WWW7 Program WWW7 Conference

Please note: the deadline for submission of papers and posters closed on December 1st.

Formatting Instructions

General Requirements

  • Papers that may be submitted for consideration are those that have not previously been published in another forum, and are not currently being published or reviewed by another journal or conference.
  • All papers submitted will be refereed for relevance, originality, correctness and quality.
  • Only complete paper/poster submissions will be considered.

Version Submitted for Reviewing

Although this version of your paper/poster/presentation will be the version that is sent to reviewers, we nonetheless need you to follow the following presentation guidelines. If accepted, you will be given an opportunity to revise the presentation in the light of the reviewers' comments, and the Final Copy will then be added to the conference website, pressed on the CD and printed in the proceedings. As such it must be both a "live" HTML document with links and look nice printed. Therefore, please write it as if it will be viewed on-line but keep in mind that it will also be printed. This is the reason for the introduction of the URL section (see details below).

Overall Details of Formatting your Submission

All Submissions must comply with HTML 3.2. An HTML file that links to a Postscript version of the paper, say, is not acceptable.

IMPORTANT: include the following META tag in the HEAD section of the HTML 3.2 document that you submit, so that we can match it against the Submission Identification Number you obtained when you filled in the Intention-to-Submit Form:


where n is your Submission Identification Number.

Make sure that all parts of the presentation (with the possible exception of inlined images) are contained in a single file named
where n is your Submission Identification Number.

Ensure that all inlined images are referenced using the
               <IMG SRC="file.gif">
format, rather than having absolute URLs to images on your own website.

Make sure that the paper uses standard fonts and standard sizes. This means you cannot modify the fonts sizes and styles yourself. We want the proceedings to look like it was typeset.

Set background colour to white and text colour to black. Do not change standard colours such as the colour of an HTML link. You probably have noticed that the standard colour for an HTML link is blue. We are not saying that there will be no colours, but we want only standard colours.

Title Page of Submission

Do not put any hyperlinks before the word


on the title page.

DO NOT INCLUDE AUTHOR DETAILS. For the Final Copy, we will be generating author information from the details of the Intention-to-Submit Form that you filled in, and adding links to author's names so that an author's name is linked to the session where they are presenting the paper. This also enables a blind reviewing process for papers.

Put the title first. Make the title centred in H1 size e.g.


Next put the word "Abstract" centred, bold and in H3 size


Then put the actual abstract in a blockquote all in italics

One upon a time the world was small, then I discovered the web...

The main point to remember is use standard size text and no links in the text before the word Abstract. This will give the title page a standard look and feel which altogether will appear as below:



Once upon a time the world was small, then I discovered the web...

Sections in Submission

The section titles should use H2 size and be numbered starting with 1.

Subsections should use H3 size and be numbered such as 1.1, 1.3 etc..

Figures in Submission

Make sure that the figures fit in the margins (no more that 560 pixels wide).

Make sure that if you do a conversion on your pictures that they actually look nice and are readable. The accepted formats are:


Keep in mind these pictures will be printed in the proceedings in greyscale.

References in Submission

A list of references should appear at the end of the paper. Since we have printed proceedings, we ask that these be standard references with authors name, title of paper etc. Do not list references that are not mentioned in the body of the paper.

Immediately after the reference section we would like a URL section.

The URL section is optional.

The URL sections lists the URLs that you refer to in the paper. For instance, if in the text you say

many search engines have been developed, Lycos, Altavista, ...

this type of sentence would generally contain URLs. You may make these the usual href links, but please also include the text for the URLs in the URL section.

Alternatively, you may make URLs internal links down to the URL section where the URLs are both spelled out such as http://www.altavista.com and also href links.

Either style is acceptable.

Everything Else

    Everything that we have not mentioned, you are free to create as you wish.

Giving us Your Submission

    Once you have registered your intention to submit and have been assigned a Submission Identification Number, please send an email to the appropriate category chairs, giving the URL of the final version of your submission and your Submission Identification Number. For papers and posters, do not include author details in the final version of the paper but do include the Submission Identification Number (see the format details for each category). We will automatically upload your paper after the submission deadline and forward it to reviewers.

For queries about submissions, please contact the WWW7 Programme Chairs Paul Thistlewaite and Helen Ashman

Last updated on 13 October 1997. Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /submission_format.html
Copyright WWW7 Consortium and IW3C2, 1997-98, All Rights Reserved