WWW10 Accepted Poster List

1006 Who is SMILing on the Web?
1008 A License Management Model to Support B2C and C2C Music Sharing
1010 Spoken Query for Web Search and Navigation
1011 Supporting Deaf Sign Languages in Written Form on the Web
1012 An Effective and User-Friendly IDE Tool to Facilitate Conceptual Design and Maintenance of Web Applications
1013 Logic-Based Adaptive Information Agents on the Web
1014 A Web Site Navigation Engine
1015 Hierarchical Atomic Navigation for Small Display Devices
1016 A Web-based Management Tool for Health Care Services with Appointment Required
1017 Relevance Evaluation of Search Engines' Query Results
1018 Methods for Measuring Search Engine Performance over Time
1019 Supporting health sciences education with IMS-based multimedia repository
1020 XStorM: A Scalable Storage Mapping Scheme for XML Data
1021 CERN Building and Map Interface via WWW and on the Palm
1022 Soft-Classing to Create Evolving Ontologies for Distributed Resources
1024 An Investigation of XML-technologies for Infrastructures for Web-based Virtual Courses
1026 A Web Media Agent
1032 A SMIL-based Real-Time Interactive Sharing System for Distance Learning
1033 Trovatore: Towards a Highly Scalable Distributed Web Crawler
1035 Developing a new resource for visually impaired people
1038 Querying XML data : the DQL language
1039 Building a Lifestyle Recommender System
1040 WebGuard: A System for Web Content Protection
1043 Finding Related Web Pages Based on Connectivity Information from a Search Engine
1044 Indexing the Indonesian Web: Language Identification and Miscellaneous Issues
1045 P-Jigsaw: Extending Jigsaw with Rules Assisted Cache Management
1046 Information Gathering of Web pagesto Guide Concept Understanding
1047 A search engine for polygonal models to support development of 3D e-learning applications
1048 Improving Web Site's Accessibility
1049 Crawling the Hidden Web
1051 Efficient Acquisition of Web Data through Restricted Query Interfaces
1052 Adaptivity in Web-based Educational System
1053 WebLQM : A Web Community Examiner
1054 Discovering Topics to Enhance Communities' Creation from Links to the Future
1055 Query-Session-Based Term Suggestion for Interactive Web Search
1059 XEBRA: The Design and Implementation of Integrated Programming Environment for XML Processing and Browsing.
1060 Personal WebMelody: Customized Sonification of Web Servers
1061 Architecture and Implementation of CC/PP Harmonization with P3P based on Web Privacy
1062 Content Request Markup Language (CRML): a Distributed Framework for XML-based Content Publishing
1064 RDN-Incliude: Re-branding Remote Resources
1066 Adapt CC/PP to Real World Information to Customize Web Service
1068 Using Characters to Engage and Teach Novice Web Users: A Case Study
1071 Relating Web Structure and User Search Behavior
1073 Media Browser: An Example of Metadata-Based Browsing
1074 WebMacros - a Proxy-based System for Recording and Replaying User Interactions with the Web
1075 Exploiting Neglected Data Locality in Browsers
1076 A Logic-based Framework for Mobile Intelligent Information Agents
1077 Web Query Characteristics and their Implications on Search Engines
1078 Interactive Web search by graphical query refinement
1079 Pervasive Multimedia Markup Language (PMML): an XML-based multimedia content specification for pervasive access
1081 Online Learning in Hong Kong: A Preliminary Comparison of the Lecture and Online Versions of a Computing Fundamentals Course
1083 A Web Community Chart for Navigating Related Communities
1085 Visual SQL-X: A Graphical Tool for Producing XML Documents from Relational Databases
1088 JOBS: Javacard-based Online-ticket Booking System
1089 Which Search Engine is best at finding Online Services?
1090 BibTeXML: An XML Representation of BibTeX
1091 Inter-institutional Collaborative Teaching In The Virtual School of Biodiversity
1093 Automated Alignment of Multiple Internet Directories
1094 Document Visualization on Small Displays
1096 A Scalable XML Access Control System
1097 An OAI Approach to Sharing Subject Gateway Content
1098 ComponentXchange: A Software Component Marketplace on the Internet
1102 Integrating Software Agents into the HTTP Caching Infrastructure
1105 Auditing for Accessibility
1108 WOOD - Web-based Object-oriented Desktop
1109 Wireless access to a content routing system
1110 Finding topics in dynamical text: application to chat line discussions
1111 Similarity-based queries for XML databases using ELIXIR
1112 XML and XSLT Modeling for Multimedia Bitstream Manipulation
1116 Managing networked learning environments for health via XML databases and Zope
1117 Segmentation of On-line Job Advertisements
1119 A Scalable Framework for Collaborating Web Clearinghouses
1120 iMobile: An Agent-Based Platform for Mobile Services
1122 Classification Pruning for Web-request Prediction
1123 Integrating Interactive TV with the Web using XSL
1124 Towards a Framework to Effective Web-based Distributed Learning.
1126 Personalized Portal for Wireless Devices
1127 A Browser Front End For CORBA Objects
1128 National Science Foundation Project on Web-Based Education in IT
1129 XML Key Management Specification (XKMS)
1131 Objectifying the Web the "light" way: an RDF-based framework for the description of Web objects
1132 Keeping Web Indices up-to-date
1133 A Real-time E-Marketplace System for Advertising Opportunities on Datacasting
1136 Establishing Persistent Identity using the Handle System
1137 Personal Automation: Combining Personal Information Management Systems and Rule Engines
1138 Interpretation of declarative RDF Models for enabling content display on multiple devices
1139 Web Acceleration for Electronic Commerce Applications
1140 Discovering Web Document Associations for Web Site Summarization
1141 LOGML - XML Language for Web Usage Mining
1142 Image Retrieval by Content Measure Metadata Coding
1144 Annotation System for Grading Assignments
1146 Kokono Search: A Location Based Search Engine
1147 MCWEB: A Model-Checking Tool for Web Site Debugging
1148 An integrated multiple media portal with semiautomatic editing features
1149 Xyleme Query Architecture
1150 Integration of Search Engines with User Interfaces
1152 Empowering VET Teachers to Use IT for Teaching