Wednesday, 13 Dec 1995

Note: This program is subject to change.

Wednesday, 13 December 1995

8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
General Sessions
Salon G

10:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Copley Marriott - Third Floor

10:30 - 12:00 noon
General Sessions
Salon G

12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Hynes Center

2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
General Sessions
Salon G

3:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall

4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Closing Plenary Session
Copley Marriott Grand Ballroom

Wednesday, 13 December 1995

General Sessions: 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

IF1 - Cool or Content: Design

Marriott Salon G
Co-chairs: Jakob Nielsen, Sun Microsystems and Eviatar Shafrir, Hewlett-Packard

What Does it Take to Design a Great Web Site?

P08 - Media: Short Summary Presentations on New Content Types

Marriott Salon F
Chair: Joseph Hardin, NCSA, Software Develpment Group

Not Just Decoration: Quality Graphics for the Web
Chris Lilly

Bringing Music to the Web
Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Anton Eliëns

Polymap: A Versatile Client-Side Image Map for the Web
Cheong S. Ang, Michael D. Doyle, Peter Brantley

Translating ISO 12083 Mathematical Markup for Electronic Documents
Roger Thompson, Keith Shafer

Real Time-Video and Audio in the World Wide Web
Zhigang Chen, See-Mong Tan, Roy H. Campbell, Yongcheng Li

Lessons for the World Wide Web from the Text Encoding Initiative
David T. Barnard, Lou Burnard, Steven J. DeRose, David G. Durand, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

P09 - Mobile Code

Marriott Salon E
Chair: Mary Ellen Zurko, OSF Research Institute

Omniware: A Universal Substrate for Web Programming
Steve Lucco, Oliver Sharp, Robert Wahbe

Low Level Security in Java
Frank Yellin

P10 - Security (immediately following P09)

Marriott Salon E
Chair: Mary Ellen Zurko, OSF Research Institute

CCI-Based Web Security: A Design Using PGP
Judson D. Weeks, Adam Cain, Briand Sanderson

Securing the World Wide Web: Smart Tokens and Their Implementation
Michael F. Jones, Bruce Schneier

SS2 - Special Session - W3C Forum

Hynes Center Room 302
Chair: Dan Connolly

An Update of W3C Standards and Development Strategies

P11 - Application Building Tools

Hynes Center Room 304
Chair: Vincent Quint, INRIA

Application-Specific Proxy Servers as HTTP Stream Transducers
Charles Brooks, Murray S. Mazer, Scott Meeks, Jim Miller

DynaWeb: Integrating Large SGML Repositories and the WWW
Gavin Thomas Nicol

RMC: A Tool to Design WWW Applications
Alicia Díaz, Tomás Isakowitz, Vanesa Maiorana, Gabriel Gilabert

Programming the Web: An Application-Oriented Language for Hypermedia Service Programming
David A. Ladd, Christopher Ramming

IF2 - Business to Business

Hynes Center Room 306
Chair: Peter Roden, MIT-Information Systems

How Does Electronic Commerce Serve Business-to-Business Customers?

Coffee: 10:00 - 10:30 a.m.

General Sessions: 10:30 - 12:00 noon

IP5, IP6 - Invited Presentations

Marriott Salon G
Chair: Tim Krauskopf, Spyglass Inc.

Future of Imaging on the Web
Christopher Dobbs, Eastman Kodak Co.

How Internet Technology Drives New Business Models
Steve Fink, Marketing Development Manager, Internet Business Group, Digital

P12 - Client-Side Techniques

Marriott Salon F
Chair: Paul Resnick, AT&T

Introducing Candelweb and Å (awe), Bringing Animation Power to the World Wide Web
Kjell Øystein Arisland, Svein Arne Johansen, Gunnar Rønning

Local Control over Filtered WWW Access
Brenda S. Baker, Eric Grosse

Multi-Head Multi-Tail Mosaic
Brian C. Ladd, Michael V. Capps, P. David Stotts, Rick Furuta

Mobile GUI on the Web
Daniel Dardailler

Using Graphic History in Browsing the WWW
Eric Z. Ayers, John T. Stasko

P13 - Payment

Marriott Salon E
Chair: David M. Kristol, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Scalable, Secure, Cash Payment for WWW Resources with the PayMe Protocol Set
Michael Peirce, Donal O'Mahony

