. This upgrade requires the introduction of techniques for information and process semantics, specifically, conceptual modeling, ontologies, matchmaking, messaging, transactions, and processes. Some of the relevant concepts have been developed in diverse parts of computer science, especially, heterogeneous databases, distributed computing, artificial intelligence, and multiagent systems. This tutorial presents the necessary concepts, architectures, theories, techniques, and infrastructure to understand Web services in this upgraded form. However, it is self-contained, and gives the essential background for anyone planning to learn about and contribute to the principles and applications of services. It guides practitioners by highlighting best practices in service-oriented computing and introduces students and advanced developers to the key trade-offs as well as the limitations of current approaches. This tutorial emphasizes architectures, description techniques and standards, and basic forms of engagement; its sequel discusses advanced engagement, and discovery, and composition. This tutorial is presented at a senior or beginning graduate student level. It is accessible to Web programmers, advanced developers, and students.

TA2 The Future of Universal Multimedia Access on the Web
Hermann Hellwagner , University Klagenfurt
John R. Smith, IBM Research
Christian Timmerer, University Klagenfurt

The information revolution of the last decade has resulted in a phenomenal increase in the quantity of content (including multimedia content) available to an increasing number of different users with different preferences who access it through a plethora of devices and over heterogeneous networks. Interoperability is the key for enabling transparent and augmented use of (multimedia) content across a wide range of networks and devices. Standardization efforts within the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), in particular MPEG-7 and MPEG-21, aim to provide appropriate tools for achieving this goal of Universal Media Access (UMA). This tutorial provides, in the first place, the concepts of UMA and corresponding MPEG-7 tools built upon these concepts. Subsequently, the vision, an overview, and the state of the art of the emerging MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework are given. Finally, MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) tools which implement the Terminal and Networks Characteristics key element within the whole framework are illustrated in detail. The goal of MPEG-21 DIA is to achieve interoperable transparent access to (distributed) advanced multimedia content by shielding users from network and terminal installation, configuration, management and implementation issues.

TA3 Getting into RDF and the Semantic Web using N3
Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Connolly, and Sandro Hawke, W3C

The world of the semantic web, as based on RDF, is really simple at the base. This tutorial shows you how to get started. It uses a simplified teaching language -- Notation 3 or N3 -- which is basically equivalent to RDF in its XML syntax, but easier to scribble when getting started. It introduces an extension of N3 to become a language for rules and query. By running though some examples with a rules engine, you should get a feel for what is possible with semantic web data. The low end examples are comparable to simple database operations, while the high end ones include multi-source data integration, including security reasoning based on digital signatures.

TA4 Universal Design of Web Technologies That Render Web Content
Jon Gunderson, University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
Matt May, W3C/MIT

Web technologies are increasingly becoming more and more a part of public life and therefore they need to be usable by the widest range of user capabilities, including users who are older and users with disabilities. Popular attention on accessibility is usually directed toward authors to create accessible web content through the markup they use in their web resources. An equally critical factor to accessibility which gets far less attention is the ability of web browsers, multi-media players and other technologies that render web content to render web resources in a way that can be used by people with disabilities and people who are older through either direct accessibility features or compatibility with assistive technologies. This requires developers of web rendering technologies to be familiar with the needs of these people. Developers need to understand how their needs translate into user interface design and features for allowing users to control and adjust the rendering of content to meet their individual needs. Just like curb cuts and ramps have made public buildings and spaces more accessible to people with a wider range of skills and abilities, electronic curb cuts are needed in software technologies to make them usable by people with a wider range of abilities. This workshop will help designers and managers understand the needs of people with disabilities, the requirements for creating accessible web rendering technologies based on the W3C User Agent Accessibility Guidelines, and examples of how current web browser technologies implement features for accessibility.

TA5 Building XML Applications Using Xquery 1.0
Mary Fernandez, AT&T Labs - Research
Jerome Simeon, IBM Research

