Yoshimasa Masuoka, Toyohiko Kagimasa, Katsuyoshi Kitai,
Fumio Noda, Jinghua Min and Shigekazu Inohara
Central Research Lab., Hitachi, Ltd.
We propose a facility to form processor pools for WWW- and Java-based distributed applications. In the proposed facility, each user configures his or her own processor pool by using a middleware tool called the Unified Computing Environment Manager, or UCEM, thereby reducing the administrative cost to a minimum. A UCEM can temporarily share its processor pool with other UCEMs, enabling users to flexibly extend their processor pools. This dynamic sharing of processor pools facilitates efficient execution of distributed applications during client-server interaction in a WWW environment.
Keywords: Java; Load Balancing; Processor Pool; Client/Server Application
The application domains of the World Wide Web (WWW) [1] and of the Java programming language [2] are extending to complex and mission-critical distributed systems, including database access, electronic commerce, and decentralized control. Intensive research and development of new technologies are underway to apply WWW and Java to these new domains. For example, Joe middleware [3] provides interoperability between Java programs and distributed objects via an object request broker like CORBA [4]. The Aglet [5] framework enables Java programs to run on the server side.
By exploring the platform-independent nature of Java, these facilities can distribute applications to multiple computers regardless of their hardware and operating systems heterogeneity. These facilities, however, do not solve the issue of gathering and maintaining processor information from the Internet and large-scale intranets.
Because there is no system that maintains a set of processors for load balancing underlying these facilities, we cannot use them to handle even simple situations like following examples:
A common approach to handling these issues in a LAN environment is to put the computers connected to the network into a pool so that the clients and servers can exploit the combined processing power of the pool. While a number of studies have looked at load balancing in a LAN environment, extending load balancing to the Internet and to intranets will not be easy because of the many more users and computers. Not only will it be harder to form processor pools, but it will be expensive to maintain them.
We thus propose a new facility for providing processor pools for Java programs in the Internet and intranet environments. In our facility, each user is assigned his or her own processor pool to minimize the cost of maintaining the pools. In addition, each processor pool can be dynamically extended by merging with another pool. This makes it easy to maximize processor availability in each request from a client to a server. For example, a WWW server can use the computers available to a user making a request to the server.
Although load balancing for distributed systems has been studied for various applications (e.g., LANs [9, 10] and parallel databases [11]), little has been done for the Internet and intranets. Load balancing for the Internet and intranets is different from that for a local area primarily in terms of scale. It is different from that for a single system because of the heterogeneity of the overall system and because of the lack of a central authority. Our system tackles load balancing for the Internet and intranets, namely, from all three aspects: its scale, heterogeneity and autonomy.
Looking at the scale aspect, in load-balancing systems for LAN environments and for parallel machines (including Condor [6], LoadLeveler [12], and TaskBroker [13]), administrators first define a "master" server and "worker" machines (or processors in parallel machines). The master gathers the load information of the workers (usually periodically) and distributes incoming CPU-intensive processes to workers to maximize the throughput of the overall system. If we apply this method to the Internet and intranets, where the "worker" machines are in the thousands or even in the millions [14], the master server will be overloaded by the information coming from the workers, or it will be unable to obtain information in real time. The net effect in both cases is that the master server is unable to level the load of the workers. Besides, if we were to attempt serving all users in the Internet or in one intranet, the administrative cost (i.e., addition and deletion of users and computers) will become prohibitive.
Looking at the heterogeneity aspect, gathering only the load information is not sufficient for load balancing in the Internet or in an intranet. The information needed to enable processes to be distributed to workers includes:
Note that some of this information is determined only when a user's identity and location, along with the process to be executed, are given.
Looking at the autonomy aspect, even if technically possible, a central server for load balancing in the Internet or in an intranet is not realistic because of the financial and/or political bounds in these wide-area networks. It is natural for a company to disallow outside users to dispatch their processes to machines owned by the company. We thus have to consider that in the current computing environment, the set of "available" computers differs from user to user.
Our proposed middleware framework for wide-area and large-scale distributed systems is called the Unified Computing Environment (UCE for short). A UCE consists of a set of cooperating user-level daemons called UCE Manager (UCEM) running on multiple computers connected to a network: these UCEMs integrate the underlying computing resources (files, processors, etc.). Each set of UCEMs thus works like the distributed operating systems first explored in the mid 80's (for example, the V distributed system [5], Amoeba [15], Sprite [16], and Accent [17]). As shown in Fig. 1, the core features of the UCE are as follows.
Our facility for providing processor pools for WWW- and Java-based applications is based on the UCE. As shown in Fig. 2, a proxy server runs on top of each UCE, and a Web browser (even a commercial browser with no modification) is configured to use the proxy server as its proxy. This proxy server acts as a regular HTTP proxy server, except that it transforms Web pages written in HTML into pages that make the browser communicate with Java programs running on remote computers.
