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Realization of our concept in a wireless LAN

We have realized our NGN concept by a QoS enhanced LINUX implementation at a testbed consisting of an IEEE802.11b compatible WLAN with Mobile IPv4 as network and standard TCP as transport layer (cf. [5]). The WLAN is created by Lucent's WaveLAN products running in the ISM band at about 2.4 GHz (cf. [3], [4]) and the QoS-support schemes at the flow and packet levels, e.g. packet classifier, class-based, priority and FIFO queueing and token-bucket shaper are provided by the LINUX enhancements (cf. [5], [15]).
The network structure is shown in Figures and 8 (see also 9).

Figure 7: Testbed with overlapping microcells generated by two access points (Lucent's WavePOINTS).
\includegraphics[scale=0.38, angle=0]{figures/telefunk.eps}
Figure 8:Network structure of the wireless LAN and its Mobile IP configuration.

It comprises two overlapping microcells that are generated by two access points (APs), i.e. Lucent's WavePOINTS, with two foreign agents running on the hosts Aldebaran ( and Orion (, the home network, the corresponding home agent at the host Deneb (, the mobile nodes (MNs) Merkur ( and Uranus ( and the correspondent host Sirius (

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