XQuery 1.0 is the query language for XML being defined by the W3C. By May 2004, we expect that XQuery will be a W3C recommendation and that numerous database and software vendors will be shipping products that provide and utilize XQuery. The purpose of this tutorial is not only to introduce XQuery "as is" to IT professionals, but also to explain its benefits in the broader context of Web-application development. We will identify how XQuery can be used to significantly simplify the development of applications that process XML documents, notably Web services. The tutorial is divided into two sections. In the first section, we give a survey of XQuery's key features, using small examples from the larger example that will be presented in the second section. By the end of the first section, the attendees should be able to write simple queries for extracting data from and for transforming XML documents. In the second section, we focus on applying XQuery in the development of a small Web application. The development of a Web application typically includes the following tasks. First, non-XML legacy data must be published in XML and that XML must conform to a pre defined XML Schema. We will describe common techniques for publishing non-XML data in XML and explain how XQuery can help guarantee that the resulting XML conforms to a target schema. Second, the behavioral interface of the Web application is published, either as a collection of SOAP messages or as a specification in the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL). Implementing the behavioral interface often requires returning a subset of the service's data, i.e., answering queries. We will describe how XQuery can be used to help implement the behavioral interface of a Web service. Lastly, we describe the benefits and costs of using a declarative query language in the context of a general-purpose, procedural programming language.


TP1 Foundations of Web Services: Engagement, Discovery and Composition
Munindar Singh, NC State
Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina

This tutorial has a prequel, which emphasizes concepts of basic services, semantic Web techniques, and transactions and business processes. Attendees with sufficient background may skip the prequel. In emerging practice, the classical Web services triangle of publish find, and bind is being upgraded to include sophisticated descriptions, discovery, and engagement. This tutorial discusses advanced engagement, and discovery, and composition. Its prequel tutorial emphasizes architectures, description techniques and standards, and basic forms of engagement. Some of the key techniques were developed in the areas of databases, distributed computing, artificial intelligence, and multiagent systems. These are generally established bodies of work that can be readily adapted for services. Some additional techniques are being developed from scratch to better address the essential openness and scale of Web applications that previous work did not need to address. This tutorial seeks to introduce and evaluate techniques for exceptions, process modeling and enactment, monitoring and compliance, reputation and trust, agents, protocols, contracts, planning, and negotiation. This tutorial is presented at a senior or beginning graduate student level. It is accessible to Web programmers, advanced developers, and students.

TP2 Content Networking - Architectures, Protocols and Practice
Markus Hofmann, Lucent Bell Labs

The Internet, and in particular the World Wide Web (WWW), have become an integral part of people's lives. With the increase in popularity, however, users have to face more and more problems when using the Internet - high access delays, poor quality of service and unreliable services. This tutorial helps participants in understanding the reasons for these problems. It explains the challenges in making content available on the WWW, describes basic concepts and principles for improving the current situation and outlines possibilities for tapping into the huge potential of custom-tailored provisioning of converged services over the Internet. The tutorial starts with a short summary of fundamental techniques and protocols for moving content on the Internet, followed by an introduction to fundamental web caching techniques. From there, the tutorial outlines the evolution from web caching towards a flexible and open architecture to support a variety of content-oriented services. Evolutionary steps include support for streaming media, systems for global request routing, and the design of APIs and protocols enabling value-added services, such as compression, filtering, or transformation. The tutorial also explains how the different components interact with each other and how they can be used to build complex content networks. The participant will learn how the technology evolved from traditional web caching towards more sophisticated content services. The participant will get a better understanding of the key components in modern content networks and of the protocols that make the components interact with each other. Various examples will help the participant to better understand how this technology can be deployed and how it could help their business. All parts of the tutorial will have a mix of research and industry flavor, addressing seminal research concepts and looking at the technology from an industry angle.

TP3 Web Development - Intelligent Information Integration for the Semantic Web
Ubbo Visser, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, and Holger Wache

The tutorial addresses the relation between existing research in the area of intelligent information integration and new requirements and technologies that arise from the area of Semantic Web research. We would like to emphasize the importance of information integration on the World Wide Web in the context of providing intelligent access to heterogeneous and distributed information sources and intelligent services. We will provide an overview of existing solutions to the problem of information integration and extract common features in terms of architecture and technologies use in order to give potential attendees an impression of how successful approaches look.

TP4 Text Mining and Link Analysis for Web Data
Dunja Mladenic, Marko Grobelnik

The tutorial on Text Mining and Link Analysis for Web Data will focus on two main analytical approaches when analyzing web data: text mining and link analysis for the purpose of analyzing web documents and their linkage. First, the tutorial will cover some basic steps and problems when dealing with the textual and network (graph) data showing what is possible to achieve without very sophisticated technology. The idea of this first part is to present the nature of un-structured and semi-structured data. Next, in the second part, more sophisticated methods for solving more difficult and challenging problems will be shown. In the last part, some of the current open research issues will be presented and some practical pointers on the available tolls for solving previously mentioned problems will be provided.

WWW 2004 Organizers
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery
NYU, New York University
NYU Center for Advanced Technology
IBM Research
IW3C2, the International World-Wide Web Conference Committee