The File Window
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The File window pops up when one selects the Open, Save or
Insert options under the File menu . See Figure 5.
Figure 5: File Dialog Window
This window have the following sections:
- Filter
This is used to show the current directory. One can move to
another directory, just writing the new directory path in the Filter
window and pushing the button Filter. One can use
a mask of all files in the directory.
- Directories
Show the Directories under the current Directory. Clicking on
a directory enters the directory
- Files
Show the files in your current directory. If you select one
of these files the name appears in the Selection window.
- Selection
Here you can enter the name of your file.
- Open, Save or Insert
When this button is pressed, the file is opened, saved or inserted
in the text window.
Once a file is opened the name of the file is shown in the File
window at the bottom of the main window.
There are some limitations of the memory to open a file. Try not to
open very large files. one may rationalize that one of the purposes of HTML is to link
several documents with hyperlinks. Therefore short documents can be
read more quickly and effectively that large document.
Computer Science Department at Rensselaer