In Fig. 2, a browser user can use the processor pool consisting of computers 1 and 2 for Java applets. When the browser sends a request for a Web page to a Web server httpd, the request is first received by the proxy server, which transfers it to the specified Web server (step 1). The httpd returns the Web page to the proxy server (step 2). The proxy server examines the Web page (written in HTML) and if it contains Java applet tags, the server transforms them into tags that invoke a plug-in software module described later. The server then sends the modified Web page to the browser (step 3). The proxy server then requests the Java bytecodes specified in the Web page and receives them from the httpd (step 4). The proxy server then determines on which computers these bytecodes should be executed. This is done by referring to the information maintained by the UCEM. After determining the computers, the proxy server invokes the required Java execution environments (e.g., a Java interpreter like AppletViewer) on the selected computers and sends the Java bytecodes to the computers (step 5).
It is easy to utilize computers shared by many users. As shown in Fig. 3, a proxy server 2 is running on top of an UCE, forming the processor pool consisting of computer 2 (and more) shared by many users. A browser and its proxy server 1 are running on computer 1 which is the private resource of the browser user. When the browser sends a request, it is sent to the server httpd through the proxy server 1 and 2 (step 1). Because this makes the server 1 start communicating with the server 2, the two processor pools are temporarily merged to one consisting of computer 1, 2 and more. The httpd then returns the Web page to the proxy server 2 which transfers it to the server 1 without transformation (step 2). Subsequent steps 3 to 5 are followed as in Fig. 2 except that the proxy server 1 selects computers from the merged processor pool. Other users, whether each has his or her own resource or not, can utilize computer 2 and more by following the same steps.
In these cases, access controls over processors remain reasonable. Note the following points:
In this section, we describe the implementation of the UCE Manager (UCEM) and the plug-in software module.
As shown in Fig. 5, in the current implementation, each UCEM has a resource table, containing the following information on computers inside its processor pool:
Because UCE constructs a per-user environment for load balancing, including more information in the UCEMs poses no problem. For example, future UCEMs could maintain such additional information as the kind of operating system, the bandwidth and latency between the worker and the user, the worker machine's ability to read and write other workers' files, and the charge for the worker. Each of the cooperating UCEM updates its own resource table by multicasting new load information (if any) to all other cooperating UCEMs, referring the resource table in itself.
Because there may be multiple UCEMs that are not cooperating with each other running on the same computer, another daemon, called the Local Monitor (LM), runs on each computer, to provide the load information for that computer. This keeps the load information for all UCEMs running on that computer the same. When a UCEM knows that the load on the computer will change (because the UCEM has invoked a Java execution environment on the computer), it notifies the LM of the load change (step 1), and the LM multicasts it to all UCEMs running on the same computer (step 2).
When balancing the load of multiple Java applets in a single Web page (as in Fig. 2), a plug-in [8] module is used to let the browser communicate with Java applets on remote computers and thus let the browser user interact with the applets. This module acts as a proxy for the user interfaces: it receives bitmap images from the actual Java programs and transfers them to the underlying window system, and it takes the mouse and keyboard input and transfers it to the Java programs. As described above, the proxy server shown in Fig. 2 does some transformation of the HTML received from Web servers in order to invoke the plug-in module. What the proxy server really does is replace HTML '<APPLET>... </APPLET>' tags with '<EMBED> ... </EMBED>' tags. The invoked modules listen to TCP ports, and wait for actual Java applets to start running and connect to the port. The port number is transferred from the invoked modules to the proxy server, then to the invoked Java programs.
We have almost completed the UCEM and plug-in modules. The current prototype is being built on UNIX desktop workstations, with a cluster parallel machine as a processor pool. The prototype includes a set of UCEMs on these hardware platforms, a WWW proxy server that communicates with the UCEMs and distributes the Java applets, a small program that captures the visual output of the Java applets, and a Netscape plug-in module that accepts output from remote applets and displays it. Fig. 6 is a sample screen snapshot of our current prototype. The browser displays five Java applets, each of which runs on a different processor in the processor pool and computes a 3D image of a rotating DNA helix.
Our proposed facility provides flexible processor pools for WWW and Java programming environments. Load balancing by forming and utilizing processor pools will become an important solution to the performance issues currently facing WWW and Java applications. The facility described in this paper will work for complex WWW- and Java-based applications because of its minimum administration cost and overhead, and because its flexibility maximizes the availability of processors by sharing resources between clients and servers.
Currently we are working on an advanced prototype, but there are many issues still remaining to be solved. One of them is security. In particular, authentication facility suitable to UCE is needed.
Also needed is a quantitative study of administrative overhead this facility involves. We believe that the cost of this overhead will be negligible, but this conclusion is based only on qualitative considerations. It remains to be proven in a real-world environment.
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