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WWW10 Calls for Participation:

Poster Track

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The Poster track will provide an ideal opportunity for conference attendees to learn about new and innovative work-in progress, and to preview on-going research projects that might not yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are already interesting. Posters will be reviewed by members of the Poster Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Accepted posters will be displayed in a dedicated poster area, and presented during a poster reception. Poster Papers will appear in a separate proceedings distributed to conference attendees. To encourage poster submissions of good quality, two Poster Awards will be presented at the conference. For more information, please send e-mail to the Posters Chair at posters@www10.org.hk.

Poster Track Schedule

  • Poster submission deadline:
- Closed
  • Author notification:
- March 5, 2001
  • Poster Set Up:
- May 1, 2001
  • Poster Presentation:
- May 2-4, 2001
  • Poster Reception:
- May 3, 2001

Poster Topics

The following is a partial list of topics of interest:
  • Hypertext and hypermedia
  • Web accessibility
  • Intelligent agents
  • Resource management
  • http and beyond
  • Performance and reliability
  • Interoperability
  • Propagation, caching, replication
  • Real-time multimedia support
  • Reliability and error recovery
  • Electronic commerce
  • Agent technologies
  • Web navigation strategies
  • Multimedia and streaming
  • Computer graphics
  • Browsers and tools
  • Web applications
  • Content and coding
  • Querying and indexing
  • XML
  • Web characterization
  • Languages and standards
  • Scalability of web servers
  • Intelligent search engines
  • User interface and interactions
  • Distributed objects
  • Metadata on the Web
  • Architecture issues
  • Naming and resolution
  • Privacy and preferences
  • Internationalization/ Mulitilinguism

Poster Submission Guidelines

To submit a poster, go to: http://witanweb.iit.nrc.ca/www10p/

All authors are required to submit their posters in either html or pdf format. When printed on the standard A4 paper, the poster must be no more than two pages in length. The accepted posters will be printed in a poster proceedings and be distributed at the conference. Since the format is short, special attention should be given to ensure that major contributions, i.e., significance and originality, be emphasized succinctly. Due to time limitation, there will not be time for any revision after submission. Hence, please make sure that the submitted poster be in a camera-ready version.

Posters submitted in html format must incorporate the following CSS into the <head> of their html document. A sample poster utilizing the CSS can be found here.

All posters submitted in pdf format must adhere to the following pdf guidelines. A sample pdf document with the proper poster submission guidelines can be found in two different templates; in the MS Word format and in the LaTeX format with TeX file and the cls file. A single pdf file describing the format can be found here.

 Single Column FormatDouble Column Format
Template HTML
CSS code
MS Word
LaTeX tex file, cls style file
Sample file PDF PDF

Poster Tracks

The following is a list of tracks and their relevant topics of interest:

Poster Awards

There will be two awards given for the Poster Track.

The first award is the Best Poster Award. It is presented to the first named presenter of the poster receiving the highest number of attendee votes for Best Poster. The award includes a passport admission that covers full registration to WWW11, to be held in Hawaii.

The second award is the Best Student Poster Award. It is presented to the student author (who must be the first author) of the poster receiving the highest number of attendee votes of Best Student Poster. The student author will receive US $1,000.

Both awards will be voted on by the WWW10 attendees during the Poster Reception. Both awards will be presented at the awards ceremony at the closing of WWW10.

A note on accessibility issues:

  • Whenever appropriate, authors are encouraged to comment on accessibility as it relates to their poster.
  • Are the technologies, standards or practices you are discussing accessible to individuals who use alternative display or control systems (e.g., people who have disabilities)?
  • For more information please see http://www.w3.org/WAI/
Last Updated: February 7, 2001