The Millicent Protocol for Inexpensive Electronic Commerce
Steve Glassman, Mark Manasse, Martín Abadi, Paul Gauthier, Patrick Sobalvarro

P14 - Hypertext and Linking

Hynes Center Room 302
Chair: Larry Masinter, Xerox PARC

Linking in a Global Information Architecture
Karen R. Sollins, Jeffrey R. Van Dyke

Commercial Hypertext Publishing: Electronic Books Using Trails and the Author-Publishing-Reader Model
Leslie D. Cuff

Ingrid: A Self-Configuring Information Navigation Infrastructure
Paul Francis, Takashi Kambayashi, Shin-ya Sato, Susumu Shimizu

P16 - Authoring Tools

Hynes Center Room 304
Chair: Alan Emtage, Bunyip Information Systems

A Schema-Based Approach to HTML Authoring
Marcus Kesseler

Rules for Extending a WWW Client: The Symposia API
Jean Paoli

The Distributed Link Service: A Tool for Publishers, Authors, and Readers
Leslie Carr, David De Roure, Wendy Hall, Gary Hill

Structured Cooperative Authoring on the World Wide Web
Dominique Decouchant, Vincent Quint, Manuel Romero Salcedo

The Boomerang White Paper: A Page As You Like It
Curtis E. Dyreson, Anthony M. Sloane

PAN5 - Government Uses of the Web

Hynes Center Room 306
Chair: Jeff Graber, National Science Foundation

How are Government Agencies Using the Web Effectively to Reach Citizens?

Lunch: 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. (Hynes Center)

Invited Presentation

Web of the Future
Robert W. Lucky, Corporate Vice President of Applied Research, Bellcore

General Sessions: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

IP7, IP8 - Invited Presentations

Marriott Salon G
Chair: Corinne Moore, Commercenet

Programming Windows on the Internet
Thomas Reardon, Chris Jones, J. Allard, Microsoft Corporation

The New Computing Paradigm
Bill Joy, Cofounder and Vice President of Research, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

PAN6 - Visualizing the Web

Marriott Salon F
Chair: Nahum D. Gershon, The MITRE Corporation

Can a Visualization of Web Space Make it Easier for Users to Navigate?

IF3 - Creating Content for the Web

Marriott Salon E
Chair: Dale Dougherty, Songline Studios

P16 - Agents

Hynes Center Room 302
Chair: Charlie Brooks, OSF Research Institute

An HTTP-Based Infrastructure for Mobile Agents
Anselm Lingnau, Oswald Drobnik, Peter Doemel

Jasper: Communicating Information Agents for WWW
John Davies, Richard Weeks, Mike Revett

Constellation: A Web-Based Design Framework for Developing Network Applications
Nino Vidovic, Dalibor F. Vrsalovic

PAN7 - Rating Content on the Web

Hynes Center Room 304
Chair: Brian Ek, Prodigy Services Co.

Does the Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) Preserve Openness Yet Provide Ample Protection?
Jim Kinsella, Time Warner
Paul Resnick, AT&T
Steve Balkam, Recreational Software Advisory Council
Danny Weitzner, Center for Democracy and Technology

P17 - Novel Applications for W3

Hynes Center Room 306
Chair: Bert Bos, W3C-INRIA

A World Wide Web Telerobotic Remote Environment Browser
Eric Paulos, John Canny

Data Transport Within the Distributed Oceanographic Data System
James Gallagher, George Milkowski

Requirements for Taking Applications Beyond the Enterprise
Graeme Port, Clifford Heath, Tim Segall, Phillip Merrick

Break: 3:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Closing Plenary Session: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. (Copley Marriott Grand Ballroom)

Awards Ceremony
Awards Co-chairs: Robert Cailliau, CERN and Yuri Rubinsky, Softquad, Inc.

WWW4-Boston Wrapup and Keynote
Robert Metcalfe, VP, Advanced Technology, International Data Group

WWW5-Paris, May 6-11, 1996
Conference Chair, Jean-François Abramatic

Closing Remarks
Conference Co-chairs, Albert Vezza and Ira Goldstein

Created 03 Nov 1995
Last updated 28 Nov 1995